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Bursar's Office

Self Service Carolina Tutorials

Learn more about the most common Self Service Carolina transactions.

How To's

See below for step by step instructions for various transactions on your student account.

Please use the below steps to add the Athletics Fee, the Foundation-Carolina Fund Fee, or the Commute Mail/Pkg Fee to your account.

  1. Log into
  2. Click on the Account Information tab.
  3. Click on the Optional Fees tab.
  4. Select the term and click Submit.
  5. Enter the fee that you would like to add and click continue.
  6. Review the option you have chosen and click Submit or Change Option (if a change is necessary).
  7. You will be able to view the transaction after it has been submitted.
  1. Log into, click Account Information, then Payment Gateway.
  2. Once the online payment portal loads, click Enroll in Payment Plan under the Balance information.
  3. Select the appropriate account and click Select. Then select the appropriate term to enroll in the Payment Plan and click Select.
  4. Once the term is selected, general information regarding the Payment Plan will appear on the screen. Click Details for more information regarding the Payment Plan such as amounts, number of installments, etc.  Once finished reviewing, click Select.
  5. The next page will display the current total due for the down payment, as well as the payment schedule for future installment dates.
    • PLEASE NOTE: Before selecting Continue at the bottom of the page, a selection MUST BE MADE to either schedule the payments automatically (selected payment method will be charged automatically the day installment is due), or to NOT enroll in automatic payments.
  6. The next step requires entering the preferred payment method. If a credit or debit card is selected and used, a 2.5% convenience fee will be charged. However, if an electronic check is used for payment, no additional charge is added. Once the selection is made, click Continue and enter the account number.  Once this has been done click Continue.
  7. The next page will require the cardholder information. If this payment method information is to be kept on file, check the box next under Option to Save and create a name for this payment method, then click Continue.
  8. The Plan Enrollment Agreement will appear. Note that the $75 administrative fee is nonrefundable. Please review this information carefully, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions check box.
  9. To finalize the agreement, click the Continue
  10. The online receipt will appear and can be printed.
The Payment Plan Agreement can be accessed at any time under the Payment Gateway by selecting Payment Plans at the top of the page, then Manage Plans for current Payment Plans or Plan History for previous plans.

A variety of programs exist that can modify how much tuition a student will owe. Collectively these are known as Exemptions and typically are used to lower out of state tuition costs to in state tuition levels. If you are receiving an exemption, it will show up in the Account information section of Self Service Carolina on the Account summary by period or account detail by term under the Payment Column. Please note this is an adjustment to tuition and fees, not a payment, scholarship or other application of funds.

If you are expecting an Exemption but do not see it, please contact the department or office that is responsible for issuing that exemption.

In our effort to trim the cost associated with credit card payments, the University has established electronic checks as an alternative method of paying tuition and fees without adding more fees to your bill. Please follow the steps below to pay your fees by electronic check.

NOTE:  You cannot use corporate accounts, i.e. home equity, traveler's checks, etc. You cannot use a savings account to make a payment. This must be a personal checking account. Do not use a debit card for the electronic check payment option.

  1. Log onto using your VIP ID and password.
  2. Click Account Information, then Payment Gateway.
  3. Once the payment portal loads, click Make Payment.
  4. The Account Payment Screen which displays the current balance and any pending payments will open. Select either Current Account Balance, Pay by Term or Pay by line item.
  5. Click Add to add the payment amount and then click Continue.
  6. Click the Select Method drop down box and choose the Electronic Check (checking) You can also use previously saved checking accounts under this option.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Enter the Routing number, Bank account number and the billing information for this account. Contact your financial institution to get the correct routing number.
  9. You can save this method of payment by clicking on the Save this payment method for future use checkbox and key in a name for this account.
  10. Go to Security Settings in My Profile to enroll to have refunds deposited directly into this account. Follow instructions under Signing Up for Direct Deposit to set this up.
  11. Click Continue and review your confirmation message to ensure the transaction details are correct.
  12. Click the I agree to the terms and conditions checkbox to continue this transaction.
  13. Click Print Agreement if you would like a copy for your records. Click Continue
  14. Click Submit Payment to authorize the transaction. You will receive a confirmation email with the payment details.
  15. Click Payment History to review a record of the payment.

Credit card payments can only be made online at There is a 2.5% convenience fee for the use of a credit or debit card.

  1. Log onto using your VIP ID and password.
  2. Click Account Information.
  3. Click Payment Gateway and you will be prompted to use your multifactor authentication device to access the next screen.
  4. Click Make Payment.
  5. The Account Payment Screen which displays the account balance information will open. Select either Current Account Balance, Pay by Term or Pay by Line Item.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click the drop-down box and select the Credit or Debit Card option and then key in your credit card number. (You can also use previously saved credit cards under this option.)
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Key in your credit card and billing information. Click the Option to save checkbox and key in a name for this card if you want to save this payment method.
  10. Click Continue and review your payment information to ensure the transaction details are correct.
  11. Click Submit Payment to authorize the transaction. You will receive a confirmation email with the payment details.
  12. Click Payment History to review a record of the details.

Current account balance and details statements are available at following the below steps.

