Sells textbooks and classroom supplies plus performance apparel, laptop computers and other student needs; located on the Columbia campus in the Russell House
We have more than 20 different offices and divisions to provide essential support services to the University of South Carolina community.
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Sells textbooks and classroom supplies plus performance apparel, laptop computers and other student needs; located on the Columbia campus in the Russell House
Provides students with a one-card solution for meals, grocery and printing payment plus many other benefits
Manages dining services across campus for university faculty and staff members, students and guests
Provides mail service for university administration, faculty, staff and students of the Columbia campus
Works in a legal, ethical and transparent manner with university departments, vendors and state procurement
Prepares the university's annual budget document for consideration by the Board of Trustees
Manages, receives and disburses all university funds, including tuition
Manages systemwide bond instruments and indebtedness, and capital project financing data and analysis
Responsible for ensuring proper stewardship of the university's financial resources
Develops annual financial reporting for university system and coordinates audits and costing issues
Manages accounting and administration of the university's restricted contracts and grants.
Disburses employee and student reimbursements, royalties, honoraria, stipends and more
Manages payment and record-keeping for faculty and staff payroll, wage deductions and taxes
Manages tax-related matters of the university as well as tax form and status documentation
Provides environmental, health and safety services for the university and student communities
Protects the people and property of the university 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Protects university resources and promotes a safe working and learning environment
Supports, maintains and plans all of the university's living and learning spaces
Serves parking, vehicular and campus transportation needs of the Columbia campus
Connects businesses to university resources and research that can drive innovation
Leads community-building and outreach efforts and serves as liaison to government and community