South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Applying Vocabulary to Describe a Performance

In this task, students will demonstrate their ability to apply theatre vocabulary words to describe a performance. Before delivering this task, students should experience defining and explaining theatre technical elements, and they should be able to describe details of a performance using the vocabulary words included in this performance task. They should experience discussing and writing their understandings of the vocabulary words with a variety of theatre genres, styles, and/or techniques. Use the Suggested Meanings, Keywords, and Examples document and the Writing About Theatre Practice Page to prepare students for this assessment.

This page contains an 'at a glance' overview of this task, downloadable documents, links to suggested theatre performance recordings, and the task rubric with student work samples and rating justifications for each proficiency level.

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Upper Elementary
  • Middle School


Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloted


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
Theatre Responding 5. I can interpret and evaluate live or recorded dramatic performances as an active audience member.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
T.R.NM.5 - I can recognize artistic elements in live or recorded performances. T.R.NM.5.1 - I can recognize that a performance is made of many different production elements.
- T.R.NM.5.2 - I can recognize that a performance is made of many different theatre conventions.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

All writing demonstrates clear, strong understanding of technical elements of theatre:

  • Uses all vocabulary words correctly
  • Includes precise and specific explanations of all vocabulary words’ meanings
  • References accurate details or examples that describe specific moments from the performance for all vocabulary words
Exemplary Sample 1

The student used all three vocabulary words correctly and included specific explanations of the meanings of all the terms. Specific details referenced how each of the terms were used in the performance. The student included assumptions for two of the terms, demonstrating a strong understanding of the technical elements of theatre.

Most writing demonstrates clear, strong understanding of technical elements of theatre:

  • Uses most vocabulary words correctly
  • Includes correct explanations of most vocabulary words’ meanings
  • References accurate details or examples from the performance for most vocabulary words
Proficient Sample 1

All three vocabulary words were used correctly, and adequate explanations were provided for all three terms. References to the scene were included for only two of the terms, with no reference or example given for lighting.
Approaching Proficient

Some writing demonstrates clear understanding of technical elements of theatre:

  • Uses some vocabulary words correctly
  • Includes explanations of some vocabulary words’ meanings
  • References some details from the performance, which may be inaccurate or vague
Approaching Proficient Sample 1

The student used the vocabulary words correctly; however, the explanations were very general and provided only basic information. An example was provided for each term, but only lighting included details from the scene.

Writing demonstrates limited understanding of technical elements of theatre:

  • Uses few vocabulary words correctly
  • Includes explanations of few vocabulary words’ meanings
  • References few details from the performance, which are inaccurate or vague
Emerging Sample 1

Neither explanations of the vocabulary words nor how the terms apply to theatre were included in the writing. An incorrect reference was given for props, with the student stating that the ship was a prop instead of part of the set. The terms sound and lighting were used correctly, but the examples were vague.
Needs Major Support

The student’s writing is off-topic, does not specifically refer to details in the performance, and/or does not demonstrate an understanding of technical elements of theatre.

Needs Major Support Sample 1

The student's writing was generally off-topic, providing opinions unrelated to the task. Lighting was the only term used correctly. None of the vocabulary words were explained, and references from the scene were not included for two of the terms.
South Carolina Assessment Program