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Office of the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senators

The Faculty Senate consists of 10 percent of the voting members of the faculty, elected by each college, school, or regional campus, except that the clinical, teaching faculty from each School of Medicine will be represented by three faculty.

Each spring semester, the Faculty Senate office calculates the appropriate senate representation for each college and school. Senators are elected for a three-year term in the spring, with the term beginning with the fall semester.  Every faculty member has the right to attend and address the senate, but only senators may vote.

New Senator Orientation

New Senator orientation will be held prior to the first Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year.

2024-2025 Senate Officers

Current senate officers are listed below.

Marco Valtorta, Secretary, College Of Engineering And Computing, Computer Sci & Eng (2025)
Dan Brackmann, Parliamentarian, School Of Law, Law Library
Liam Hein, Chair-Elect, College Of Nursing, College Of Nursing (2025)
Wayne Outten, Chair, College Of Arts And Sciences, Chemistry & Biochemistry (2025)

2024-2025 Senators

Current faculty senators are listed by college and department below.

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