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Bursar's Office

USC Aiken

The following information is our best estimate of your costs for USC Aiken and should not be considered as an exact quotation or billing amount.

Tuition and Fees

Visit the USC Aiken website for more information about the campus.

The fees represented in this table are an estimation of your costs and should not be interpreted as an exact quotation or billing amount. View notes for additional details about specific fees and charges.

Part-time tuition rates and certain fees are assessed on a per credit per hour basis.

USC Aiken     74
Undergraduate - Resident - Tuition 5,199.00 433.25 3, 4
Undergraduate - Nonresident - Tuition 10,428.00 869.00 75
Undergraduate - Nonresident Scholarship - Foundation Scholars - Tuition 7,821.00 651.75 76
Undergraduate – Athletic NR Scholarship & General Scholarship 5,199.00 433.25 77
Active Duty Military Undergraduate - Tuition 3,000.00 250.00 9
Master of Business Administration – Online Program Resident and Nonresident Per Credit Hour   450.00 11
RN to BSN – Online Program – Resident and Nonresident Per Credit Hour   306.00  
Dual Enrollment - Includes PACE High School Courses - Per Credit Hour 66.00 66.00 21
Graduate - Resident - Tuition 6,867.00 572.25 11
Graduate - Nonresident - Tuition 14,880.00 1,240.00 11
Undergraduate Nonresident - Tuition - Aruba 6,144.00 512.00  
International Partner University - Undergraduate - Tuition 6,201.00 516.75  
International Partner University - Graduate - Tuition 7,869.00 655.75  
SC Certified Teacher Rate - Campuses (Students Taking Less Than 12 Hours)   362.25 23
Nonresident - SC Certified Teacher Rate - Campuses (Students Taking Less Than 12 Hours)   413.00 23
SCRI / SC Reads / Reading First Initiative   160.00  
Supervisory Teacher Rate - Campuses   5.00 24
Professional Development Range - 4,000-12,000   25
Student Type Full-Time
Technology Fee 156.00 13.00  
Undergraduate - Resident, Nonresident Scholarship, Active Duty Military - 17 Hours and Above 80.00   10
Undergraduate - Nonresident - 17 Hours and Above 208.00   10
Graduate - Resident - 17 Hours and Above 80.00   10, 11
Graduate - Nonresident - 17 Hours and Above 170.00   10, 11
Matriculation Fees - Entering Semester Only 85.00   16
Matriculation Fees - Masters Program of Study 85.00   16, 48
Online Proctoring Fee 10.00    
Aiken Safety and Security - Per Semester 25.00    
Aiken Safety and Security - Summer 8.00    
Fee Full-Time
Music Instrument Rental Fee - Per Semester 35.00    
Music Private Lesson Fee - Per Hour 200.00 200.00  
Music Instrument & Supply Fee - MUSC A253, A263 35.00    
Music Conducting Fee - MUSC A336 50.00    
Visual Arts Course Fee - A102, A103, A104, A111, A112, A210, A220, A232, A233, A244, A245, A261, A269, A310, A311, A320, A321, A330, A331, A345, A346, A362, A363, A364, A365, A370, A371, A372, A379, A380, A397, A398, A400, A410, A411, A420, A421, A490, A499, A524 50.00    
Nursing Lab & Testing Fee - Per Credit Hour 40.00 40.00  
Internship Fee - EDEC 476, EDEL 476, EDSE 476, EDEX 476, and MUED 476 35.00 35.00  
Wellness and Natorium Lab Fee - THEA A374, EXSC A101, A106, A107, A140, A141, A142, A190, A191, A192, A203, A204, A322, A426 - Per Credit Hour 15.00 15.00  
Bio/Geo Lab Fee - Course Fee - BIOL A104, A106, A121, A122, A232, A243, A244, A250, GEOL A101, A103, A201 25.00    
Biology/Geology Field Study Course Fee - BIOL 316, 516, A520, 598 & GEOL 425, 431 300.00    
Chemistry and Physics Lab Fee - Course Fee - CHEM 101, 105, 111, 112, 311L, 321L, 331L, 332L, 511, 522, 541L, 542L, 550; PHYS 101, 102, 201, 202, 211, 212, ASTR 111 25.00    
Dept of Communication and Emerging Media-Course Fee - COMM A376, A379, A476, A478 30.00    
Leadership Course Field Study Fee - ASUP A310 400.00    
Education Program Fee - All Programs 15.00    
College of Sciences Fee - All Programs 15.00    
Engineering Program Fee 25.00    
Exercise / Sport Science Program Fee - All Programs 25.00    
Psychology Program Fee - All Programs 15.00    
Health Testing & Background Check - One Time 20.00    
Ruth Patrick Center - Registration and Materials  Fee Varies - $25-$150 Per Course    
Fee Full-Time
Fee Cost Notes*
Application Fee - Undergraduate 45.00  
Application Fee - Undergraduate - Reduced 20.00 79
Application Fee - Graduate 45.00  
