Task Details
Performing a Monologue
In this task, students will demonstrate their ability to build a character using vocal techniques and the body while performing a monologue. Those techniques should be experienced in a variety of acting settings, such as scenework, improvisations, and monologues, and with a variety of genres and styles. Students should understand how to prepare a monologue before completing the assessment. Prior to the assessment, the teacher should guide the students through preparing a monologue using the Monologue Preparation Practice Page. This performance task should take approximately 80 instructional minutes to complete over two classes.
Proficiency Level(s)
- Novice
Targeted Grade Level(s)
- Upper Elementary
- Middle School
- No prompts
Classroom Piloting Status
- Piloted
Content Area | Artistic Process | Standard |
Theatre | Performing/Producing/Presenting | 3. I can act in improvised scenes and written scripts. |
Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)
Benchmark | Indicator |
T.P.NM.3 - I can make choices to change my body and voice to portray differences between myself and characters in a guided drama experience. | T.P.NM.3.1 - I can make choices about using my body and/or voice to imitate a variety of characters, conditions, and emotions. |
- | T.P.NM.3.2 - I can demonstrate ways that characters change in a guided dramatic experience. |
Rubric and Sample Student Work
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Student always demonstrates controlled and focused vocal techniques:
Exemplary Sample 1 Video Exemplary Sample 1 Script Exemplary Sample 2 Video Exemplary Sample 2 Script |
Exemplary Sample 1 - Upper Level Monologue The student demonstrated controlled and focused vocal techniques. The volume was excellent for the performance space, and lines were recited with clear pronunciation and articulation, even though some phrases were spoken quickly. The performance included many changes in dynamics, vocal inflection, and tempo, including pauses in the middle of lines. Exemplary Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue The student used tempo and dynamics very effectively in this performance, with changes at appropriate times. Even the volume level of the softer sections was appropriate for the performance space. Pronunciation and articulation were clear and correct throughout the performance. |
Proficient | Student mostly demonstrates controlled and focused vocal techniques:
Proficient Sample 1 Video Proficient Sample 1 Script Proficient Sample 2 Video |
Proficient Sample 1 - Upper Level Monologue The student demonstrated mostly controlled vocal techniques with appropriate volume for the performance space. Articulation was not clear in some places because the tempo was slightly rushed, and some words ran together. Vocal inflections were used appropriately, but the performance was not expressive enough to rate as Exemplary. Proficient Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue The student used a volume level appropriate for the performance space. Although there were some articulation issues (e.g., the family computer and accessories), most lines were clearly understood. The performance included changes in dynamics and tempo, including several pauses. Some vocal inflection was used in the first part of the performance. Note: No monologue preparation page is available for this sample. |
Approaching Proficient | Student demonstrates some controlled and focused vocal techniques:
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Video Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Script Approaching Proficient Sample 2 Video |
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 - Upper Level Monologue The student used a volume level appropriate for the performance space and included some vocal inflection. The recitation of the lines was somewhat clear at the beginning, but there were many pronunciation and articulation errors in the middle of the monologue. Tempo and dynamics changes were included but were inhibited by the student's reading ability. Approaching Proficient Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue The student demonstrated some use of vocal expression with some inflection and dynamic changes; however, there were no pauses or tempo changes. The tempo was too fast throughout most of the performance, which caused some words not to be stressed or understood. Note: No monologue preparation page is available for this sample. |
Emerging | Student demonstrates few or no controlled and focused vocal techniques:
Emerging Sample Script |
SCAAP does not display videos of students rated at the Emerging proficiency level. A written description of a student work sample is included. Emerging Sample The student demonstrated very few vocal techniques while reading the script. The volume level was appropriate for the performance space, but there was little change in volume, inflection, or expression throughout the performance. Despite the lack of expression demonstrated, there were no major issues with pronunciation or articulation. |
Needs Major Support | The student’s performance does not demonstrate any vocal techniques. |
SCAAP does not display videos of students rated at the Needs Major Support proficiency level. A written description of a student work sample is included. Needs Major Support Sample No vocal techniques were used to deliver the monologue. Tempo and dynamics remained consistent, and the volume level was barely audible. Lines were read with several pronunciation errors. Note: No monologue preparation page is available for this sample. |
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Student always uses the body with control and focus:
Exemplary Sample 1 Video Exemplary Sample 1 Script Exemplary Sample 2 Video Exemplary Sample 2 Script |
Exemplary Sample 1 - Upper Level Monologue This student used some variety in her gestures and movements, and she demonstrated intention by placing them on specific words and emphasizing certain emotions (e.g., on the words weeks, all, highest, wrong, and ruined). Facial expressions were varied to communicate the words and the character’s emotions. Exemplary Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue The student fluidly demonstrated a variety of intentional gestures and movements, even though he remained in the same place on the stage. Facial expressions were varied. All gestures and facial expressions attributed to the overall effectiveness of the performance. |
