Definitions of variables in the Degrees Awarded Dashboard
Dashboard Variable | Definition | Source |
Academic Year | Grouping of academic terms (fall-summer) when degree was awarded | OIRAA |
Campus | Signifies ownership by one of the eight campuses of USC. Campus is determined by the campus location of the degree awarded. | OIRAA defined by SC Commission on Higher Education |
College | College is determined by the program in which the degree was awarded. College name corresponds to the current college name instead of the college name during degree completion. | USC Banner ODS |
Degree | Defines the degree that a student was awarded | USC Banner ODS |
Degree Level | Defines the level of the degree a student was awarded on the CHEMIS Completions file | OIRAA defined by SC Commission on Higher Education |
Degree Type | Grouping of SC Commission on Higher Education reported degree level into: Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional, Specialist | OIRAA |
Degrees Awarded | Count of degrees awarded | OIRAA |
Gender | Reported gender of degree recipient at the time the degree was awarded | SC Commission on Higher Education Report |
IPEDS Race/Ethnicity | Categories of student race or ethnic origin as defined by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). Racial/Ethnic designations as they are used here do not denote scientific definitions of anthropological origins. Resident aliens, who are not citizens or nationals of the United States and who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (and who hold alien registration receipt cards - Form 1-551/155), are to be reported in the appropriate racial/ethnic categories along with United States citizens. | OIRAA defined by National Center for Education Statistics |
Major | Major is determined by the program in which the degree was awarded | OIRAA |
Report Date | Month and year when data is officially submitted to SC Commission on Higher Education | OIRAA |
Residency Status | Defines a student's South Carolina legal residency status at the time the degree was awarded | USC Banner ODS |
Semester | Description of semester when degree was awarded | OIRAA defined by SC Commission on Higher Education |
Term | Description of term including semester and calendar year when degree was awarded | OIRAA |
Year | Calendar year when degree was awarded | SC Commission on Higher Education Report |
Definitions of variables in the Enrollment Dashboard
Dashboard Variable | Definition | Source |
Academic Year | Grouping of academic terms (fall-summer) when student was enrolled | USC Banner ODS |
Campus | Signifies ownership by one of the eight campuses of USC. Campus is determined by the campus location of the student's primary degree being pursued. | OIRAA |
College | Description of the college that the student's file is assigned to based on the primary degree being pursued. College name corresponds to the current name of the college instead of the college name during enrollment. | USC Banner ODS |
Country Code | The country of citizenship or country of permanent residence of students. Use the code defined by the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) and published by the US Office of Education in the Higher Education Directory. | OIRAA |
Country Desc | Country description based on FIPS-10 code of permanent residence | U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard No. 10 |
County Desc | The South Carolina county of permanent residence or mailing address in which the student resided during the selected term of enrollment | OIRAA |
Degree Level | Defines the level of the degree a student is seeking | OIRAA defined by SC Commission on Higher Education |
Enrolled Student Headcount | Count of students enrolled during selected terms of enrollment | OIRAA |
Enrollment Status | The student's enrollment status during the selected term of enrollment | SC Commission on Higher Education |
First Generation Student | Indication of self-identification as a first-generation student based on Columbia campus admissions applications | USC Banner ODS |
Freeze Date | Date that enrollment data was collected from USC Banner ODS for compliance reporting | OIRAA |
Gender | The reported gender of the student | SC Commission on Higher Education |
IPEDS Race/Ethnicity | Categories of student race or ethnic origin as defined by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). Racial/Ethnic designations as they are used here do not denote scientific definitions of anthropological origins. Resident aliens, who are not citizens or nationals of the United States and who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (and who hold alien registration receipt cards - Form 1-551/155), are to be reported in the appropriate racial/ethnic categories along with United States citizens. | OIRAA defined by National Center for Education Statistics |
Major | Description of majors available at USC assigned to student's file based on primary degree being pursued | USC Banner ODS |
New Freshman Indicator | Indication of student's registration status as first-time undergraduate at the reporting institution during the selected term of enrollment | OIRAA |
Pell Grant Status | Student recipient of Federal Pell Grant during the selected term of enrollment | USC Banner ODS |
Residency Status | Residency classification of the student during the selected term of enrollment | OIRAA defined by USC Banner ODS |
Semester | Semester description of selected term enrollment | USC Banner ODS |
State Code | The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code for the student's state of permanent residence or mailing address during the selected term of enrollment | OIRAA |
State Desc | State description based on State Code | US Census Bureau |
Student Category | Grouping of classification levels into: Undergraduate (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), Professional (College of Pharmacy, Law School, Medical School, SC College of Pharmacy), Graduate (Masters, Doctoral, Specialist) | OIRAA |
Student Level | The total accredited work by a student which reflects his or her progress toward a degree or certificate. | SC Commission on Higher Education |
Term | Term description including semester and calendar year during the selected term of enrollment | USC Banner ODS |
Definitions of variables in the Workforce Dashboard
Dashboard Variable | Definition | Source |
Campus | Signifies ownership by one of the eight campuses of USC. Campus is defined as employee's primary employment location at USC. | OIRAA defined by SC Commission on Higher Education |
Employee Classification | Employee classification that comes from Human Resources (Full Time Equivalent, Research Grant Position, Temporary Faculty/Staff, Time Limited, Other). Other is primarily defined as a staff member who is employed by another state agency. | OIRAA defined by Human Resources |
Employee Headcount | Count of faculty, staff, and graduate assistants | OIRAA |
Employee Status | Full-time/Part-time status reported to the SC Commission on Higher Education | OIRAA defined by SC Commission on Higher Education |
Employee Type | Grouping of employees based on primary responsibility into Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Assistants. Faculty are defined as faculty and administrators with a faculty rank, and temporary/adjunct faculty. | OIRAA |
Faculty Headcount | Count of faculty. Faculty are defined as faculty and administrators with a faculty rank, and temporary/adjunct faculty. | OIRAA |
Freeze Date | Date on which the data was frozen for annual Human Resources file creation | OIRAA |
Gender | Gender assigned to employee's file | OIRAA defined by Human Resources |
HR Department | Human Resources' home department assigned to employee's file | Human Resources |
Primary Responsibility | Occupational category of employee reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System | OIRAA defined by Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System |
Race/Ethnicity | Grouping of compliance race identifiers into White, Underrepresented Minority (Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native, Black/African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander), Asian, Two or More Races, Non-Resident Alien, Unknown. Categories of employee race or ethnic origin as defined by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). Racial/Ethnic designations as they are used here do not denote scientific definitions of anthropological origins. Resident aliens, who are not citizens or nationals of the United States and who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (and who hold alien registration receipt cards - Form 1-551/155), are to be reported in the appropriate racial/ethnic categories along with United States citizens. | OIRAA defined by National Center for Education Statistics |
Staff Headcount | Count of staff. Staff are defined as employees that do not fall into the faculty or graduate assistant employee type. | OIRAA |
Tenure Status | Human Resources' tenure description assigned to faculty member's file. Professional Track was implemented in Fall 2019. | OIRAA defined by Human Resources |
Term | Term description including semester and calendar year of annual Human Resources file creation | OIRAA |
Terminal Degree | Faculty member has obtained the highest degree awarded in his/her field. Most fields define a terminal degree as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Professional Degree within the given field. The following degrees are exceptions to this rule: Master of Law (LLM), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Master in Landscape Architecture (MLA), Master in Architecture (MArch). | OIRAA defined by Human Resources |
Year | Calendar year of annual Human Resources file creation | Human Resources |