Application Fee - Re-admits, Senior Citizens, Teacher Cadets 10.00  
International Student Application Fee 100.00  
International Student Service Fee (Per Semester) 150.00  
Vidyalankar (VSIT) Program Fee 1,000.00  
New Student Enrollment Deposit 100.00  
Fee Cost Notes*
Pacer Life Program 12,000.00  
Pacer Pathway Program Fee (Not Enrollment Fee) 1,000.00 78
Pacer Pathway Deposit Fee (Applied Against Program Fee) 100.00 78
Course Audit Fee Same as regular course charge  
Type of Fee Cost Notes*
Meal Plan A  - Unlimited Meals/Week + $105 Declining Balance 1,716.00  
Meal Plan B  - 11 Meals/Week + $315 Declining Balance 1,716.00  
Meal Plan C  - 6 Meals/Week + $630 Declining Balance 1,716.00  
Meal Plan D - Declining Balance 923.00  
Meal Plan E - Block 50 + $132 Declining Balance 572.00  
Meal Plan F - Block 30 + $84 Declining Balance 369.00  
Meal Plan - Pacer Card 40.00  
Meal Plan - Commuter 75.00  
Type of Fee Cost Notes*
Housing Fees - Full Summer Term (Excluding Maymester) Single 1,179.00  
Housing Fees - Maymester Single 364.00  
Housing Fees - Full Summer Term (Including Maymester) Single - Prorated for Each Portion of Term 1,542.00  
Housing Fees - Full Summer Term (Excluding Maymester) Double - Prorated for Each Portion of Term 1,036.00  
Housing Fees - Maymester Double 301.00  
Housing Fees - Full Summer Term (Including Maymester) Double - Prorated for Each Portion of Term 1,337.00  
Housing Fees - Double - Per Semester 2,875.00 61, 80
Housing Fees - Single - Per Semester 3,404.00 61, 80
Housing Fees - Double as a Single Room 4,052.00 61, 80
Housing Fees -Triple - Per Semester 1,712.00  
Housing - Double - Per Semester (Aiken County Resident) 2,372.00 80
Housing - Single - Per Semester (Aiken County Resident) 2,836.00 80
Housing - Double as a Single Room- Per Semester (Aiken County Resident) 3,344.00 80
Housing - Double - Per Semester (Greek Housing) 2,633.00 80
Housing - Double as a Single Room  (Greek Housing) 3,724.00 80
Housing - Double - Per Semester (New Aiken County Resident) 1,250.00 84
Housing - Single - Per Semester (New Aiken County Resident) 1,750.00 84
Housing - Double as a Single Room (New Aiken County Resident) 2,250.00 84
Housing Fees - Application Fee - Nonrefundable 25.00  
Housing Fees - Application Fee - Refundable 125.00  
Fee Cost Notes*
Credit Card Convenience Fee - Per Web Transaction - Accounts Receivable Transactions Only 2.5% of Transaction Amount Pending Review of Credit Card Acceptance Agreements  
ID Card Replacement Fee 25.00  
Replacement Fee Receipt 5.00  
Smoking Fine 25.00  
Judicial Affairs Fine - Failure to Comply or Complete Sanctions - Per Incident 25.00  
Optional Health Services Fee - Graduate - Per Semester  25.00  
Fee Cost Notes*
Parking - Additional Commuter Decal 25.00  
Parking Fines - Blocking Sidewalks or Driveways 25.00  
Parking Fines - Handicap Violation 75.00  
Parking Fines - Permit Improperly Displayed 10.00  
Parking Fines - Parking in: Fire Lane/ Blocking Hydrant; No Parking/Safety Zone 50.00  
Parking Fines - Parking in Service or Loading Area; Blocking Sidewalks or Driveways 25.00  
Parking Fines - Parking in Student Housing Area Without Permit 25.00  
Parking Fines - Parked in: Faculty/Staff Space; Reserved Area/ Visitor Space; or in Grass or Sidewalk 25.00  
Parking Fines - Parked in: No Parking/ Safety Zone; or Fire Lane/ Blocking Hydrant 50.00  
Parking Fines - Failure to Register Vehicle/ Parking Improperly 20.00  
Traffic Violations - Speeding on Campus 40.00  
Traffic Violations: 1st Offense: Driving in an Unsafe Manner; Obstructing Campus Operations 25.00  
Traffic Violations: 2nd Offense: Driving in an Unsafe Manner; Obstructing Campus Operations 50.00  
Traffic Violations: 3rd Offense: Driving in an Unsafe Manner; Obstructing Campus Operations 75.00  
Traffic Violations: Failure to Obey Officers' Instructions 50.00  
Booting Fine 50.00  


  1. Full-time tuition is assessed per semester, unless otherwise noted [see note (11) below for exceptions]. Part-time tuition and fees are assessed per credit hour unless otherwise noted for students taking fewer than 12 credit hours per semester. Most Fees listed in the Full-Time columns are applicable to all students. Unless otherwise noted, all tuition and fees reviewed and approved by the USC Board of Trustees in June 2024 become effective in Fall 2024.
