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Department of Religious Studies

  • Professor Mark Jennings - monograph

Alumni Professor Publishes Monograph

Graduate Pursuing a Career in Religious Studies

Mark A. Jennings, PhD, currently a visiting professor at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston, MA, graduated from USC in 1999 with a Masters degree in Religious Studies. He went on to earn a second MA from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Ancient Christianity and Judaism from Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Jennings has recently published a monograph on Philippians “The Price of Partnership in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians: ‘Make My Joy Complete’." The abstract for the monograph starts off:

Mark A. Jennings challenges the consensus that there is no clear single purpose that shapes the entire epistle to the Philippians; instead arguing that there is significant evidence for Paul to have written the letter with the sole intent of persuading the church to maintain its exclusive partnership with him and his gospel mission.

The monograph can be found at:

As a professor in Ancient Christianity and Judaism, Jennings's interests include Pauline letters, narrative criticism of the Gospels, and the social dynamics of the New Testament world. Mark is an alumnus of Gordon-Conwell (MABL '05) and also has degrees from Furman University (B.A.) and the University of South Carolina (M.A., M.Ed.). Prior to attending Gordon-Conwell, Mark studied Greek and Pauline theology at Oxford University (Linacre).

He is a member of South Shore Baptist Church (Hingham, MA) where he serves as an elder and regularly teaches. When he is not conversing about the New Testament, Jonathan Edwards and Koine Greek, one can regularly find Mark engaged in deep discussions regarding SEC football and the Red Sox. Mark lives with his wife and three sons in Weymouth, MA.

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