Task Details
Choreographing and Performing a Movement Phrase
In this task, students will demonstrate their ability to communicate an idea by creating and performing a movement phrase that has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Students should be familiar with dance elements, choreographing movement phrases, and communicating ideas using a variety of intentional movements. This performance task should take approximately 120 instructional minutes over two or three class periods.
Proficiency Level(s)
- Novice
Targeted Grade Level(s)
- Upper Elementary
- Middle School
- No prompts
Classroom Piloting Status
- Not yet piloted
Content Area | Artistic Process | Standard |
Dance | Creating | 2. I can choreograph a dance. |
Dance | Performing | 3. I can perform movements using the dance elements. |
Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)
Benchmark | Indicator |
D.CR NH.2 - I can create a dance that communicates an idea through the use of literal and abstract gestures. | D.CR NH.2.1 - I can create a movement phrase with a beginning, middle, and end that communicates an idea. |
D.CR NH.3 - I can perform movements using the dance elements. | D.CR NH.3.1 - I can perform transitions between shapes on different levels and in different directions. |
Rubric and Sample Student Work
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Student always performs movements from the choreography:
Exemplary Sample 1 Video Exemplary Sample 1 Planning Page Exemplary Sample 2 Video Exemplary Sample 2 Planning Page Exemplary Sample 3 Video Exemplary Sample 3 Planning Page |
Exemplary Sample 1 Idea: Star The idea of a star, which is an abstract concept, was clearly communicated through intentional movements. The student’s shapes and movements helped to convey the image of a star. The low star shape for the beginning section was especially effective. The levels changed often, as did the direction and the pathways. The planning page was easy to understand, and the student always performed the choreographed movements during the performance. Exemplary Sample 2 Idea: Calming Ocean The student clearly communicated the idea of a calming ocean, particularly through her leg and arm movements. The student changed levels frequently and included a variety of directions and pathways. The student adhered to the choreography from her Planning Page, which contained very specific notations about the planned choreography. Exemplary Sample 3 Idea: Cheer The student clearly communicated the idea of cheerleading and followed the choreography annotated on the Planning Page, which was complete and clear. The student’s movements showed the essence of cheerleading, without being a literal routine. The movement phrase included several directions, pathways, and levels. The student demonstrated specific movements fluidly and with intention. |
Proficient | Student mostly performs movements from the choreography:
Proficient Sample 1 Video Proficient Sample 1 Planning Page Proficient Sample 2 Video Proficient Sample 2 Planning Page |
Proficient Sample 1 Idea: Dog The idea of the dog was generally conveyed, although several movements could be interpreted as other animals. The use of the downward dog pose for the beginning shape was effective. The student used a variety of pathways that were clearly performed, especially the curvy and zigzag pathways. Levels were somewhat varied. The student did not indicate a clear plan for the middle section on the Planning Page, but the student’s beginning, transitions, and end sections were annotated and clearly shown in the performance. Proficient Sample 2 Idea Wacing Ocean Most of the student’s movements communicated the idea of waving ocean, but a few did not seem related to the idea (e.g., walking stiffly with her hands by her side). The student often performed with intention, but the intention was often lost between sections. Several directions, levels, and pathways were demonstrated. The student followed most of the choreography annotated on the Planning Page, which was complete and easily understood. |
Approaching Proficient | Student sometimes performs movements from the choreography:
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Video Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Planning Page Approaching Proficient Sample 2 Video Approaching Proficient Sample 2 Planning Page |
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Idea: Nature/Flowers The student performed most of the choreography annotated in words and drawings on the Planning Page, but the movements did not clearly communicate the idea of nature or flowers. The student demonstrated some levels (high and low), directions (left and right), and pathways (straight). The student’s movements often lacked intention. Approaching Proficient Sample 2 Idea: Football The student performed some movements from the Planning Page; however, the movements lacked intention and only sometimes communicated the idea of football (e.g., catching, throwing, and running movements). Few pathways and directions were performed. The Planning Page was not complete; both transitions only indicated "forward," and an exit was only marked for the ending. Note: This student should have been encouraged to complete the Planning Page prior to their performance. Students who are not able to do so may not be ready for this assessment. |
Emerging | Student rarely performs movements from the choreography:
Emerging Sample 1 Planning Page Emerging Sample 2 Planning Page |
SCAAP does not display videos of students rated at the Emerging proficiency level. The following is a written description of student work samples with copies of the Planning Page. Emerging Sample 1 Idea: Unknown (not written on planning page) This student did not communicate an idea through movement or write their idea on the Planning Page. Few movements from the choreography were performed. The student performed only high level movements and few directions or pathways. Note: This student should have been encouraged to complete the Planning Page prior to their performance. Students who are not able to do so may not be ready for this assessment. Emerging Sample 2 Idea: Soccer The student performed few movements from the choreography and rarely communicated the idea of soccer. The only movements related to soccer were two different kicks. The middle section of the Planning Page was very sparse, only listing kicks. The student showed one direction (forward), one level (middle), and no pathways. The student’s movements lacked intention throughout. |
Needs Major Support | The student does not perform movements from the choreography. |
Needs Major Support Sample Planning Page |
SCAAP does not display videos of students rated at the Needs Major Support proficiency level. The following is a written description of a student work sample with a copy of the Planning Page. Needs Major Support Idea: Happy Although the student completed the Planning Page and annotated all sections using a variety of drawings and words, the student did not perform any movements from the choreography. The student demonstrated one level and only moved across the space in a straight line. None of the student’s movements communicated the idea of happy. |