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Faculty and Staff

Eric Reisenauer

Title: Interim Campus Dean
Professor of History
Department: Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
USC Sumter
Phone: 803-938-3749
Office: Williams-Brice-Edwards Administration Building, Room 108
Resources: Merit page

Teaches or has taught the following courses

HIST 101, European Civilization from Ancient Times to the Mid-Seventeenth Century
HIST 102, European Civilization from the Mid-Seventeenth Century
HIST 105, Introduction to East Asian Civilization
HIST 311, The Age of Absolutism, 1648 - 1789
HIST 312, French Revolution and Napoleon
HIST 316, Nineteenth-Century Europe
HIST 321, History of Great Britain Since 1660


Ph.D. - History, Loyola University Chicago, 1997
M.A. - History, Loyola University Chicago, 1992
B.A. - History & Speech Communications, Gonzaga University, 1990


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

“‘The Merchants of Tarshish, with all the Young Lions Thereof.’ The British Empire, Scripture Prophecy, and the War of Armageddon, 1914-1918,” Journal of the Bible and its Reception 4 (2: December 2017), (forthcoming).

“A World in Crisis and Transition: the Millennial and the Modern in Britain, 1914-1918,” First World War Studies 2 (2: October 2011): 217–232.

“Between the Eternal City and the Holy City: Rome, Jerusalem, and the Imperial Ideal in Britain,” Canadian Journal of History /Annales canadiennes d’histoire 44 (Autumn 2009): 237-260.

“Anti-Jewish Philosemitism: British and Hebrew Affinity and Nineteenth-Century British Antisemitism,” British Scholar 1 (1: September 2008): 79-104.

“‘The Battle of the Standards’: Great Pyramid Metrology and British Identity, 1859-1890,” The Historian 65 (4: Summer 2003): 931-978.

“Jacob’s Heritage: Racial Inheritance in British Imperial Identity, 1870 - 1918,” Journal of the Georgia Association of Historians, 22 (2001): 1-32. (Winner of the Warren Spencer Award)

“‘That We May Do Israel’s Work’: Racial Election in British Imperial Thought,” The Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association (1999): 97-112.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:

“Armageddon at Sebastopol: The Crimean War and Biblical Prophecy in mid-Victorian Britain,” Perplext in Faith: Essays on Victorian Beliefs and Doubts, eds. A. Clapp-Intyre and J. Melnyk (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2015).

“‘Tidings Out of the East’: British Millennialism and the Eastern Question in the First World War,” in End of Days: Essays on the Apocalypse from Antiquity to Modernity, eds. Karolyn Kinane and Michael A. Ryan (Jefferson, NC and London: McFarland and Company, 2009), 142-172.


Community Service

Heart of Sumter Neighborhood Associate, 2016 – Present, Vice-President – 2017
Sumter County Gallery of Art Board – 2009 - Present, Vice-Chair – 2010, Chair – 2010 - 2012
Sumter Chamber of Commerce, USC Sumter Liaison – 2012 - 2013
Sumter Little Theatre Board – 2001 - 2010, President – 2002 - 2004, Secretary – 2008 - 2010
Sumter County Friends of the Library Board of Directors – 1999-2005, President – 2004 - 2005
Sumter County Friends of the Library Faith Line Trust Board of Trustees – 2012 – President – 2016 - 2017
Sumter Home Chapter, DAR, American History Essay Contest Judge – 2005 - 2015
St. Anne Catholic Church Parish Council – 2003 - 2010, Vice-President – 2004 - 2005
Sumter Heart Walk, USC Sumter Faculty Team Captain – 2015
Sumter County Parks and Recreation Youth Soccer Coach – 2011 - 2014
Shaw Air Force Base Youth Recreation League Softball Coach – 2012 - 2013


Professional Service

Research Initiative for Summer Engagement (RISE) Grant Reviewer – 2013 - Present
Advanced Support Program for Innovative Research Excellence (ASPIRE) Grant Reviewer – 2013 - Present
Executive Council of the Southern Conference on British Studies – 2006 – Present, Sec./Treas. – 2014 - Present
Article reviewer for Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History of Science – 2010
Article reviewer for Journal of the Georgia Association of Historians – 2004
Consulting Scholar, National Center For Humanities – 2000 - 2001
Participating Scholar, Kettering Foundation Roundtable – 1998, 2012


Professional Memberships

Phi Alpha Theta, History Honors Society
Alpha Sigma Nu, Jesuit University Honors Society
North American Conference on British Studies
Southern Conference on British Studies
Nineteenth Century Studies Association
Marquis Who’s Who
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers



Governor’s Distinguished Professor Award, USC Sumter – 2012
University of South Carolina Sumter Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award – 2009
University of South Carolina Research Sabbatical Leave – 2008
Williams-Brice-Edwards Endowed Professorship, USC Sumter – 2005 - Present
Hugh T. Stoddard, Sr., Award for Outstanding Faculty Member, USC Sumter – 2002
Warren Spencer Award for Best Article Published in Journal of the Georgia Association of Historians - 2004
USC Educational Foundation Service Award Nominee, USC Sumter – 2002
Governor’s Distinguished Professor Award, USC Sumter – 2000
Phi Alpha Theta - History Award - Gonzaga University – 1990