  2. USC Columbia - Chapter 33 veterans entitled to the maximum benefit rate (based on service requirements) who apply for the Yellow Ribbon Program at USC and are deemed eligible may receive a tuition abatement as follows for nonresident students: Undergraduate students - 50% of tuition and fee charges in excess of the VA maximum amounts for SC not to exceed $5,700 annually; Graduate/Professional students - 50% of tuition and fee charges in excess of the VA maximum amounts for SC not to exceed $3,400 annually. The number of eligible students is limited based upon the terms of the annual Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement. Qualified resident students are fully covered by the VA at the actual resident tuition rates.
  3. Free tuition per state law for: children of certain deceased and other veterans, firefighters and law enforcement officers, essay winner for Governor's Committee on the Employment of the Physically Handicapped, and resident 60 years or older on space available basis.
  4. Certain Veterans and related persons, residing in South Carolina, receiving specified Federal Educational Benefits and enrolled in a state institution are entitled to receive in-state tuition without regard to length of time the individual has resided in the state. See SC Code of Laws 59-112-50 as amended May 7, 2015.
  5. Columbia campus students receiving Academic Scholar – distinction award or an eligible Departmental Scholarship of at least $250 per semester.
  6. Columbia campus students named as McNair, Horseshoe Scholar, and Academic Scholar – Elite, Academic Scholar – Excellence, Academic Scholar – Superlative, Provost Scholar and Alumni Scholars.
  7. Nonresident Athletics scholarship implies athletic grant-in-aid at the USC Columbia Campus. This rate may not apply to all scholarship student-athletes, based upon designation by the Athletics Department. The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships awards grants-in-aid in accordance with NCAA, and institutional guidelines.
  8. Columbia campus students receiving Academic Scholar – Merit Award.
  9. Active Duty Military - This is applied across USC System Institutions. Nonresident Active Duty Military pay the resident rate for distance courses. Applies to Undergraduates only. Applies to contracted ROTC students.
  10. Full-time Undergraduate students on Columbia, Aiken, Beaufort and Upstate campuses and all full-time Graduate students will pay an additional charge for each credit hour above sixteen hours. Nonrefundable after the 100% refund period.
  11. Graduate rates listed under USC Columbia apply to all campuses. USC Aiken has a program rate for Master of Business Administration – online program listed under campus rates. All other fees for Comprehensive and Palmetto College campuses are for undergraduate students only.
  12. Rate applies only to those specific on-line Graduate programs and courses as approved and identified by the Office of the Provost for Columbia or by the Office of the Chancellor at the comprehensive institutions. See Columbia Specially Priced Online Degree Programs:
  13. USC Columbia - Undergraduate application fee waived only for domestic students who present a valid College Board, ACT, NACAC, Coalition, or Common App application fee waiver; who are dependents of current USC-Columbia faculty or staff; or who are military students applying for 2-year military associate’s degree at Fort Jackson. Graduate school application fees are retained by the General Fund, except for the $50 Moore School of Business additional amount. Additional graduate application fee waivers may be granted at the discretion of the Graduate School.
  14. The Study Abroad Exchange Program Deposit applied to tuition and fees in the semester in which the study abroad exchange program occurs. The deposit is non-refundable after payment is received.
  15. The Gamecock Gateway program is a partnership between the University of South Carolina Columbia (USC) and Midlands Technical College (MTC) to provide an academic and residential link between the two institutions. The Gamecock Gateway program is offered by invitation only and offers a residential experience on or near the USC campus. Students will pursue transfer compliant course work at MTC, while benefitting from a variety of support programs and student services offered by each institution. Upon successful completion of the one-year academic program in Gamecock Gateway, students will be eligible to fully matriculate at USC. The deposit is non-refundable.