For Students:

  1. Log into
  2. Click Account Information, then Payment Gateway
  3. Click the OnDemand Statement button under Statements
  4. Choose the semester and click Submit to view the statement
  5. To print the statement, click Print at the bottom of the page. You can also save the statement as a PDF by clicking Print, then Destination and choosing the Save as PDF

For Authorized Users:

  1. Log into the Authorized User Login page
  2. Click the OnDemand Statement button under Statements
  3. Choose the semester and click Submit to view the statement
  4. To print the statement, click Print at the bottom of the page. You can also save the statement as a PDF by clicking Print, then Destination and choosing the Save as PDF
  1. Log onto using your VIP ID and password.
  2. Click Account Information.
  3. Click Print Bill for Term.
  4. Select term and click Submit.
  5. The details of the account activity will display. Click Email my Billing Statement to have the statement emailed.
  6. Once completed, the student will receive a message indicating the email statement was sent.
  1. Log onto using VIP ID & password
  2. Navigate: Account Information -> Payment Gateway -> Authorized Users
  3. Click Add Authorized User
  4. Enter email address for Authorized User (more than one can be added)
  5. Select YES/NO for what information the Authorized User should be allowed to view
  6. Click Continue. The agreement will appear. Read it and click the box next to I Agree.  Print agreement and click Continue to submit the transaction.
  7. A message will appear to the student with notification that the Authorized User will receive an email. Authorized Users will have their own ID and password.
  8. Authorized users can be deleted and viewing permission can be edited by the student. Additional Authorized Users can be added by the student as well.  

The most rapid means of receiving refunds that are to be refunded to the student is via direct deposit.

  1. Log into
  2. Click Account Information.
  3. Click Payment Gateway and you will be prompted to use your multifactor authentication device to access the next screen.
  4. Select Electronic Refunds.
  5. Click Enroll in Two Step Verification or Complete Two Step Verification to update a refund method.
  6. Follow Instructions to select a Primary Method (Text, Email or Google Authenticator) to receive your passcode. Once you choose the method, you will  receive a passcode that will allow you to continue.
  7. Enter the passcode and click Verify.
  8. Click the Refunds tab.
  9. Click Set-up Account. If you have previously set up an account, you will only have the option to edit or remove the existing account. Please use personal checking accounts only.  Fill in all requested information.
  10. Create an identifying name for the account and key this in the Save Payment Method As area. Then click Continue.
  11. Read the agreement terms. If you still want to set up a direct deposit account, click the I Agree box and click Continue to complete your transaction.
  12. You will receive a confirmation message if your account was successfully saved.

NOTE:  If you have a saved payment method (checking account) that is not set up to receive refunds, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to My Profile and then Payment Profile.
  2. Click the Action button on the line of the Saved Payment Method you want to use for refunds.
  3. Click Edit and then click Send Code under Refund Options and you will be prompted to enter a passcode for the Two Step Verification.
  4. Key in the passcode and click Verify.
  5. Make sure the Check here if you would like refunds to be deposited into this account button is checked.
  6. Click Save.

Account Information

  1. Log into Self Service Carolina at
  2. Click Account Information and then the Account Information
  3. You can view the transaction dates and descriptions, terms, and charges on your account. Current Amount Due and Account Balance are at the bottom of the page.

Account Detail for Term

  1. Log into Self Service Carolina at
  2. Click Account Detail for Term.
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select the term.
  4. Use this option to view transactions dates, description of transactions, charges, and payments by semester. Balances are available on the bottom of the page.

Account Summary

  1. Log into Self Service Carolina at
  2. Click Account Summary.
  3. Click the dropdown arrow to choose View By Term, then click the Go to Term dropdown arrow to choose the semester.
  4. Do the same if you click View By Period. Click the button next to the term to view the charges.
  5. You can view descriptions of charges, charge and payment amounts and balance on account.

If you have questions about your bill, please contact the office that handles the charge.

  • Bursar’s Office - 803-777-4233 - Please contact the Bursar’s Office for questions concerning tuition and academic fees rates, merit/scholarship tuition reductions, outside scholarships, sponsored payments, how to pay your bill, payment plans and payment deadlines.
  • Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships - 803-777-8134 - Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships for questions concerning loans, grants and institutional/state scholarships.
  • SC Residency Office - 803-777-5555 - Please contact the SC Residency Office for questions concerning your residency status. 
  • Carolina Card - 803-777-1708 - Please contact the Carolina Card Office for questions concerning your meal plan, dining dollars and Carolina ID cards.
  • University Housing - 803-777-4283 - Please contact the University Housing Office for questions concerning your housing charges and assignments.
  • Parking Services - 803-777-5160 - Please contact Parking Services for questions concerning parking decals and garage spaces. 
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life - 803-777-3506 - Please contact Fraternity and Sorority Life for questions concerning Greek housing and meal plan charges.
  • Veteran and Military Services  - 803-777-5156 - Please contact Veterans and Military Services for questions regarding various military programs that provide educational benefits.
  • Student Health Services - 803-777-5174 - Please contact University Health Services regarding questions about mandatory health insurance. 

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