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Member Directory

Adams, Elizabeth
Arnold School of Public Health
pediatric obesity prevention, healthful dietary patterns, health inequities
Adlof, Suzanne
Arnold School of Public Health
Communication Sciences & Disorders
reading development and disorders; language development and disorders; reading comprehension; word learning; early identification and intervention
Alexander, Bree
College of Social Work
trauma intervention and recovery; school shootings (mass and/or collective trauma); school mental health; mental health with children and adolescents; spirituality and faith in coping
Armstrong, Bridget
Arnold School of Public Health
Exercise Science
childhood obesity prevention/intervention, pediatric sleep, physical activity, sedentary behavior, parenting, parent child interactions, parent health
Ascetta, Kate
College of Education
Educational Studies
early childhood, special education, professional development, language development, implementation science
Augustine, Jennifer
College of Arts and Sciences
intergenerational relations, maternal parenting, family demography, socioeconomic disparities in child health and achievement
Becker, Kim
College of Arts and Sciences
evidence-based treatments, school-based services, mental health systems, treatment engagement, clinical decision-making, modular interventions
Beets, Michael
Arnold School of Public Health
Exercise Science
measurement of Physical Activity, Parent influence on children’s activity, Afterschool Programs, Children with Disabilities, Statistics
Blake, Christine
Arnold School of Public Health
Health Promotion, Education & Behavior
nutrition; food choice; food schema; food insecurity; food context; family meals; qualitative research
Boghossian, Nansi
Arnold School of Public Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
perinatology, preterm birth, birth defects, pregnancy complications, epidemiology
Booze, Rose
College of Arts and Sciences
pediatric AIDS, prenatal drug abuse and early environmental exposures to toxins, neurological effects of childhood abuse and animal models of neurodevelopmental disorders
Bradshaw, Jessica
College of Arts and Sciences
autism spectrum disorders (ASD); early identification and intervention; infant development; neonatal neurobehavior; social communication; parent-infant interaction; visual attention and eye tracking
Brian, Ali
College of Education
Physical Education
motor development; adapted physical activity/education; gross motor skill developmental delay; physical activity
Brown, Michelle
College of Arts and Sciences
developmental psychopathology, developmental trajectories among children and adolescents, resiliency
Burkart, Sarah
Arnold School of Public Health
understanding the individual, family, social, and environmental factors that contribute to children's sleep health; developing and testing novel intervention strategies to enhance children's health and well-being
Burrow, John
College of Arts and Sciences
Criminology & Criminal Justice
juvenile delinquency, elderly offenders
Cai, Bo
Arnold School of Public Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
model selection, nonparametric modeling, multivariate analysis, survival analysis in areas of reproductive epidemiology, child health and toxicology, environmental health, longitudinal data analysis
Carlson, Ryan
College of Education
Educational Studies
relationship education, couples, intimate partner violence, parents of children with special needs.
Church, Chistopher
School of Law
child welfare, data analysis
Cox, Christina
College of Pharmacy
pediatric pharmacy; neonatal and pediatric ICU medication safety; pediatric medication education; pharmacy education
Crompton-Lilly, Catherine
College of Education
literacy in families; qualitative longitudinal research with children and families, literacy practices/learning for children in historically underserved families and communities
Crouch, Elizabeth
Arnold School of Public Health
adverse childhood experiences; rural health
D'Amico, Leigh
College of Education
Research, Evaluation, and Measurement Center
early childhood education; student assessment; and utilization-focused evaluation
Dail, Robin
College of Nursing
infant; neonatal; thermoregulation; body temperature; hypothermia; observational methods
Dawes, Molly
College of Education
Educational Studies
early adolescence, peer social dynamics, bullying and peer victimization, teacher attunement, teacher management of peer social dynamics, social goals
Dawson, Robin
College of Nursing
Patient-provider communication; interprofessional communication; language discordance; mHealth; simulation; asthma and other respiratory conditions; pediatric primary care
Decker, Scott
College of Arts and Sciences
neuropsychological assessment, diagnostic decision making, academic assessment, development, evolutionary psychology; primate cognition and comparative methodologies in applications to child cognitive development, ADHD, TBI, learning disabilities
DeHart, Dana
College of Social Work
violence; victims; incarceration; crime; juvenile delinquency; victim services; mixed methods; qualitative methods; substance abuse; mental health
Dhunjishah, Michelle
School of Law
Children's Law Center
children and youth in foster care, at-risk children, children in crisis, child maltreatment, child abuse and neglect, public policy related to children
Dickenson, Tammiee
College of Education
Research, Evaluation, and Measurement Center
applied statistics, multilevel analysis, quasi-experimental design, program evaluation, assessment development, measurement
DiStefano, Christine
College of Education
Educational Studies
survey & test construction, structural equation modeling, assessing emotional and behavioral development of school aged children
Dominguez, Vanessa
College of Education
Educational Studies
stress and coping; parental and family adjustment
Edmunds, Sarah
College of Arts and Sciences
evidence-based interventions for autism spectrum disorder
Fairchild, Amanda
College of Arts and Sciences
intersection of mediation and moderation models and how the integration of these models aids in program evaluation; effect size measures for mediation, measurement and evaluation of programs and outcomes; mediation in discrete time survival data; event history models.
