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    We meant it when we said, 'Forever to Thee'

Gamecock Pharmacy Alumni Council

As alumni, you're part of our Gamecock Pharmacy family for life. By joining the Gamecock Pharmacy Alumni Council, you'll help provide increased opportunities for networking, volunteering and social gatherings with your peers and future pharmacists.

About the Council

The mission of this Alumni Council in the USC College of Pharmacy is to strengthen the bond between the College of Pharmacy and its 4,500 living alumni, build community outreach efforts, and give back to the students through time and talents.

  • Increase alumni representation and involvement with the USC College of Pharmacy
  • Serve as ambassadors for the college at alumni events, recruitment programs, in our communities and in the workplace.
  • Support the college’s goals in philanthropy, mentorship, and volunteerism
Members will serve a two-year term on the Alumni Council. The president, president-elect, and immediate past president positions will require additional years of service. Three subcommittees will be formed around major focuses of Mentorship, Philanthropy, and Volunteerism, with each having a designated chair.
  • Attend council meetings and applicable subcommittee meetings:
    • There will be two annual meetings of the council. In-person attendance is highly encouraged, however, meetings will be available virtually. Subcommittee meetings will occur periodically throughout the year with meetings being held virtually.
  • Attend USC College of Pharmacy sponsored events and programs, as able
  • Encourage participation and attendance at college functions
  • Actively participate in discussions about new programming for alumni, evaluate current activities offered, and advise on how the council can better serve the alumni and the college.
  • Identify and assist in obtaining speakers and/or mentors for student-focused events
  • Participate in alumni donor stewardship efforts


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Sarah O. Sipes, Associate Director of Development and Alumni Engagement


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