  16. The matriculation fee is paid only once by undergraduate degree-seeking students during their entering semester through the campus where they initially enroll. The fee will be charged again if a student enrolls in a masters or doctoral program of study. For the USC Columbia campus, a portion of the fee is allocated to Arts & Sciences for new student placement testing.
  17. Capstone Scholar fee is payable in student's first and second year of the program.
  18. The optional athletic event fee includes per semester athletics activity charge and the athletics bond charge. For the student to elect the fee, the undergraduate student is required to have a minimum of six credit hours and graduate student is required to have one credit hour. Students participating in university-approved internships, practicums, co-ops or z-status as part of their academic program of study are eligible to pay the optional athletic fee during the semester of participation as long as they meet the one-credit hour minimum.
  19. Insurance charge as required for undergraduate students (6 hours or more), graduate students (9 hours or more), graduate assistants, and international students; proof of insurance is required to be eligible for the exemption of this coverage. Other students, not required to provide proof of insurance, may opt into the third-party program.
  20. Mandatory Study Abroad Insurance is based on a $360 academic year rate (or current contract, whichever is greater) that is pro-rated for length of time the student spends abroad.
  21. Dual Enrollment Courses - USC Columbia, USC Aiken, USC Beaufort and USC Upstate may waive the dual enrollment charge or charge less than the $66 per credit hour rate with 4% fee waiver capacity for resident students. This rate applies to full and part time students regardless of status. The $66 per credit hour rate is a minimum. The course charge may not exceed the resident credit hour tuition for each USC Campus.
  22. Reinstatement Fee is assessed to students who have been dropped from their classes due to nonpayment and wish to be re-enrolled in classes for the same term. This fee is assessed per occurrence.
  23. Certified Teacher Rate is $515.00 for resident students per hour for the Columbia campuses. This rate is a 10% reduction to the regular resident graduate rate. The rate is $620.00 for nonresident students per hour for the Columbia campus (50% of Nonresident Graduate rate). The Certified Teacher Rate for Aiken, Beaufort, and Upstate is $362.25 for resident students per hour and $413.00 for nonresident students per hour. The Certified Teacher rate applies to regular graduate courses only and not to any program with a separate program or credit hour fee. Fee applies to part time students only.
  24. Supervisory Teacher Rate is $5 per credit hour for non-Columbia campuses and $50 per credit hour for Columbia campus.
  25. Professional Development contract courses ranging from $4,000 to $12,000 per course based on maximum of 25 students; additional students beyond 25 may enroll for a fee prorated from the base fee. The Chief Financial Officer must approve contract course amounts in advance. Fee assessed only for non-degree seeking students.
  26. Any special course fees to cover materials, travel, or other special costs above normal tuition must be approved in advance by the Provost. Special OSP courses assessed at Board mandated fee rate. Students must pay all fees directly to the University of South Carolina. The Chief Financial Officer must specifically approve any exceptions in advance.
  27. Nonresident students in study abroad programs are eligible for an in-state tuition waiver as provided in the South Carolina Code of Laws 59-112-70.All specially priced courses for Global Classrooms must be approved in advance by the Provost and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
  28. The High School Drama Conservatory is a three-week immersive theatre experience. The residential student is housed in a University dormitory, night and weekend activities and all meals are provided.
  29. Students paying program specific fees for professional or graduate programs will be assessed an additional per credit hour charge for hours outside of the program.
  30. Joint JD/Moore School of Business programs will be assessed MSB Master’s program fees on a pro-rata basis for all MSB courses required for the MSB program commensurate with the Joint JD/MSB program. Fees will be assessed each term in accordance with total program fee and payment schedule outlined in the DMSB schedule of fee payments, regardless of whether a DMSB course is taken in given term.
  31. Moore School of Business requires additional $50 application fee for graduate students. Applicants required to pay $50 graduate school application and $50 Moore School of Business application fee.
  32. Non Refundable Confirmation fee for all Moore School Graduate Master’s Degree programs (part-time & full-time).
  33. Fees assessed on total program fee basis except for the Professional Master of Business Administration degree program (PMBA), Professional Master of Business Administration for Banking, Master of Arts in Economics (MAEC), Master of Accountancy (MACC), Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA), and Master of International Business Program (MIB) which are assessed on the per credit hour basis. Master of Human Resources (MHR) part-time rate is for refund purposes only and not to be assessed.
