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Arnold School of Public Health

Adebimpe Oduwole

Learn About Our Ambassadors

Involvement on Campus: Phi Delta Epsilon, Multicultural Outreach Students Team (MOST) Admissions Public Relations Officer, Black Medical Student Association (BMSA), Galen Health Fellows, Gamecock Pantry Volunteer

Why you chose to pursue your degree within the ASPH: As an aspiring physician I believed it was important to get an undergraduate degree that would be tailored towards a more holistic view and study of medicine but one that would also allow me to complete my med school prerequisites, which seemed most attainable as and Arnold School student!

Advice for future students: Step out of your comfort zone and join or go to things you typically feel like you wouldn’t be interested in! The best way to meet people is through different organizations!

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
