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My Moore School

Graduation Information

All candidates for degrees and certificates must file formal applications during the last academic term before graduation. The graduation application can be accessed in Self Service Carolina under the "student" tab ("Apply to Graduate" option). Applications must be filed by the third week of the fall or spring semester in which the degree is to be awarded or within the first 10 days of the first summer session. If the student is not enrolled during the first summer session, the application must be filed within the first week of the second summer session for the student to graduate at the summer commencement.

To further review the graduation policies for USC, visit the bulletin's website.

Baccalaureate Degree Designations
  • Summa Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA of 3.95 - 4.0
  • Magna Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA of 3.75 - 3.949
  • Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA of 3.50 - 3.749

The honors policy for other bulletin years (the year you began at South Carolina), can be found in their respective bulletin.


Graduation Frequently Asked Questions

This information is available on the registrar’s office webpage.

All students should complete a Moore School senior check form the semester prior to graduation. This will let the business school know you are planning to graduate. Students must complete this form before they can be approved to graduate. Note: You should only complete this form after you have been advised for your final semester’s classes. Contact your advisor for a form.

Students should apply for graduation by logging in to Self Service Carolina, selecting their “student” tab, and clicking on the “apply to graduate” option before the appropriate deadline.

If the deadline to submit your graduation application has passed, contact the registrar’s office and let them know you need to submit a late application. The registrar’s office can let you know if your name will still be in the program, as this depends on how late you submit your graduation application.

If you realize your information is not correct in Self-Service Carolina, contact your advisor ASAP to make them aware of the issue. They can request that the registrar’s office update the information.

Yes, this is correct. Students earning more than one major from the Darla Moore School of Business are not earning more than one degree. Both majors are listed under one degree, so it is normal for the system to read “no degree” for your second major.

Yes, final semester grades are not processed until after the graduation ceremony. This means that students are not required to pass courses with sufficient grades their final semester to be able to participate in the graduation ceremony. If you think you may not pass a course, you should still plan to participate in the graduation ceremony, and then you should contact your advisor immediately regarding making up the course so that your degree may be awarded at a later term.

If you apply for graduation and then decide you don’t want to graduate yet, contact your advisor ASAP. They can request to have your application for that graduation term deleted.

If you would like the order of your majors rearranged for your diploma, contact your advisor to let them know how you would like this to appear. They can update the information with the Registrar’s office.

Students planning to participate in the commencement ceremony early and then finish their degree requirements during the summer should complete the “Request to Participate in Commencement Early/Late” form. Additionally, students should plan to complete the graduation application in Self-Service Carolina during the term in which they plan to finish their degree requirements and graduate.

Yes. Students who need to request a change to how their name will appear on their diploma should send an email to the Registrars’ office at containing their VIP ID and how they would like their name to appear.

To view your diploma mailing address, log in to Self-Service Carolina and select “View Submitted Graduation Application.” If you need to change the address your diploma will be mailed to, email the Registrar’s office at and include your full name, VIP/USC ID and your new diploma mailing address.

The registrar’s office will send all graduation applicants an email to their South Carolina email address containing information about claiming tickets for the ceremony through Ticketmaster. Students must follow the instructions in this email to “claim” their tickets for the ceremony, and to request additional tickets if needed.

You will receive an email (to your South Carolina email address) from the registrar’s office containing information for how to order your cap and gown. Caps and gowns can also be purchased through the Russell House bookstore.

Students receive their diploma via mail to the diploma mailing address they provide on their graduation application. Diplomas are ordered approximately 90 days after graduation. Students can expect to receive their diploma approximately two weeks after that.

Concentrations (such as human resources, entrepreneurship and business data analytics) do not appear on a student’s diploma. However, they can be viewed on a student’s transcript for employer verification purposes.

No. A student’s minor will only be listed on their transcript and will not be printed on the diploma.

The registrar’s office oversees the task of coordinating the graduation ceremony for the university. Questions relating to the ceremony should be directed to the registrar’s office at the following address: Questions regarding your degree requirements should be directed to your academic advisor.

The Registrar’s office calls honors at the graduation ceremony based on a student’s GPA a few weeks prior to the graduation ceremony. The final honors distinction, which will be printed on a student’s diploma, is based on the student’s entire academic record, including the GPA for the final semester. This means that the honors that are called for a student at the graduation ceremony may differ from what is printed on a student’s diploma. Graduation with honors is based on a student’s cumulative South Carolina GPA, and is awarded as follows:

Summa Cum Laude: 3.95-4.0
Magna Cum Laude: 3.75-3.949
Cum Laude: 3.50-3.749

Students wishing to return to the university at a later date to finish a second major are held to the university’s policy on obtaining a second baccalaureate degree, including but not limited to completing a total of 24 new semester hours in residency at the university. This means that, regardless of the number of hours a student has remaining to finish the second major, they would be required to complete 24 new semester hours to obtain the second major.

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