South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Applying Vocabulary to Describe Music Excerpts

In this task, students will demonstrate their ability to apply music vocabulary to describe music excerpts. Before delivering this task, students should experience defining and explaining characteristics of music excerpts based on the music vocabulary words included in this performance task. They should experience discussing and writing their understandings of the vocabulary words with a variety of music genres and styles. The teacher will assess each student’s individual proficiency though their written responses.

This page contains an 'at a glance' overview of this task, downloadable documents and music excerpt recordings, and the task rubric with student work samples and rating justifications for each proficiency level.

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Upper Elementary


  • Excerpt 1 Recording
    30-second excerpt of The Chicken, composed by Pee Wee Ellis and performed by Chanticlear
  • Excerpt 2 Recording
    30-second excerpt of Seven Jumps, a Danish folk dance performed by The Shenanigans

Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloted


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
General Music Responding 6. I can analyze music.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
GM.R.NH.6 - I can describe how the music elements are used. GM.R.NH.6.1 - I can use appropriate vocabulary to describe pitch, tempo, and dynamics.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

All writing demonstrates clear, strong understanding of music vocabulary words:

  • Uses all vocabulary words correctly
  • Explains the meaning of all vocabulary words
  • References specific characteristics of the music excerpts for all vocabulary words
Exemplary Sample 1

Exemplary Sample 2

Sample 1
The student demonstrated a clear and strong understanding of music vocabulary words. The student clearly and correctly explained all words using definitions. References to the music excerpts were specific and correct. For example, the student wrote about how the tempo of Music Excerpt 2 alternated between slow and fast several times. The student swapped the word texture for tempo in one answer; however, that error did not lower the rating from Exemplary.

Sample 2
The student explained the music vocabulary words by using definitions. The definition for instruments (“the musical tools being used in songs”) was particularly strong, and the student accurately referenced specific instruments as well as instrument families. All references to the music excerpts were specific, detailed, and correct, and the student demonstrated a strong understanding of the words.

Most writing demonstrates clear, strong understanding of music vocabulary words:

  • Uses most vocabulary words correctly
  • Explains the meaning of most vocabulary words
  • References specific characteristics of the music excerpts for most vocabulary words
Proficient Sample 1

Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
Although the words loud/quiet and high/low were used in the Music Excerpt 1 responses, the student did not sufficiently explain the meaning of the words dynamics or pitch. Instruments and tempo were thoroughly explained for Music Excerpt 2. All four paragraphs included references to the music excerpts, but the references for dynamics and pitch contained minor errors.

Sample 2
The student demonstrated clear understanding of all four music vocabulary words, but specific explanations are missing for voice and instruments. The references to the music excerpts are mostly accurate with some minor errors.
Note: This teacher created a version of the student booklet in Google Docs for students to complete on their school computers.
Approaching Proficient

Some writing demonstrates clear, strong understanding of music vocabulary words:

  • Uses some vocabulary words correctly
  • Explains the meaning of some vocabulary words
  • References specific characteristics of the music excerpts for some vocabulary words
Approaching Proficient Sample 1

Approaching Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
While the student did not explicitly state the meanings of the music vocabulary words, the writing indicated some understanding for most words. For example, the student described the dynamics of Music Excerpt 1 by writing, “the first voice was really soft. When more voices came in it was loud.” Instruments was not explained, and the harmony paragraph did not include mention of different notes, pitches, or parts singing at the same time. Some references were specific to the music excerpts, but some details in the tempo paragraph were inaccurate.

Sample 2
The student explained the meanings of some music vocabulary words, but the explanation for melody was incorrect. The student described dynamics using the words quiet and loud, but they also included the word beat. The student infrequently referenced aspects of the music excerpts, and those references were vague.

Writing demonstrates limited understanding of music vocabulary words:

  • Uses few vocabulary words correctly
  • Explains the meaning of few vocabulary words
  • References specific characteristics of the music excerpts for few vocabulary words
Emerging Sample 1

Emerging Sample 2

Sample 1
The student demonstrated little understanding of the music vocabulary words. The meaning of pitch was mostly accurate, but the explanation for rhythm was incorrect. The student did not explain the words voice or instruments. References to the music excerpts are present but mostly inaccurate.

Sample 2
The student included accurate explanations for voice and instruments. The explanation for pitch was partially inaccurate, and rhythm was explained incorrectly. There were no references to the music excerpts for any of the vocabulary words.
Needs Major Support

The student's writing is off-topic, does not specifically refer to characteristics of the music excerpt, and/or does not demonstrate an understanding of the music vocabulary words used.

Needs Major Support Sample 1

Needs Major Support Sample 2

Sample 1
The student demonstrated almost no understanding of the music vocabulary words. The student correctly explained tempo, but the explanations for dynamics, timbre, and instruments were missing or incorrect. The student included very few accurate references to the music excerpts.

Sample 2
The student demonstrated very little understanding of the music vocabulary words. Only one music vocabulary word, pitch, was explained. Few references to the music excerpts were included, and the reference for harmony was incorrect.
Note: The teacher transcribed the student's answers for this sample.
South Carolina Assessment Program