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Brain Health

  • Image of a man sitting on a couch smiling with his arm stretched across the back of the couch.


Have you had a family member or beloved friend experience memory loss due to Alzheimer's disease or a related form of dementia? Do you want people across the state to have access to cognitive screenings, early diagnoses and community resources that make their lives better? 

This is your opportunity to make a real difference. 

When you give to USC Brain Health, you’re helping fund: 

  • High-quality, compassionate care for South Carolinians who may not otherwise have access to advanced screenings, early diagnosis, a treatment plan or the help of a Community Health Worker. 
  • Resources for family members and people who care for those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. 
  • The continued expansion of the USC Brain Health Network, which is working to close gaps in memory care statewide, from the most remote rural areas to more populated, but underserved, locations within our state. 
  • Future clinical innovations and clinical trials to help diagnose and manage memory disorders. 

Please consider a gift today to honor a loved one, to help us close the memory health care gap in our state, or to simply leave a legacy in your name. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