Farber, Naomi
College of Social Work
field research; anthropoligical studies- qualitative methods; poverty and families; family formation; teenage pregnancy; child development; survey development; AIDS education and prevention
Fitton, Lisa
Arnold School of Public Health
Communication Sciences & Disorders
english language learners; bilingualism; cultural and linguistic diversity; language and literacy development; assessment; statistics; quantitative methodology
Flory, Kate
College of Arts and Sciences
Parenting & Family Research Center
childhood ADHD and risk for substance use/abuse and other health-risk behaviors; understanding and intervening to improve social impairment among children with ADHD; epidemiology of mental health concerns among children and adolescents
Fram, Maryah
College of Social Work
consult conceptualizing inequality and stratification; social capital; youth development; early childhood
Frongillo, Edward
Arnold School of Public Health
Health Promotion, Education & Behavior
food insecurity and nutrition; parenting and family stress; child feeding, growth, and development; policy and program development, implementation, and evaluation
Googe, Heather
College of Education
Child Development Research Center
early childhood special education
Grant, Michael
College of Education
Educational Studies
technology-enhanced learning environments; online teaching and learning; teaching and learning with mobile devices; inquiry; project-based learning; problem-based learning; instructional design; curriculum development; STEM
Greenlaw, June
Research Consortium on Children and Families
Gupta-Kagan, Josh
School of Law
child welfare, child protection, juvenile justice
Harbour, Kristin
College of Education
development and implementation of interventions and innovative instructional practices that lead to improved mathematical understanding for all students; students at risk for mathematical difficulties; support systems general and special education teachers’ mathematics content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge; co-teaching practices; innovative pre-service teacher preparation
Hardin, James
Arnold School of Public Health
Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
correlated data analysis, software development, measurement error
Harrison, Sayward
College of Arts and Sciences
pediatrics; resilience; HIV; adolescent sexual health; vaccination; school-based health interventions; mobile health interventions
Harrod, Steven
College of Arts and Sciences
how prenatal nicotine exposure alters drug motivated behavior in offspring; if novel drugs have the ability to decrease drug taking behaviors; and whether the sex of the animal influences various drug effects
Hartnett, Caroline
College of Arts and Sciences
family demography, intergenerational relationships, transition to adulthood, unintended pregnancy, family and social inequality
Hock, Robert
College of Social Work
autism spectrum disorder, parenting, family-system interventions, coparenting
Hudac, Caitlin
College of Arts and Sciences
understanding the social brain; neurodevelopmental disorders; addressing disparities
Iachini, Aidyn
College of Social Work
positive youth development, school mental health, school improvement, youth physical activity and sport, leadership and administration within youth-serving organizations, motivational interviewing with students, dropout prevention strategies, after school programs
Irvin, Matthew
College of Education
Educational Studies
rural youth, youth with disabilities, academic development, social-emotional development, risk and resilience, motivation, peer relations, bullying and aggression
JaJa, Cheedy
College of Nursing
sickle cell disease, pain management, newborn screening, pharmacogenetics, psychiatric and mental health
Jones, Sonya
Arnold School of Public Health
Center for Research in Nutrition & Health Disparities
nutrition policy, household and community food security, sustainable food systems, childhood obesity prevention, food assistance programs
Kim, Jaeseung
College of Social Work
work and family balance, low-income working parents, child-care giving, early child education
Klusek, Jessica
Arnold School of Public Health
Communication Sciences & Disorders
autism, fragile x syndrome, fragile x carriers, neurodevelopmental disabilities, social communication, pragmatic language, physiology
Kunz, Gina
College of Education
Educational Studies
family-school partnerships; academic and behavioral challenges, instruction and intervention; behavioral consultation; conjoint behavioral consultation; school-based behavioral health
Li, Xiaoming
Arnold School of Public Health
Health Promotion, Education & Behavior
resilience, health psychology, health behavior, mental health
Limberg, Dodie
College of Education
Educational Studies
school counseling, STEM, student outcomes, social/emotional development
Liu, Jihong
Arnold School of Public Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
maternal obesity, reproductive and perinatal epidemiology; physcial activity; international health, fetal origins of chronic diseases
