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Faculty and Staff

Robert W. Ferrell

Title: Special Faculty (History)
Department: History
USC Sumter
Phone: 803-938-3762
Office: 102 Schwartz Building


A native of Rock Hill, South Carolina, Bob graduated from Rock Hill High School in 1962. He attended the USC Lancaster campus for the next three years and moved to the Columbia campus where he graduated in 1967 with a Bachelor of Arts in history. This degree was followed in 1969 with Master of Arts in history.

Bob immediately began working on his Ph.D. in history and finished the course work in 1971. He journeyed to Mexico in June of that year to complete the tie with the "Love of his Life," Maria Elena Guerrero of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. For their honeymoon and for Bob to complete his dissertation on modern British history, they went to London, England where they spent two years. There Bob worked for the American Community School and Maria Elena for the Inner London Education Authority as teachers.

Returning to South Carolina in 1973, Bob happened to hear about Clemson University at Sumter planning to leave and the University of South Carolina taking its place. Director, later to be Dean, Jack Anderson hired Bob to head up the new Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. He stayed in that position until 1988 when he became Director of Enrollment Management. In 1994 his title changed to Director of Admissions Services.

Bob is active in the Sumter Optimist Club, the Sumter County Historical Society, the Sumter County Historical Commission, and several other groups in and around Sumter County. He has two delightful daughters, Adriana and Erica. Maria Elena works at Sumter High School where she has taught Spanish since 1974.