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Office of Economic Engagement

  • researcher working in a lab

Center for Applied Innovation and Advanced Analytics

Developing real-world applications using cognitive computing, predictive analytics and predictive maintenance software.

Connecting Talent with Opportunity 

The result of a public-private partnership between the university, Fluor Corporation and IBM, The Center for Applied Innovation and Advanced Analytics opened in 2018 with the purpose of increasing education and economic opportunities for students and businesses by connecting both to internship opportunities and research labs.


Develop Technical Expertise In...

  • Data Analytics
  • Cognitive Computing
  • Internet of Things
  • Academic and Applied Research (maintenance, supply chain, cybersecurity and more)

Software and Equipment from Industry Partners

Educational and economical development tools provided by:

  • IBM
  • Siemens
  • Nephron
  • Boeing
  • Yaskawa


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.