  34. This rate is for active duty military in the Master of Business Administration – One Year Program.
  35. This rate is for the Master of Business Administration – One Year Program Department of Defense Comptrollership concentration that are active duty and civilian DOD employees.
  36. Nonrefundable Confirmation fee for all Moore School PhD programs.
  37. DMSB Enrichment Fees applies to all Undergraduate students in the Moore School of business including freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. This fee is assessed in Fall and Spring semesters. Part time students are assessed the per credit hour rate.
  38. Fee will be charged to all DMSB International Master of Business Administration Students during the semester that they are on their international immersion, typically in their second year of study.
  39. The program fees will be used to support college’s efforts to: Provide requirements for experiential learning (ex: name badge, learning program management systems). Provide electronic drug information resources, certification programs, ExamSoft access for electronic testing, and self-assessment platforms. Provide printing for students within the COP building. Provide annual drug screening and required background checks while admitted (does not include pre-matriculation required screenings). Provide a comprehensive NAPLEX (national licensure exam) review program and the Pre-NAPLEX assessment for students nearing graduation. For Gamecock Pharmacy Assurance (GPA students), fees are used to provide special, advanced educational programs for pre-pharmacy students conditionally accepted into the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Financial costs supported by the COP and not charged to students through fees include: Maintain and update technology, equipment, and facilitates for the COP in order to offer students an improved education experience. Support student experiences including recruitment, retention, and professional development.
  40. All student fees are paid to the University of South Carolina and not to external agencies, unless explicitly noted. Any laboratory fee must be billed through the University and separate arrangements for facility usage must be arranged between the academic unit and the facility.
  41. Carolina LIFE Program is a program managed under the College of Education which focuses on offering a college experience to individuals with intellectual and cognitive disabilities that might otherwise not experience a college life. Participants are non-degree seeking special needs students who enroll in a total of 15 credit hours per semester – which are a combination of both Carolina LIFE - Life Skills credits and University course credits.
  42. Carolina LIFE housing fees per semester include the estimated cost of resident mentors per program participant. Actual bedroom billing may fluctuate based on number of actual program participants. The non-refundable confirmation deposit is credited and applied to the room rental charge.
  43. These per credit hour fees are in addition to the applicable Graduate tuition and fees.
  44. Through an agreement with Shorelight Education, LLC, non-degree students participating in an International Accelerator Program will pay USC-Columbia tuition and fees to receive services as outlined in the agreement and consistent with the rates for enrolled students included in this fee schedule.
  45. Health Professions charges apply to Public Health, Nursing, Physician Assistant, Nurse Anesthesia, Social Work (graduate students only), Doctor of Physical Therapy, Advanced MS Athletic Training program.
  46. All students in the joint JD/MHA program will pay Law School tuition for years one and two but change to the USC Graduate School rate for year three, then return to the Law School tuition rate for year four of the program.
  47. The Law School Admissions Committee may waive the application fee to encourage applications from candidates who will enhance the school’s diversity goals or who have strong academic credentials.
  48. See Graduate Bulletin for payment schedules of enrichment and matriculation fees. These are designated fees with the revenue allocated to the respective colleges.
  49. Students in CIC Online Graduate Programs in other states will pay the South Carolina resident graduate tuition rate plus a fee of $120 per credit hour.
  50. School of Medicine Columbia and Greenville will follow the standard USC Refund Policy noted in the University Policies and Procedures FINA 4.06
  51. School of Medicine program fee disclosed a per credit hour rate for refund purposes only. Fees continue to be assessed on total program fee basis.
  52. School of Medicine Technology and Infrastructure Fee applicable to all students in the School of Medicine including Graduate Certificate Biomedical Studies, Nurse Anesthesia and Physician Assistant programs.
  53. Biomedical students in the MS and doctoral program are charged the regular graduate student rate and not the Health Professions rate.
  54. All Physician Assistant/Nurse Anesthesia students will be assessed the following fees: Medical School Technology and Infrastructure, Gross Anatomy, Health Professions.
  55. USC Columbia Nursing students, and students at system campuses taking USC Columbia Nursing courses, will pay a third party vendor for background checks and drug screening fees.
  56. Pre-Nursing Enrichment Fee applies to all Palmetto College Campuses lower division Nursing students.
  57. Pre-Pharmacy - same as regular undergraduate charges for 66 credit hours.
  58. For more information on MSBA program:
  59. All College of Pharmacy students retaking a course during the summer terms are required to pay the per credit hour rate for the repeated course in addition to the regular summer program fee.
