This archived solicitation is no longer active. It is displayed here for reference only. No questions or offers will be considered for evaluation, and no new awards will be made in connection with this solicitation.
Solicitation USC-IFB-3521-DG [pdf]
Solicitation Number: USC-IFB-3521-DG
Site Visit August 6, 2019 @ 11:00 AM Location: University of South Carolina Beaufort, USCB Hargray and Science & Technology, One Unversity Boulevard, Bluffton SC 29909
Deadline for Receipt of Questions August 7, 2019 at 11:00 AM
Deadline for Receipt of Bids August 12, 2019 at 11:00 AM
Buyer: Dennis Gallman
Number of pages: 29
- Drawings - Technical Specifications: Sections 064200-Interior Woodwork, 092900-Gypsum Wall Board and 099000-Painting (14 Pages) [pdf]
- Drawings - Drawings and Pictures (36 pages) [pdf]
- Amendment - 1 [pdf]
- Amendment - 2 [pdf]
- Amendment - 3 [pdf]
- Amendment - 4 [pdf]
- Award - 1 [pdf]