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Gamecock Gateway

New Student Checklist

After you have placed your deposit with the Gamecock Gateway program you will begin to receive communications from both the University of South Carolina and Midlands Technical College with necessary steps to take to assist in your full enrollment. This page will have details on the tasks you are being asked to complete for both schools as well as helpful links. 

After submitting your deposit you should complete the following:

University of South Carolina Tasks
  1. Log on to Self Service Carolina. Self Service Carolina (SSC) is your personal student account you will use during your time at Carolina. If you have not already done so, use your IDs provided in your USC Admissions Portal to set up your account and log on to SSC. You will be prompted to complete the following steps:
  2. Complete your housing application by the priority deadline of May 5. You can access the housing application by logging on to Self Service Carolina.
    • Reminder: On-campus housing is a requirement for all Gamecock Gateway students. There is no housing waiver process for students who wish to participate in this program
    • Read this step-by-step document to learn how to complete your housing application
    • Housing questions? Please call (803) 777-4283 or visit the University Housing office webpage
    • If you have applied for admission to another USC campus, you must cancel all other USC system applications before you can apply for on-campus housing! Call or email the admissions office at the other USC system campuses and request to cancel your application. Once canceled, contact USC Columbia Admissions at or 803-777-7700 to inform them
  3. Register for New Student Orientation at USC during one of the Gamecock Gateway sessions. You will find instructions for how to register here.
    • Registration is open from March 19th until May 16th
    • All students will need to attend a day one meeting that will begin at 8:45 a.m. so please plan travel and arrival time accordingly in consideration of Orientation check-in
    • Gamecock Gateway students must attend New Student Orientation with all other first-year students at USC on one of the following specialized dates: 
      • June 16 - 17
      • June 23 - 24
      • June 25 - 26
      • July 7 - 8 
  4. Upload your Immunization Records on MyHealthSpace using your USC credentials 
    • MyHealthSpace requires students to use their USC username to log in, not your VIP ID number. Your USC username is the first part of your USC email and can be found in the Manage User Account page on Self-Service Carolina
    • Please note, uploading your Immunization Records is required and should be completed no later than the mid-point of the semester you are starting Gamecock Gateway 
    • Need assistance? Call Student Health & Well Being at 803-777-9511
  5. Prepare to get your CarolinaCard by completing the cardholder agreement and uploading a photo
Midlands Technical College Tasks
  1. Add Midlands Technical College to your FAFSA 
    • MTC's FAFSA code is 003993
    • Midlands Technical College's Student Financial Services Office handles all financial aid offers and processes during your Gamecock Gateway year. If your FAFSA does not include the MTC school code, they will not be able to access your application and complete any offers of aid
    • Need help completing your FAFSA? Contact Midlands Technical College's Educational Opportunity Center for assistance
    • Deadline: ASAP.  April 15 is the priority processing deadline. Students who apply by the priority deadline have priority consideration for a variety of aid offered by Midlands Technical College. July 15 is the guaranteed processing deadline. Please note, as a two-year institution, MTC distributes financial aid later than four-year institutions. However, students who apply for financial aid by July 15 are guaranteed to have their application processed in time for the fee payment deadline
    • If you have financial aid questions, call MTC Student Financial Services at 1-800-922-8038
  2. Set up your MyMTC account once you have received your MTC Welcome Letter
    1. You will set up your MyMTC account using your MTC ID number provided in your Welcome Letter
    2. You will receive your welcome letter to the email you used to apply to the University of South Carolina 
    3. Letters will be sent on a rolling basis as the MTC Admissions Office is able to process student files
    4. Set up MTC Multifactor Authentication (MFA) by downloading the Microsoft Authenticator App
  3. Submit a high school transcript to the Midlands Technical College Admissions Office including: 
    • This step only needs to be completed if you did not already submit an updated transcript when you completed the Gamecock Gateway deposit and admissions process. 
    • Mid-year grades calculated on or after January 1st, 2025
    • If you are in a year-long class without mid-year grades, then you will need to submit a transcript as well as a report card showing your grades from the first semester of your senior year
    • Send these via email to Landon Mann, Special Admissions Coordinator, at Questions? Reach out to MTC Admissions at 803-738-7879
  4. Complete your MTC Placement Testing (if required) 
    • Information will be shared  via an Advisement Ready letter sent to your email 
    • Some students may be required to take an English and/or a Math placement test based on standardized test scores and high school courses/grades 


Need technology help?

MTC IT Help Desk
Phone: 803-738-7888
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm, Friday 8:00am to 1:30pm 

USC IT Service Desk
Chat online with a technician, Available Monday-Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm 
Phone: 803-777-1800, Available Monday-Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm



Starting in May, you should work to complete the following: 


  1. Sign up for Academic Advising 
    • Gamecock Gateway students will complete Academic Advising appointments virtually before attending New Student Orientation
    • Details to schedule an appointment will be sent to your MTC email address
  2. Complete MTC Lawful Presence form (if applicable) 
    • If you are required to complete a Lawful Presence form there will be an alert in your MyMTC Self-Service account 
  3. Send all academic records to both MTC and USC within one week of your high school graduation
    • Including and final high school transcripts, official score reports for AP/IB scores, and dual enrollment transcripts from the credit granting college/university (even if the grade is listed on your high school transcript) 
    • Note: SC LIFE Scholarship cannot be considered without final high school transcripts  
  4. Add your USC and MTC student emails to your cellphone 
    • Since you are affiliated with both institutions, you will receive emails in both your USC and MTC inbox during your Gateway year. Adding these accounts to your phone is the quickest and easiest way to ensure you do not fall behind on any tasks or information
    • Use this article from USC's IT Services to learn more about adding your emails to the Outlook app on your phone
    • Both USC and MTC use Microsoft Outlook email accounts. You will be able to add two accounts on the Outlook app so that you can see both in one spot


Later in the summer you will complete the following: 

  • First Things First Retreat
    • An optional retreat for First Generation college students enrolling in the Gamecock Gateway program
    • More information will be shared this summer via email  
  • Move-in to Bates House 
    • Gamecock Gateway move-in will take place in August. Exact dates and times will be shared during the summer
  • Get ready for college to start by attending your required Gamecock Gateway Kick-Off Meeting 
    • Kick-Off Meetings are required for all incoming students and will occur in Bates House the weekend before your classes begin. These meetings will cover topics like using the shuttle system, signing up for emergency alerts, and learning to read your class schedule
    • Details about times and dates will be shared with students prior to move-in

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