Task Details
Creating a Watercolor Resist Self-Portrait
In this task, students will demonstrate the ability to create a watercolor resist self-portrait using a variety of materials, techniques, and processes. Students should be familiar with creating a realistic or abstract self-portrait using pencils, oil pastels, and watercolors. Before delivering this performance task, students should experience sketching with pencil, outlining and adding details with oil pastels, and using the glaze technique and the wash technique with watercolors. They should understand and apply color theory and color blending to their artwork. The task takes place over the course of two class periods.
This page contains an 'at a glance' overview of this task, downloadable teacher guide and student booklet documents, and the task rubric. Student work samples are available for all proficiency levels in both dimensions of the rubric.
Proficiency Level(s)
- Novice
Targeted Grade Level(s)
- Upper Elementary
- No prompts
Classroom Piloting Status
- Piloted
Content Area | Artistic Process | Standard |
Visual Arts | Creating | 2. I can use different materials, techniques, and processes to make art. |
Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)
Benchmark | Indicator |
VA.CR.NH.2 - I can use and combine materials, techniques, and processes to make art. | VA.CR.NM.2.1 - I can use two-dimensional art materials to explore ways to make art. |
- | VA.CR.NH.2.2 - I can make art by combining two or more art materials. |
Rubric and Sample Student Work
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Student uses all techniques appropriately:
Use of Techniques - Exemplary Sample 1 Use of Techniques - Exemplary Sample 2 |
Sample 1 (Realistic) The student used all techniques appropriately. Oil pastels were used to outline the facial features, clothing, and hair. The wet-on-dry technique was expertly applied to the self-portrait. The color blending reflects an understanding of the color wheel. Although the background colors were not blended perfectly around the neck, and there are a few pencil lines in the hair, these minor errors do not lower the rating from Exemplary. Sample 2 (Abstract) The student used both the wet-on-dry and wet-on-wet techniques appropriately. The wet-on-dry technique was carefully applied so as not to blend the multiple colors in the face. The student blended the colors well in the background using knowledge of the color wheel. Oil pastels were also used carefully, particularly when the student added detail to the hair and the beaded necklace. |
Proficient | Student uses most techniques appropriately:
Use of Techniques - Proficient Sample 1 Use of Techniques - Proficient Sample 2 Use of Techniques - Proficient Sample 3 |
Sample 1 (Realistic) The use of oil pastels in different colors to clearly outline the self-portrait is effective throughout and adds positively to the artwork (e.g., black for hair, brown for face, green for shirt). The wet-on-dry technique was applied too thickly in small areas, such as the hair beads, and was sometimes used in the background. The wet-on-wet technique was used on part of the face. Although the student demonstrated knowledge of the color wheel by selecting adjacent cool colors for the background, the blending was inconsistent. This student demonstrated Exemplary artistry in the Overall Composition dimension, but a Proficient level in the Use of Techniques dimension. Sample 2 (Abstract) The student demonstrated most watercolor resist techniques with minor errors in the work. The wet-on-dry technique was used too thickly in the face, giving a heavy application of the watercolor. The background effect was aesthetically pleasing, but the colors were only partially blended. Some watercolors bled into other areas of the portrait, especially at the top of the hat. All features of the self-portrait were outlined using oil pastel. Sample 3 (Realistic) The self-portrait is clearly outlined in oil pastel. The student selected blue and green for the background, but the colors are not always blended effectively. The self-portrait represents a Proficient level in the Use of Techniques dimension and an Exemplary level in the Overall Composition dimension. |
Approaching Proficient | Student uses some techniques appropriately:
Use of Techniques - Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Use of Techniques - Approaching Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1 (Realistic) The student switched the techniques for the self-portrait and the background in this Approaching Proficient piece. The student used the wet-on-wet technique for the face and the wet-on-dry technique for the background. Color selection showed knowledge of the color wheel, but the colors were not blended. The oil pastels were used to outline most facial features. Sample 2 (Realistic) The student did not outline many features (including the nose, lips, and eyes) using oil pastels and instead used them to color in the hair. While the face demonstrated strong wet-on-dry technique, the shirt was filled using the wet-on-wet technique. The student demonstrated knowledge of the color wheel in the background but did not blend the colors well, which created a muddy look. Although this artwork had a pleasing appearance and was rated Exemplary in the Overall Composition dimension, the student demonstrated an Approaching Proficient level in the Use of Techniques dimension. |
Emerging | Student uses few techniques appropriately:
Use of Techniques - Emerging Sample 1 Use of Techniques - Emerging Sample 2 |
