South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Singing a Simple Song

In this task, students will individually demonstrate their singing proficiency by performing a simple song. The song should be familiar to the student as this task is not intended to measure music literacy proficiency.

Before delivering this task, ensure students can sing with clear tone and few intonation errors by administering the Singing Readiness assessment (located on the SCAAP website). Students consistently rated at the Demonstrates Singing Readiness level are ready for this assessment.

Proficiency Level(s)

  • Novice

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Lower Elementary


Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloted


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
General Music Performing 3. I can sing alone and with others.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
GM.P.NM.3 - I can use my singing voice. GM.P.NM.3.1 - I can match pitch when I sing.
GM.P.NH.3 - I can sing, chant, and move to demonstrate a steady beat. GM.P.NM.3.2 - I can sing with my head voice and chest voice.
- GM.P.NH.3.1 - I can sing or move using a steady beat.
- GM.P.NH.3.2 - I can use good posture and breath support when I sing.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Always does the following:

  • Sings pitches accurately
  • Demonstrates a clear tone with little to no breathiness or strain
  • Maintains tonal center with precise intonation
Exemplary Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Exemplary Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student sang all of the pitches correctly with a clear tone. Intonation was excellent throughout, and the student maintained the tonality.

Exemplary Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The student sang all pitches correctly and demonstrated precise intonation throughout the entire song. A clear tone was demonstrated throughout.

Mostly does the following:

  • Sings pitches accurately
  • Demonstrates a clear tone with little to no breathiness or strain
  • Maintains tonal center with precise intonation
Proficient Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Proficient Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Proficient Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student used a singing voice throughout but sang with a breathy tone. There were some intonation problems on the higher pitches, but the student maintained the tonal center.

Proficient Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The student performed minor intonation errors throughout, especially in the first phrase. The melody was correct, the tonal center was maintained, and the tone was mostly clear.

Approaching Proficient

Sometimes does the following:

  • Sings pitches accurately
  • Demonstrates a clear tone with little to no breathiness or strain
  • Maintains tonal center with precise intonation
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Approaching Proficient Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Approaching Proficient Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student used a clear tone, but the tonality was not maintained. Many incorrect pitches were sung throughout the performance.

Approaching Proficient Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The student performed the first half of the song in a different tonal center than established by the teacher and accompaniment, but the student found the given tonal center by the end. There were some melodic inaccuracies throughout, and pitches were sometimes accurate.

Rarely does the following:

  • Sings pitches accurately
  • Demonstrates a clear tone with little to no breathiness or strain
  • Maintains tonal center with precise intonation
Emerging Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Emerging Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Emerging Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student’s pitches and melodic contour were incorrect, and the tonal center was not maintained. The student sometimes used a singing voice.

Emerging Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The student used a singing voice but performed most of the song on one note. There was no melodic contour, the pitches were mostly incorrect, and the tonality was not maintained.
Needs Major Support

The student does not use a singing voice, or the student does not respond

Needs Major Support Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Needs Major Support Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Needs Major Support Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student used a speaking voice with some vocal inflection. This example was rated Approaching Proficient in the Rhythm dimension.

Needs Major Support Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The student did not use a singing voice and instead spoke the lyrics.
Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Always does the following:

  • Performs accurate rhythms throughout
  • Maintains the established tempo
Exemplary Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Exemplary Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Exemplary Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student performed accurate rhythms throughout and maintained the steady tempo established by the teacher.

Exemplary Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The student maintained a consistent, steady tempo and performed all rhythms accurately.

Mostly does the following:

  • Performs accurate rhythms throughout
  • Maintains the established tempo
Proficient Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Proficient Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Proficient Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student performed correct rhythms, but the established tempo was not maintained throughout the song.

Proficient Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The student demonstrated minor rhythm errors throughout the performance. The tempo was mostly maintained, but it was a little faster than the teacher’s established tempo.
Approaching Proficient

Sometimes does the following:

  • Performs accurate rhythms throughout
  • Maintains the established tempo
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Approaching Proficient Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Approaching Proficient Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student rushed both phrases but waited for the second phrase to begin, which demonstrated some knowledge of the song’s structure. Some rhythms were performed incorrectly. The student received a rating of Needs Major Support for the Tonal dimension.

Approaching Proficient Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The student had difficulty with the lyrics and did not perform a consistent tempo, slowing down and speeding up at times. The “Old Gray Cat” rhythm was performed incorrectly the first time but correctly the second time.

Rarely does the following:

  • Performs accurate rhythms throughout
  • Maintains the established tempo
Emerging Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Emerging Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Emerging Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The established tempo was not maintained and was inconsistent with itself. Some rhythms were sung correctly, but spoken rhythms were inaccurate.

Emerging Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
The tempo is not maintained because the student rushed throughout the performance. Some rhythms were correct, but they were not held for the correct duration due to rushing.
Needs Major Support

The student performs without discernible rhythm or tempo, or the student does not respond.

Needs Major Support Sample 1 (Acka Backa)

Needs Major Support Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)

Needs Major Support Sample 1 (Acka Backa)
The student's performance was incomplete.

Needs Major Support Sample 2 (Old Gray Cat)
No tempo was established in this performance. The student rushed through the lyrics, speaking very quickly.
South Carolina Assessment Program