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My Palmetto College

Tenure and Promotion

Covid-19 and Tenure Clock

Electronic Submission of Tenure and Promotion Files

information regarding the electronic submission of T&P files, including support documents, local campus ballots, and training sessions, as well as access to the Palmetto College Campuses Tenure and Promotion Submission Point

Tenure and Promotion Process Timeline (PDF) updated by the Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Senate, 13 April 2018

Tenure and Promotion Process Mid-Year Timeline (PDF) updated by the Palmetto College Campuses Faculty Senate, 7 April 2017

Tenure and Promotion Forms
links to forms for building your T&P file

External Reviewer Selection Form
(due April 15 to the Office of the Palmetto College Chancellor)

Each candidate for tenure and promotion, working with his/her immediate supervisor, will compile a list of at least five potential reviewers for the candidate’s scholarship as presented in the tenure and promotion file. 

Tenure and Promotion Candidate and Reviewer Rosters

These documents were created as a supplement to the Palmetto College Campuses Committee roster to allow better tracking of which participants should have access to appropriate documents in our first cycle of electronic transmission of tenure and promotion files. Any questions or suggestions about this document should be directed to Jean Carrano.

2024-2025 Tenure and Promotion Candidate and Reviewer Roster

Tenure and Promotion Workshop Resources

2019 Tenure and Promotion Workshop Registration

Sample Tenure and Promotion Files

This password-protected folder contains tenure and promotion generously shared by Palmetto College faculty who have been successful in the t&p process.  To request access to this folder, please email Jean Carrano.

Peer Institutions

Palmetto College Proposed Peers and Aspirational Peers
These institutions are comparable to the USC regional campuses system, and tenure and promotion candidates may select external reviewers this list. However, candidates are not required to choose individuals from the institutions on this list, and should select appropriate reviewers for their scholarly fields in close consultation with their division chairs and mentors rather than depending solely on this list.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.