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Department of Religious Studies

  • Rutledge Chapel and historic chandelier from the vantage point of the balcony

Mungo Pre-seminary Scholarship

Scholarship toward USC tuition for students of any major, who are planning to attend a seminary of any faith.

Now Accepting Applications for 2020 - 2021 Academic Year



The Mungo Scholarship is an annual award given to undergraduate students who are enrolled in a program of study at USC and plan to go on to a religious seminary of any faith. Students need not be religious studies majors and may apply more than once. Students must be residents of South Carolina.

Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. The amounts awarded are based on the overall quality of application materials, that are well-crafted, concise, and substantive. Amounts may vary from year to year. The deadline for applications is May 15 each spring. Awards are applied to the student's USC tuition in the following academic year.

Complete the application form and the following two documents.

  • Documentation of activities, work and qualifications. Include (a) any honors and accomplishments; (b) church, community, and club activities and any leadership roles you have had in them; and (c) any jobs that you have held.
  • Personal Statement outlining your goals in pursuing a seminary education and your vocational plans following seminary graduation.

download application form PDF>>

Sign the application form and send all three documents in email attachment to John Mandsager, Undergraduate Director:


by regular mail to:
Department of Religious Studies
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina 29208

Or hand deliver in an envelope to the Department of Religious Studies, Rutledge on the Horseshoe, third floor, 328. [for directions>>]


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