Sample 1 (Realistic) The student used few watercolor resist techniques appropriately. Oil pastels were only used to outline the shape of the head and neck, but not the facial features. The wet-on-dry technique was used incorrectly, as the watercolors were applied thickly throughout the portrait, leaving an opaque finish rather than a translucent finish. This is especially apparent on the nose. There is no use of the wet-on-wet technique in the background. There was an attempt to blend blue and yellow, which created a muddy appearance. Sample 2 (Realistic) The student uses only a few watercolor resist techniques appropriately. Their oil pastel technique was somewhat strong, given the image’s small size. The wet-on-dry technique was too thick in some regions, bleeding into others. No knowledge of the wet-on-wet technique was demonstrated. The background was applied using the wet-on-dry technique, and the red and orange watercolors were not well-blended. Knowledge of the color wheel was not demonstrated well because the student’s artwork was almost entirely created using red watercolor. |
Needs Major Support | The student uses little to no watercolor resist techniques appropriately, and/or the self-portrait is incomplete or does not address the task. |
Use of Techniques - Needs Major Support Sample 1 |
Sample 1 The self-portrait demonstrated that the student needs additional support in both dimensions. The student colored the shirt and the left eye using oil pastel, and other features were not outlined. The wet-on-dry technique was not used, and some areas of the self-portrait and background were unfilled. The application of the wet-on-wet technique on the face was muddied in places. The student did not demonstrate an understanding of the color wheel and attempted to blend blue and black in part of the background. |
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Student demonstrates exceptional craftsmanship. The self-portrait:
Overall Composition - Exemplary Sample 1 Overall Composition - Exemplary Sample 2 Overall Composition - Exemplary Sample 3 |
Sample 1 (Realistic) The self-portrait included all essential details and features, which were well-formed and well-proportioned. The student clearly depicted characteristics of realistic art and filled the space. The self-portrait was neat and intentional with some color bleeding due to technique issues. Those problems did not lower the Exemplary rating in the Overall Composition dimension, but they were reflected with a Proficient rating in the Use of Techniques dimension. Sample 2 (Realistic) The student demonstrated excellent craftsmanship and included all facial features and details. The self-portrait filled the space, was clearly realistic, and was very neat. Sample 3 (Realistic) The student’s work was very detailed, including the essential features, clothing and accessories. The self-portrait was very neat and intentional, and it filled the space. The student also demonstrated an excellent sense of proportion. This student demonstrated exceptional craftsmanship and was rated Exemplary in both dimensions. |
Proficient | Student demonstrates craftsmanship. The self-portrait:
Overall Composition - Proficient Sample 1 Overall Composition - Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1 (Abstract) The student demonstrated craftsmanship and created a clearly abstract self-portrait. The depiction of the essential features demonstrated creativity. The student demonstrated intentionality and was mostly neat. The student did not fill the self-portrait colors to the bottom of the space, which left it feeling slightly unfinished. Sample 2 (Realistic) This student demonstrated a Proficient level of craftsmanship. The portrait completely filled the space and was realistic, but it was missing some details in the lip and nose. The work was mostly neat and intentional, but the student did not apply watercolor in some areas. |
Approaching Proficient | Student demonstrates some craftsmanship. The self-portrait:
Overall Composition - Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Overall Composition - Approaching Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1 (Realistic) This student demonstrated some level of craftsmanship. The work was mostly neat, even though the student did not fill the space. It depicted characteristics of realistic art. Some facial features were present, but the student’s lack of technique hindered their appearance (e.g., no oil pastel outlines). Sample 2 (Realistic) The student included most essential features of a realistic self-portrait and included other details in the clothing. The self-portrait itself is somewhat neat; however, the self-portrait only takes up a minimal amount of space in the work. The background is messy, partially due to technique issues. This artwork was rated Appropraching Proficient in the Overall Composition dimension and Emerging in the Use of Techniques dimension. |
Emerging | Student demonstrates minimal craftsmanship. The self-portrait:
Overall Composition - Emerging Sample 1 |
Sample 1 The student demonstrated minimal craftsmanship in this work. Essential features were included, such as the eyes, mouth, hair, shoulders, and possibly the ears. The neck and the nose were not included. The work was not neat. The student did not clearly demonstrate realistic or abstract characteristics in the self-portrait. |
Needs Major Support | Student demonstrates little to no crafstmanship, and/or the self-portrait is off-topic, incomplete, or does not address the task. |
Overall Composition - Needs Major Support Sample 1 |
Sample 1 The student's artwork demonstrated minimal craftsmanship. The student did not include most of the essential features of a self-portrait. The work was not neat or intentional, and the student did not demonstrate clearly realistic or abstract characteristics. |