  60. The Arnold School of Public Health participates in the Schools of Public Health Application System (SOPHAS). This system is used to accumulate and verify application data from prospective students nationwide, and verified prospective student data is provided to the school for processing applications to these programs: Environmental Health Sciences: MPH, MS, and PhD; Epidemiology and Biostatistics: MPH, MSPH, DrPH, and PhD; Exercise Science: MPH in Physical Activity and Public Health; and Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior: MPH, MSPH, DrPH, and PhD; Health Services Policy and Management: MHA, MPH, DrPH, PhD; Academic Affairs: MPH in General Public Health. The cost of $115 per application is charged directly to the students by SOPHAS and is not reflected in the University's fee schedule. Applicants for these programs also pay the $50 Graduate school application to the University of South Carolina General Fund.
  61. Aiken may offer a time-limited discounted rate up to 15% for qualified students on occasion.
  62. Arnold School of Public Health – Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) – Tuition rate was approved for assessment beginning Fall 2016 to apply to all new students admitted to the DPT program who begin matriculating after Summer 2016 semester. Currently enrolled students as of Summer 2016 will be exempt from this rate and be assessed the rate notated as Currently Enrolled students. Students also pay the Health Professions fee.
  63. Seat Confirmation Fee for Communication Sciences and Disorders - One-time fee applied toward student's tuition.
  64. Korean MSW Program - Social Work - The full time rate is for the complete program of 60 credit hours. Students are assessed tuition per credit hour.
  65. USC Columbia Housing - Housing contract cancellation and fines and damages. Please refer to University Housing for details on cancellation dates and charges and all fines and damage charges. Housing charges a $100 deposit for room confirmation. This deposit is applied to the Fall room charge.
  66. USC Columbia Housing - Students living in Maxcy, Preston, Green Quad, Rhodos, and Galen Health Sciences living-learning communities will be assessed the enrichment fee in addition to the Educational/RHA Fee.
  67. University Libraries - Please refer to full schedule of fees and fines for University Libraries available on the USC website.
  68. Continuing Education - Please refer to full schedule of fees for Continuing Education programs available on the USC website.
  69. Post Office: Postal Service rates are determined by the US Postal Service and will change based on their schedule. Mail & Package Service Fee for Resident Students are non-refundable beginning the first day of classes each term. Mail & Package Service fees are only removed from student account for current term due to non-enrollment. Approvals will not be granted for removal of Mail & Package Service fees for any prior term. Commuter Student Mail & Package Service fees are non-refundable once the Mail ID has been assigned.
  70. Minimum Meal plan for Bates House, Preston Residence Halls, Gamecock Gateway, Palmetto Pathway Program Students. Upperclassmen are defined as not being a first year student.
  71. Bookstore Access Program added to students' accounts at time of registration based on number of credit hours taken. Students may opt-out prior to a term-specified date and other student population exclusions may apply.
  72. USC Columbia Parking - Please refer to full schedule of fees and fines for parking available on the USC Parking website.
  73. Graduate application fees were temporarily waived during FY24 and will be reassessed in future periods.
  74. USC Aiken - Any special course fees to cover materials, travel, or other special costs above normal tuition must be approved in advance by the Chancellor for USC Aiken in consultation with the system Chief Financial Officer. Special OSP courses assessed at board mandated fee rate. All fees must be paid by students directly to the University of South Carolina. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer for USC Aiken must specifically approve any exceptions in advance in consultation with the system Chief Financial Officer.
  75. USC Aiken resident rate applies to students who are legal residents of Richmond and Columbia counties of Georgia as provided in SC Code of Laws 59-112-110.
  76. USC Comprehensive campuses nonresident scholarship rate is 75% of the campus nonresident tuition. Each campus establishes specific criteria for scholarship award.
  77. USC Aiken applies scholarship rates to UG students only. Reduction in tuition, is as provided by the Code of Laws 59-117-70. Athletic NR Scholarship rate may not apply to all scholarship student-athletes. Specific criteria determined by the campus.
  78. USC Aiken - Pacer Pathway deposit of $100.00 (non-refundable) credited to the student account and applied against semester fees. $1,000.00 program fee per semester. The Pacer Pathway program is a one-year residential program offered jointly by the University of South Carolina Aiken and the University of South Carolina Union. Designed for a select group of freshmen, the Pacer Pathway program is an academic transfer program available by invitation only.
