South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Rhythm Improvisation (4-Beats)

This performance task requires students to demonstrate their rhythm improvisation proficiency by creating 4-beat, duple meter rhythms in the context of a familiar or improvised chant. The task should take four to six minutes to assess the entire class.

Proficiency Level(s)

  • Novice

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Lower Elementary


  • No prompts

Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloted


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
General Music Creating 2. I can improvise music.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
GM.CR.NH.2 - I can improvise responses to given rhythmic patterns. GM.CR.NH.2.2 - I can improvise rhythm patterns, songs, or chants to create a musical idea.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification
  • Tempo is consistent with the prompt.
  • Maintains the established tempo.
  • All rhythms are clear and precise.
Exemplary Sample 1

Exemplary Sample 2

Exemplary Sample 1
The student established and maintained a tempo that was consistent with the teacher’s prompt. All rhythms were clear and precise.

Exemplary Sample 2
The given tempo was maintained, and all rhythms were clear. Although this student earned an Exemplary rating in the Rhythm dimension, the improvisation was rated Needs Major Support in the Improvisation dimension.
  • Tempo is mostly consistent with the prompt.
  • Mostly maintains an established tempo.
  • Most rhythms are clear and precise.
Proficient Sample 1

Proficient Sample 2

Proficient Sample 1
The student's tempo sped up while performing, leading to a triplet feel on beat 3. Most rhythms were clear, except for the 3rd beat.

Proficient Sample 2
The student established and then maintained a tempo that was slower than the teacher’s prompt. The rhythms were mostly clear and precise.
Approaching Proficient
  • Tempo is inconsistent with the prompt.
  • Sometimes maintains an established tempo.
  • Rhythms are somewhat clear and precise.
Approaching Proficient Sample 1

Approaching Proficient Sample 2

Approaching Proficient Sample 1
The student's tempo was slower than the teacher's prompt. The rhythms were unclear, especially at the end.

Approaching Proficient Sample 2
The student’s tempo was inconsistent with the prompt and with itself. The rhythms were somewhat unclear throughout the phrase.
  • Tempo is inconsistent with the prompt.
  • Rarely maintains an established tempo.
  • Rhythms are unclear and imprecise.
Emerging Sample 1

Emerging Sample 2

Emerging Sample 1
The student began the improvisation with some consistent tempo and rhythm, but both became inconsistent by the middle of the performance. The rhythms were unclear.

Emerging Sample 2
The student paused before chanting, the tempo was inconsistent and not maintained, and the rhythms were unclear.
Needs Major Support

The performance has no recognizable tempo or rhythm, or the student does not respond.

Needs Major Support Sample 1

Needs Major Support Sample 2

Needs Major Support Sample 1
The performance has no established or discernible tempo or rhythm.

Needs Major Support Sample 2
The performance consisted of only one macrobeat and therefore had no recognizable tempo.
Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification
  • Performs a pattern with subdivisions or syncopations that is significantly different from the prompt.
Exemplary Sample 1

Exemplary Sample 2

Exemplary Sample 1
The student performed rhythms with syncopation that were different from the teacher’s prompt. This improvisation ended with a purposeful rest on beat 4.

Exemplary Sample 2
The performance includes both syncopation and subdivisions, and it was significantly different from the teacher’s prompt.
  • Performs a pattern with macrobeats and microbeats that is significantly different from the prompt.
Proficient Sample 1

Proficient Sample 2

Proficient Sample 1
The rhythm pattern was significantly different from the prompt and used only macrobeats and microbeats.

Proficient Sample 2
The student performed macrobeats and microbeats, and the improvisation was significantly different from the teacher’s prompt.
Approaching Proficient
  • Performs a pattern that is similar to the prompt.
Approaching Proficient Sample 1

Approaching Proficient Sample 2

Approaching Proficient Sample 1
The student performed a rhythm pattern that was very similar to the teacher’s prompt, except for the last beat.

Approaching Proficient Sample 2
The student performed a rhythm that was very similar to the prompt but added an extra beat at the end.
  • Performs a pattern with only one rhythm value (e.g., macrobeats or microbeats).
Emerging Sample 1

Emerging Sample 2

Emerging Sample 1
The student performed a pattern using only macrobeats. This performance was rated Exemplary in the Rhythm dimension.

Emerging Sample 2
The student performed a pattern with only microbeats. This performance was rated Proficient in the Rhythm dimension.
Needs Major Support

The student does any of the following:

  • Repeats the prompt,
  • Has no improvisational intent,
  • Performs a pattern with less than three or more than five beats, or
  • Does not respond.
Needs Major Support Sample 1

Needs Major Support Sample 2

Needs Major Support Sample 3

Needs Major Support Sample 1
The student performed only one beat and demonstrated no improvisational intent.

Needs Major Support Sample 2
No improvisational intent was demonstrated in this pattern. The pattern is longer than five beats.

Needs Major Support Sample 3
The student repeated the prompt using neutral syllables that were different from the teacher’s prompt. The use of different neutral syllables does not demonstrate rhythm improvisation because the performed rhythms were identical to the prompt.
South Carolina Assessment Program