Proficient | Student mostly uses the body with control and focus:
Proficient Sample 1 Video Proficient Sample 1 Script Proficient Sample 2 Video Proficient Sample 3 Video Proficient Sample 3 Script |
Proficient Sample 1 - Upper Level Monologue Gestures and movements were mostly performed with precision and intentionally, but there was a lack of variety. Facial features were generally effective, and the use of the prop was creative. Proficient Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue The student performed with precise and intentional movements, such as starting in the chair, immediately rising, and returning to the chair. Gestures were included, but they were frequently repeated (e.g., circling with the right hand and the clenched fist). Facial expressions were included, but they were not particularly effective. Note: No monologue preparation page is available for this sample. Proficient Sample 3 - Lower Level Monologue The student used several different gestures and facial features in the monologue (e.g., a smile on "coolness," eye rolling, and hand gestures). Gestures and expressions seemed intentional and were focused. The student stayed in one fixed spot on the stage. |
Approaching Proficient | Student sometimes uses the body with control and focus:
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Video Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Script Approaching Proficient Sample 2 Video Approaching Proficient Sample 2 Script |
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 - Upper Level Monologue The performance included a variety of gestures, but they lacked precision. There was some unintentional walking in the middle of the performance, and the student turned her back to the audience. Facial features were not used to portray emotions. Approaching Proficient Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue The student's performance included a limited number of intentional gestures and movements (e.g., stomping her foot and slight hand movements). While she remained in place throughout, she did shift her weight to one foot on "act casual." A few facial expressions, including widening her eyes and slight smiles, were used to show emotion. |
Emerging | Student rarely uses the body with control and focus:
Emerging Sample Script |
SCAAP does not display videos of students rated at the Emerging proficiency level. A written description of a student work sample is included. Emerging Sample The student used a few gestures in the performance, but the gestures looked very forced and stiff. The student’s very limited facial expressions did not effectively convey the character’s emotion. |
Needs Major Support | The student’s performance does not include any use of the body. |
Needs Major Support Sample Script |
SCAAP does not display videos of students rated at the Needs Major Support proficiency level. A written description of a student work sample is included. Needs Major Support Sample The student's performance demonstrated no use of the body to convey the character. There were no discernible gestures or facial expressions. One head movement was included, but it did not enhance the performance. |
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Student always builds a character with control and focus:
Exemplary Sample 1 Video Exemplary Sample 1 Script Exemplary Sample 2 Video Exemplary Sample 2 Script |
Exemplary Sample 1 -Upper Level Monologue The student sustained the character throughout the monologue and clearly portrayed the character’s emotions. The use of a dramatic pause when she realized the character’s mistake was especially effective in showing the character’s emotions and objective. Exemplary Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue This student communicated a unique point of view while portraying the character. The student clearly assumed the role, and the character was sustained throughout. The character's objective and changes in emotions were very clearly portrayed. |
Proficient | Student mostly builds a character with control and focus:
Proficient Sample 1 Video Proficient Sample 1 Script Proficient Sample 2 Video |
Proficient Sample 1 - Upper Level Monologue The character was mostly sustained throughout the performance, and the emotional change and objective were clear. The character’s emotions were appropriate, but not always expressive or convincing. Proficient Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue The student portrayed and mostly sustained aspects of the character. There were moments when the student briefly lost control and focus. Changing emotions were demonstrated, and the objective was clear. Note: No monologue preparation page is available for this sample. |
Approaching Proficient | Student sometimes builds a character with control and focus:
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Video Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Script Approaching Proficient Sample 2 Video Approaching Proficient Sample 2 Script |
Approaching Proficient Sample 1 - Upper Level Monologue The student sustained the character throughout, but there was no distinct change in the character’s emotion. The character’s objective was inconsistently communicated. Approaching Proficient Sample 2 - Lower Level Monologue Even though the student did not convincingly portray the character's emotions, she did immediately assume and sustain the character throughout the monologue. The objective of the character was portrayed with focus and control. |
Emerging | Student rarely builds a character with control and focus:
Emerging Sample Script |
SCAAP does not display videos of students rated at the Emerging proficiency level. A written description of a student work sample is included. Emerging Sample The student's performance provided little character building, and the character's objective was minimally conveyed. There was little variation in expression and no change in emotion. |
Needs Major Support | The student’s performance is off-topic and/or does not build a character. |
Needs Major Support Sample Script |
SCAAP does not display videos of students rated at the Needs Major Support proficiency level. A written description of a student work sample is included. Needs Major Support Sample This student made no artistic choices to build the character being portrayed. The lines were read without displaying any emotion. The character's objective was not represented in any part of the performance. |