  79. USC Aiken - Reduced application fee for students who quality for College Board/ACT fee waiver only.
  80. USC Aiken - Offers a limited number of housing grants to assist in the recruitment of students. These grants are generally offered on a one-time basis and may be valued up to the annual full-cost of housing. The number of housing grants is based upon USC Aiken’s historical vacancy percentage in housing and is intended to take advantage of under-utilized capacity. Special consideration is made by the Office of Admissions when offering these grants to minimize the possibility of adverse financial impact upon the housing operation. Recipients of these grants who are nonresidents do not receive out-of-state fee waivers unless they receive other institutional scholarships that would qualify the recipient for such a waiver.
  81. USC Beaufort - Any special course fees to cover materials, travel, or other special costs above normal tuition must be approved in advance by the Chancellor for USC Beaufort in consultation with the system Chief Financial Officer. Special OSP courses assessed at board mandated fee rate. Students must pay all fees directly to the University of South Carolina Beaufort. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer for USC Beaufort must specifically approve any exceptions in advance in consultation with the system Chief Financial Officer.
  82. USC Beaufort resident rate applies to students who are legal residents of Chatham, Effingham and Bryan counties of GA as provided in SC Code of Laws 59-112-20-E.
  83. USC Beaufort applies scholarship rates to UG students only. Reduction in tuition, as provided in SC Code of Laws 59-112-70. Athletic NR Scholarship rate may not apply to all scholarship student-athletes. Specific criteria determined by the campus.
  84. The rate applies to all newly enrolled USC Aiken students (Freshmen and Transfer Students) who would normally fall inside the 35-mile zone and are not required to live in University Housing.
  85. USC Beaufort - Sand Shark Scholars deposit of $300 credited to student account and applied against semester fee. $1,000 program fee per semester. The Sand Shark Scholars Program is a one-year residential program offered jointly by the University of South Carolina Beaufort and the University of South Carolina Salkehatchie. Designed for a select group of freshmen, the Sand Shark Scholars Program is an academic transfer program available by invitation only.
  86. USC Beaufort – Application fees may be waived for new applicants to USCB for the following reasons: Financial hardship, SAT and ACT fee waivers and to strategically address recruitment efforts identified annually through the enrollment management planning process. Application fee waiver request must be submitted in writing from the applicant or guidance counselor or receive a fee waiver for the SAT or ACT.
  87. USC Beaufort Enrollment Deposit will be credited towards the student account and applied to the semester bill.
  88. USC Beaufort housing and meal plans are outsourced through the Beaufort - Jasper Higher Education Commission. USC Beaufort collects room fees for distribution to the Commission based on an agreement. For USC Beaufort Housing Contract cancellation, fines, and damages please refer to USC Beaufort Housing contract and/or website for details on cancellation dates, charges, fines, and damage charges. Information will be updated annually.
  89. USC Beaufort - All students residing in on-campus student housing will be required to purchase either the Weekly 15, Block 160, or Unlimited Meal Plan. Please refer to the USC Beaufort website, for information on meal plan requirements based on class standing (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior).
  90. USC Beaufort – All full-time students who are not residing on campus, will be required to purchase a 25 block per semester meal plan, at a minimum. A full-time student is classified as a student taking 12 or more credit hours of instruction per semester.
  91. USC Upstate - Refer to USC Upstate website for list of parking and traffic violations schedule of fees and fines.
  92. USC Upstate - Any special course fees to cover materials, travel, or other special costs above normal tuition must be approved in advance by the Chancellor for USC Upstate in consultation with the system Chief Financial Officer. Special OSP courses assessed at board mandated fee rate. Students must pay all fees directly to the University of South Carolina Upstate. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer for USC Upstate must specifically approve any exceptions in advance in consultation with the system Chief Financial Officer.
  93. USC Upstate applies scholarship rates to UG students only. Reduction in tuition, as provided in SC Code of Laws 59-112-70. Athletic NR Scholarship rate may not apply to all scholarship student-athletes. Specific criteria determined by the campus.
  94. USC Upstate - International Partner University Students - Degree Completion Program - This rate is inclusive of all course and program fees incurred by student. This rate does not include technology fee, security fee, health fee, housing, meal plans or student health insurance. This rate applies to all international universities sending students in 2+2, dual degree, or 1+2+1 programs. International program rate is applicable only to programs approved by the Board of Trustees.