Lizarraga, Sofia
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
stem cells, autism, neurodevelopmental disorders
Mactutus, Charles
College of Arts and Sciences
drug abuse neurotoxicity, addictive processes, NeuroAIDS, pediatric AIDS
Maydeu-Olivares, Alberto
College of Arts and Sciences
structural equation modeling and item response theory (IRT)
McDermott, Suzanne
Arnold School of Public Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
maternal and child epidemiology; study design; disabilities
McKeown, Robert
Arnold School of Public Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
psychiatric epidemiology in children and adolescents; perinatal epidemiology; epidemiologic methods; public health and research ethics
McLain, Alex
Arnold School of Public Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
survival analysis, longitudinal analysis, statistical methods in fecundity/infertility, analyzing labor duration curves
McQuillin, Sam
College of Arts and Sciences
motivational interviewing, youth mentoring, positive youth development
Metcalfe, Christi
College of Arts and Sciences
Criminology & Criminal Justice
criminal and delinquent behavior over the life courses, juvenile justice
Miller, Bridget
College of Education
Instruction & Teacher Education
science education, special education, engineering design/education, assistive technology, early childhood
Mitchell, Murray
College of Education
Department of Physical Education & Athletic Training
socialization; program evaluation; teacher education; physical education; physical activity; systematic observation
Moore, Spencer
Arnold School of Public Health
Health Promotion, Education & Behavior
social capital; social networks; stress process; intergenerational influences; sleep; health
Nada, Goodrum
College of Arts and Sciences
family- and community-level risk and protective factors for youth well-being among families affected by major stressors; promoting child and adolescent health; preventing the intergenerational transmission of risk
Narasimhan, Meera
School of Medicine
Neuropsychiatry & Behavioral Science
clinical, multidisciplinary, policy research
Nesbitt, Danielle
College of Education
Physical Education
functional motor competence, lifespan, pedagogy
Newman-Norlund, Roger
Arnold School of Public Health
Exercise Science
Development and testing of computer-based assessment/training protocols for social skills in clinical populations (autism, ADHD, ODD). Development of community based teamwork camps for children.
Ohrt, Jonathan
College of Education
Educational Studies
school counseling, wellness, social and emotional development, adolescent and emerging adult adjustment
Ostermann, Jan
Arnold School of Public Health
health preferences; improving wellbeing of children in adversity; estimating costs of health behaviors; informing health care supply and regulation
Ozturk, Orgul
Moore School of Business
Division of Research
obesity; welfare programs; nutrition; minimum wages; female labor prospects; promotion; public policy analysis; labor economics; health economics
Palomares, Melanie
College of Arts and Sciences
Visual perception and attentional selection, perceptual organization, subitizing, letter recognition, visual development in typically-and atypically-developing children, visual-evoked potentials (VEPs)
Pate, Russell
Arnold School of Public Health
Exercise Science
physical activity and physical fitness in children and the health implications of physical activity
Patterson, Elizabeth
School of Law
social legislation and policy, child support enforcement, welfare, child abuse & neglect, juvenile justice
Poulain, Fabienne
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
nervous system development
Prinz, Ron
College of Arts and Sciences
population-based strategies for parenting support/intervention; prevention science; prevention of children’s social, emotional, behavioral, and health problems; family and school-based interventions; healthy lifestyle in young children
Rao, Vasanthi
College of Education
Child Development Research Center
assessment, special education, measurement, comparative international education and big data
Raynor, Phyllis
College of Nursing
parents, self-care, self-management, substance use disorder, addiction, mental health
Roberts, Jane
College of Arts and Sciences
fragile X syndrome, physiological arousal modulation, mood and anxiety disorders in adults, temperament, autism.
Ross, Robbie
College of Education
Educational Studies
early childhood cognitive development; executive function, attention modulation, self-regulation, and children’s self-awareness of these skills, meta-cognition, learning mechanisms, and event processing
Roth, Benjamin
College of Social Work
immigrant youth and families; transition of immigrant youth to adulthood and process of integration in high-poverty suburbs, social service providers working with immigrant youth and families
Schatz, Jeff
College of Arts and Sciences
cognition in children; neuropsychology, ERP and structural MRI of the brain.
