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Law Enforcement and Safety

Leaving for Break

When you leave for a few days or more, take some careful precautions to protect your property before you go.

Report Suspicious Activity

If you see suspicious activity, call USCPD at 911 or 803-777-4215.


Leaving Your Residence for an Extended Period

Here are a few precautions we suggest if you're planning to leave for a few days or more. Before you leave:

  • Move your vehicle off of a public street. 
  • Lock your room, apartment or house doors and windows. 
  • Remove all portable items from your vehicle. If you must leave something in your car, lock it in the trunk.
  • Take valuables with you if you live in a residence hall or apartment. Keep your bicycle in your room during the holidays.
  • Ask a neighbor or family member to watch your house and suspend home deliveries such as newspaper and mail.
  • Set indoor and outdoor lights on an automatic timer.
  • Set a radio or television on a timer so your house looks and sounds occupied.
  • Ask a neighbor to park a car in your driveway so your house looks occupied.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