  95. USC Upstate - Additional course fees are in addition to regular student tuition.
  96. USC Upstate Application fees will be waived for the following students who are currently enrolled in high school and are applying for freshman admission to the Upstate campus: Students with an SAT total of 1300 or above or ACT composite of 29 or above; Students who submit Educational Testing Service (SAT/ACT) fee waiver forms for students, NACAC requests, Upstate Junior Scholars (applies only to semester immediately following high school graduation), Upstate Scholars Academy, Off-campus Dual Enrollment, Upward Bound students, College Day applicants, Upstate Teacher Cadets or those who demonstrate other documented need. Application fees will be waived for degree seeking transfer students who graduate with an Associate Degree from a SC technical or community college. Application fees will be waived for the following applicants, regardless of degree status or school enrollment: full-time, permanent USC Upstate faculty and staff (including retired), their spouses and dependents; ROTC staff (eligible for USC Faculty/Staff Tuition Assistance). Graduate school application fees will be waived for Upstate alumni. International student application fee may be waived to strategically address recruitment efforts identified annually through the enrollment management process.
  97. USC Upstate Housing - Contract cancellation, fines and damages - please refer to USC Upstate Housing website and/or Housing application for details on cancellation dates, charges, fines and damage charges. Information will update annually. All fulltime freshmen are required to live on campus and those under 35 miles radius to campus must file for exemption.
  98. USC Upstate - Minimum mandatory meal plan for students based on housing assignment. Palmetto and Magnolia House – Platinum Plan. Villa apartments - Villa Gold or Villa Silver.
  99. USC Upstate - Minimum mandatory meal plan for commuter students enrolled on the Spartanburg campus, including the JCBE building. Exclusion for Online courses.
  100. USC Upstate - Athletic Insurance Fee is a range depending on individual athlete experience.
  101. Students attending any class in whole or part on the main campus or at the George Dean Johnson School of Business are required to pay the health fee. Clinical fee charges are posted on the Health Services web page.
  102. USC Upstate - SLED background check charge may be required for certain University courses.
  103. Palmetto College Degree Completion Programs are online degree programs offered by USC campuses in Aiken, Beaufort, Columbia and Upstate. See for list of degrees offered at this rate.
  104. Palmetto College Campuses – Application fees may be waived for new applicants to Palmetto College Campuses (Lancaster, Salkehatchie, Sumter, Union) for College application days, financial hardship or to strategically address recruitment efforts identified annually through the enrollment management planning process.
  105. Dual Enrollment Courses – Dual Enrollment Rate will be equal to the current LTAP rate per credit hour or $80 per credit hour. If LTAP rate changes mid-year, USC Palmetto College rate may change to be the same rate. USC Palmetto College campuses may waive the dual enrollment charge or charge less than the approved rate with 4% fee waiver capacity for resident students. This rate applies to full and part time students regardless of status. This rate is subject to the availability of Lottery Tuition Assistance funds for those students who qualify. The course charge may not exceed the resident credit hour tuition for each USC Campus.
  106. USC Lancaster - Students enrolled in Applied Technical Nursing program in cooperation with York Technical College are exempt from over 75 hour course charge.
  107. The Athletic 16 meal plan will be assessed to all student-athletes with enough scholarship money to cover the cost of the meal plan. Those student-athletes that do not have enough scholarship money to cover the 16 meal plan may opt in by notifying Athletics. Additionally, Athletics will offer a 14 and 10 meal plan option(s) for non-scholarship and partial scholarship student-athletes and those student-athletes may opt in by notifying Athletics. All first year students will still be assigned a minimum meal plan required by Aramark and will not be charged or allowed to opt in to the Athletics 16, 14, or 10 meal plans. The Athletics 16, 14, and 10 meal plans will be operated by the Athletic Department in conjunction with the Carolina Card Office.
  108. Fee to be assessed on all qualifying students with exceptions approved by the Provost.
  109. USC Lancaster - Parking fines includes, but are not limited to, parking in unauthorized areas, driving too fast for conditions, and undesignated street crossing.
  110. Graduate program fee waived for students providing internship supervision.
  111. Columbia campus students receiving Academic Scholar – Recognition Award.
  112. Law Library Usage and Service Fees for photocopies, document delivery (mail, email, in-person pickup), lost/damaged library materials, and damage to library and Law School furnishings and property can be found here:; Service Fees:
  113. Payment is accepted by electronic check and credit card. Credit card payments will incur a 2.5% processing fee.
  114. Courses offered at Ft. Jackson through Palmetto College are identified by section numbers starting with "Z" and incur lab fees at the same rate as USC Columbia courses.
  116. For more information on student conduct fees please visit
  117. This fee includes all required textbooks and other learning materials pertinent to the MHA professional program. It also covers departmental operating costs for the MHA professional program and other associated services for students success. The $8,088 costs are broken and charged over two years as part of tuition ($4044 each year).
  118. Educational Materials Program funds are loaded to students' Carolina Card for use in the bookstore. Participation in this program is optional.

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