Understanding Billing Plan Event Status

In this topic, you will learn how to better understand billing plan event statuses.


  1. Events are used with billing methods Milestone, % Complete, and Value based.

    Step 1
  2. Billing methods Immediate and Recurring do not have billing plan events.

    Step 2
  3. You can optionally associate billing plan events with As Incurred billing plans to maintain greater control over the timing of as incurred billing.

    Step 3
  4. This diagram depicts the billing plan event status flow.

    Step 4
  5. Pending is the default status when you define most billing plan events. Billing plan events in Pending status are not subject to system edit checking.


    Note. The system inserts Percent Complete billing plan events in Ready status.

    Step 5
  6. There are two methods that you can use to set the billing plan event status to Ready. 


    First, you can set the billing plan event status to Ready after you have finished defining the event for the billing plan. This method enables you to automate the billing process. For example, you can define a milestone billing plan event and set it to Ready status.


    Then, when the milestone is reached, the system automatically generates the corresponding bill line.

    Step 6
  7. The second method is to leave the billing plan event in Pending status until the activity associated with the bill event is ready to be billed. For example, you can define a milestone billing plan event and leave it in Pending status.


    Then when the milestone is reached, you can update the billing plan event status to Ready to initiate billing. This method enables you to enforce greater control over what bills are generated.


    Regardless of the method that you choose, when you set the billing plan event status to Ready, the system performs edit checks to ensure that all required event fields have been defined (Milestone ID, Milestone Number, and Percentage).

    Step 7
  8. After the billing plan event has been processed by the system and the associated activity has been sent to PeopleSoft Billing, the Contracts/Billing process (CA_BI_INTFC) updates the event to In Progress.


    When an event has an In Progress status, that event is overlooked by future billing processes.

    Step 8
  9. The Recycled status is set by PeopleSoft Billing if one or more of the billing plan lines associated with the event is cancelled in the billing worksheet.


    Note. Invoices cancelled in bill entry are not updated to Recycled in PeopleSoft Contracts release 8 and older.


    Individual billing plan lines are processed if an event is marked as recycled and the billing plan line is cancelled in the Billing Cross- Reference History table. (Cancelled billing plans have a Deleted Billing Cross- Reference History status.)

    Step 9
  10. The system assigns the Reversal Initiated status when you select the Reversal Initiated option and click the Update Event Status button on the Review Billing - Events page. Selecting this option triggers the system to generate a reversal for the selected billing plan events.


    At the same time that the system sets the event status to Reversal Initiated, the system also changes the billing plan status from In Progress or Completed to Action Required. This indicates that you need to manage the billing plan events to ensure that you process 100 percent for event-level reversals.

    Step 10
  11. The system assigns the Reversal by progress status when the application engine begins the reversal generation process.

    Step 11
  12. The system changes the billing plan event status to Reversed with the next run of the Contracts Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC).

    Step 12
  13. When all bill lines associated with a billing plan event are Finalized in the Billing Cross-Reference History, you must run the Contracts Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC) again to update the billing plan event status to Completed. 

    Step 13

Congratulations, you have successfully gained an understanding of billing plan event statuses.

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