Seay, Kristen
College of Social Work
parental/caregiver substance abuse; child welfare; prevention of child abuse and neglect; family well-being
Shapiro, Cheri
College of Social Work
Institute for Families in Society
evidence-based parenting interventions; implementation; prevention of maladaptive outcomes in youth including maltreatment, delinquency, and obesity; peer relationships
Sheth, Amit
College of Engineering and Computing
artificial intelligence; semantic web; physical/loT-Cyer-Social-Clinical big data; augmented personalized health; AI and big data applications in health, life sciences, social good, disaster management, etc.
Starrett, Angie
College of Education
Educational Studies
structural equation modeling, person-oriented approaches, longitudinal models, rural youth, adolescent peer relationships
Stevens, Tia
College of Arts and Sciences
Criminology & Criminal Justice
juvenile delinquency, juvenile justice, female offending, disproportionate minority contact, gender, race, qualitative methods, quantitative methods
Stodden, David
College of Education
Physical Education
youth physical activity and obesity, youth physical development and assessment validation
Suski, Emily
School of Law
family, disability, education, feminist theory, interdisciplinary collaboration and education
Sutphin, Suzanne
College of Social Work
Center for Child & Family Studies
research methods including survey research, document analysis, and experimental social psychology
Swan, Suzanne
College of Arts and Sciences
interpersonal violence and aggression, with a focus on two main areas: interventions to prevent violence, particularly among college populations
Test, Row
Twiss, Jeff
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
molecular neurobiology, neural development, neural repair, axon growth
Utter, Karen
College of Education
School Improvement Council
family and community engagement; school improvement
Wade-Woolley, Lesly
Arnold School of Public Health
Communication Sciences & Disorders
reading, spelling, literacy, dyslexia, language impairment
Walsemann, Katrina
Arnold School of Public Health
Health Promotion, Education & Behavior
social determinants of health; race and class inequalities; educational inequalities and health; cumulative adversity; health over the life course; longitudinal and multi-level analysis
Wandersman, Abe
College of Arts and Sciences
empowerment evaluation, substance abuse prevention with youth, teen pregnancy prevention, underage drinking prevention, positive youth development
Weaver, Glenn
Arnold School of Public Health
Exercise Science
youth, physical activity, healthy eating and physical activity measurement
Webber, Kristina
College of Social Work
school social work; school-based interventions; school-family-community partnerships; racial/ethnic disparities in education; racial/ethnic identity; school engagement; dropout prevention; leadership within youth, program evaluation, measurement, structural equation modeling
Webster, Collin
College of Education
Offrice of Research Innovation
comprehensive school physical activity program, physical activity, physical education, children, teaching, professional development, teacher education, preservice teachers, inservice teachers, classroom teachers
Weist, Mark
College of Arts and Sciences
school mental health; positive behavior intervention and support; youth family engagement and empowerment; evidence-based practice; interdisciplinary and cross-systems collaboration; policy influence
Werfel, Krystal
Arnold School of Public Health
Communication Sciences & Disorders
spoken language and written language, spoken language and literacy, interventions to improve clinical and educational outcomes for children with language development challenges, emergent and early literacy acquisition in children with language impairment and/or hearing loss.
Wilson, Dawn
College of Arts and Sciences
health outcomes (blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular); underserved populations (incl. minorities, women, low income); nutrition; physical activity; environmental factors, theoretical approaches for promoting health behavior change in underserved minorities.
Wolfe, Katie
College of Education
Educational Studies
autism, language, communication, applied behavior analysis, single-case research
Workman, Lauren
Arnold School of Public Health
Evaluation, implementation science, community engagement, qualitative research methods, maternal and child health
Xu, Yanfeng
College of Social Work
child abuse and neglect; parenting & grandparenting; child mental health/behavioral health; kinship care and foster care; international child protection
Yang, Chih-Hsiang "Jason"
Arnold School of Public Health
Exercise Science
Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, Mindfulness, Ecological Momentary Assessment, Ambulatory Assessment, mHealth
Yeargin, Susan
Arnold School of Public Health
Exercise Science
youth, adolescent, pediatric, sport, athletics, activity, hydration behaviors, thermoregulation, heat illness, concussion, medical emergencies, prevention, policy
Yell, Mitch
College of Education
Educational Studies
special education law, education law, classroom management, Involving families of students with disabilities in special education program development
Zarrett, Nicole
College of Arts and Sciences
role of out-of-school activities in promoting healthy developmental pathways; promotion of healthy behaviors and attitudes, adolescent obesity prevention and intervention ; effects of community, school, family, peers, and personal factors, on youth choices, motivation, and adjustment; multilevel systems theory and the coupling of variable- and pattern-centered methodological approaches to maximize understanding of youth in context; conceptualization of developmental stability and change