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My Chem/Biochem

Andrew B. Greytak Group Site



CHEM 141: General Chemistry I (Advanced)

An advanced version of General Chemistry I: I am teaching sections designed for students majoring in Chemistry or Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (Chem 141 M). Focuses on nomenclature, electronic structure of atoms, chemical bonds, basic reactions, and thermochemistry. Three lecture hours, one recitation hour, and three laboratory hours per week. 

CHEM 541: Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics

This 3-credit undergraduate course may be taken before or after CHEM 542. See bulletin for prerequisites. Chem 541L is a corresponding laboratory course that is run independently and can be registered as a 2-credit course. In Chem 541, students will learn concepts of thermodynamics and kinetics that are essential preparation for careers in chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering.

CHEM 719/749: Nanoscience: Chemistry and Physics of Low-Dimensional Materials

An introduction to nanoscience, or, the chemistry and physics of low-dimensional materials. The course will begin by identifying characteristic length scales that determine the electronic and optical properties of materials through discussion of band structure, effective mass, charge carriers, and conductivity in metals and semiconductors. We will then explore: Size-dependence of electronic and optical properties of materials, including quantum confinement; the electrochemical double layer and properties of colloidal solutions; synthetic routes to nanostructures with control of shape and composition. These concepts will enable students to understand and innovate in many areas of nanoscience and materials science. The second half of the course includes student-led discussions of current literature. Examples of applications in biomedical imaging, solar cells, and energy conversion and storage will be discussed. This course is cross-listed as Chem 649 for undergraduates who have completed Chem 541 and 542.

CHEM 542L: Physical Chemistry Laboratory: Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy

A 2-credit lab course in which Chemistry majors develop skills in experimental and computational physical chemistry, data analysis, and analytical writing. Students complete a series of 6 lab projects in small groups, using state of the art equipment in USC’s new Science and Technology Building. Lab projects vary from semester to semester and several have been published in J. Chem. Ed. Students should be taking, or have completed, the Chem 542 classroom course.


Which is the anode?

"Anode" and "cathode" are terms invented by Michael Faraday to describe electrodes. It is easy to get them confused, especially when reading literature from fields as diverse as vacuum tube electronics and dye-sensitized solar cells!As a public service, we have created "Which is the anode?", an educational poster to help sort things out. Inspired in part by XKCD. Please let us know of any errors or suggestions!


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
