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Office of Undergraduate Admissions

  • Cocky dancing

5 Things Every Gamecock Should Cross Off Their USC Bucket List

USC is a magical place. There’s endless opportunities, tons of student organizations to be a part of and numerous events to attend with your friends. New things are always happening and memories are constantly being made! Here are five things that every Gamecock needs to add to their "USC bucket list."

1. Rush The Thomas Cooper Fountain

It happened this year, and it can always happen again! Rushing the T-Coop fountain will forever be a core memory for everyone involved. When one of our sports teams wins a championship (most recently our women's basketball team), the whole student body runs to the library and jumps into the reflection pool. Luckily, USC has super talented sports teams and coaches, so hopefully you’ll get to cross this one off the list!

2. Attend Every Home Football Game

There’s no where else you’ll want to be on gameday! With four seasons, you’ll have plenty of chances to cheer on the Gamecocks in Williams-Brice Stadium!

3. Make It On The "Big Screen" In The Student Section

The Student Section, affectionately known as “The Cockpit,”  is unbeatable when it comes to high-energy atmospheres. Our students already tend to be the loudest fans, but when Sandstorm comes on - unbelievable. With a party like that going on, it’s no doubt that the cameras will be panning all around, projecting glimpses of the most spirited students on the big screen. Make sure you’re one of them before you graduate!

4. Watch Tiger Burn

This one is something that can easily be crossed off the list every year, but if you don’t attend all four times, be sure to go at least once! Tiger Burn is the event where our engineering peers build a large tiger to light on fire as we kick off rivalry week. Lots of students, faculty, staff and Columbia locals attend this event. It’s even covered on the local news channels!

5. Find Out Who Cocky Is

You’ll see the iconic mascot at nearly every sporting event walking around, taking pictures and cheering on the Gamecocks! Everyone knows somebody is in that suit, but who? While you might not find out who it is before your graduation date, it is tradition for each Cocky to wear their yellow feet to their graduation ceremony! So, keep an eye out when it’s finally time to wear that cap and gown.

 Here’s to accomplishing everything on your bucket list, Gamecocks! 

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