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Gamecock Gateway

Program Expectations

This set of expectations is signed by each student at orientation every year and serves as the foundation for what you need to do to be successful in your first year of college in Gamecock Gateway. 

As a Gamecock Gateway student I agree to the following expectations: 

  • Agree to attend Gamecock Gateway required programs. Including, but not limited to Kick Off Meetings and Time to Transfer.
  • Agree to meet for Transition Coaching as needed in the fall semester and at least once (1) in the spring semester.
  • Understand that Gamecock Gateway staff will register me for my classes based on my advising conversations.
  • Understand that I do not have permission to drop or withdraw from any class(es) and I must meet with my academic advisor to complete this process. Once the drop/withdrawal is approved, it will be facilitated by my advisor.   
  • Agree to take the College 101 course at Midlands Technical College.
  • Agree to obtain a 2.25 GPA and 30 credit hours at the end of the academic year.
  • Agree to attend tutorial sessions and success consultations (academic skill building appointments) as needed or referred. Tutoring is recommended unless I maintain an A average in the course(s). I can attend tutoring at USC or MTC.   
  • Understand that I must remain in good financial standing with both MTC and USC during the duration of my enrollment in Gamecock Gateway. I also understand that if I have an outstanding financial balance (at MTC)  beyond the stated tuition and fees payment deadline date for each semester (to include fall, spring, and/or possibly summer), then I will be administratively withdrawn from the Gamecock Gateway program, which includes removal from all MTC classes and cancellation of USC Housing and Dining contracts.
  • Understand that information concerning my grades, attendance, and general progress in coursework may be shared between both institutions. I understand that this information is private and confidential and will be used to assist the staff in helping me succeed. 
  •  Understand that my enrollment in the Gamecock Gateway program is contingent upon my full and cooperative participation. I understand by joining the Gamecock Gateway program I must follow the student Code of Conduct for both USC and MTC. I understand further that dismissal from the program may result if I fail to fulfill the binding terms of this contract.  
  • Understand that to grant legal access to my academic record to anyone other than myself, I must complete a FERPA form for both USC and MTC. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.