South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Singing Readiness

In this task, students will demonstrate their singing readiness by performing tonal patterns in the context of a simple song. The song and tonal patterns should be familiar to the students. This task should take five to eight minutes to assess the entire class, depending on the number of students. To gather data about students’ consistent performance over time, we strongly recommend using this tonal pattern task over several class periods to determine their singing readiness levels. Students consistently rated at the Demonstrates Singing Readiness level are ready to be assessed using the Singing a Simple Song performance task.

Proficiency Level(s)

  • Novice

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Lower Elementary


Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloted


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
General Music Performing 3. I can sing alone and with others.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
GM.P.NM.3 - I can use my singing voice. GM.P.NM.3.1 - I can match pitch when I sing.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification
Demonstrates Singing Readiness
  • Uses a singing voice consistently
  • Sings all pitches accurately with minor or no intonation errors
  • Demonstrates a clear tone with little to no breathiness or strain

NOTE: Students who consistently perform at the Demonstrates Singing Readiness level are ready to be assessed using the Singing a Simple Song performance task (located on the SCAAP website).

Demonstrates Singing Readiness - Sample 1

Demonstrates Singing Readiness - Sample 2

Demonstrates Singing Readiness - Sample 3

Demonstrates Singing Readiness - Sample 4

Sample 1 (Acka Backa Pattern)
The student used a singing voice with a clear tone. All four pitches were sung correctly with only minor intonation errors.

Sample 2 (Acka Backa Pattern)
The student sang the correct pitches using a clear tone with no breathiness and minimal strain.

Sample 3 (Old Gray Cat Pattern)
The student used a singing voice with a very clear tone. All three pitches were sung correctly with precise intonation.

Sample 4 (Old Gray Cat Pattern)
The student used a singing voice with a clear tone. There were minor intonation errors on the last two pitches.
Approaching Singing Readiness
  • Uses a singing voice consistently
  • Sings some or all pitches incorrectly
  • Demonstrates a tone with some breathiness or strain

NOTE: Students who consistently perform at the Approaching Singing Readiness levels should continue to be assessed using this Singing Readiness performance task until they consistently perform at the Demonstrates Singing Readiness level.<br>

Approaching Singing Readiness - Sample 1

Approaching Singing Readiness - Sample 2

Approaching Singing Readiness - Sample 3

Approaching Singing Readiness - Sample 4

Sample 1 (Acka Backa Pattern)
The student sang the correct contour of the tonal pattern, but the pitches were lower than the teacher's model.

Sample 2 (Acka Backa Pattern)
The student demonstrated a somewhat clear tone, but sang the first pitches incorrectly.

Sample 3 (Old Gray Cat Pattern)
The student used a singing voice and performed the same contour as the tonal pattern, but was under the pitch by a full step.

Sample 4 (Old Gray Cat Pattern)
The student used a breathy singing voice and sang the same contour as the tonal pattern, but the pitches were lower than the teacher's model.
Emerging Singing Readiness
  • Uses a singing voice inconsistently or uses a speaking voice

NOTE: Students who consistently perform at the Emerging Singing Readiness level should continue to be assessed using this Singing Readiness performance task until they consistently perform at the Demonstrates Singing Readiness level.

Emerging Singing Readiness - Sample 1

Emerging Singing Readiness - Sample 2

Emerging Singing Readiness - Sample 3

Emerging Singing Readiness - Sample 4

Sample 1 (Acka Backa Pattern)
The student did not consistently demonstrate a singing voice.

Sample 2 (Acka Backa Pattern)
The student did not use a singing voice.

Sample 3 (Old Gray Cat Pattern)
The student demonstrated some vocal inflection using a very low speaking voice.

Sample 4 (Old Gray Cat Pattern)
The student demonstrated some use of vocal inflection, but used their voice more like a speaking voice than a singing voice.
South Carolina Assessment Program