South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Applying Vocabulary to Describe an Artwork

In this task, students will demonstrate their ability to apply visual arts vocabulary to explain an artwork. Students should have experience defining, identifying, and creating art based on the visual arts vocabulary words included in this performance task. They should be able to discuss and write about their understandings of the vocabulary words with a variety of styles of art. The teacher will assess each student’s individual proficiency through written responses.

This page contains an 'at a glance' overview of this task, downloadable teacher guide and student booklet documents, and the task rubric with student work samples and rating justifications for each proficiency level.

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Upper Elementary


  • No prompts

Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloted


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
Visual Arts Responding 5. I can interpret and evaluate the meaning of an artwork.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
VA.R.NH.5 - I can explain how the objects and elements within an artwork represent ideas. VA.R.NH.5.2 - I can describe the organization of an artwork using art vocabulary.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

All writing demonstrates clear, strong understanding of the art vocabulary words used correctly:

  • Uses all vocabulary words correctly
  • Explains all vocabulary words
  • References specific aspects of the artwork for all vocabulary words
Vocabulary - Exemplary Sample 1

Vocabulary - Exemplary Sample 2

Sample 1
The student defines each of the terms and states specifically where and how they are used in the painting. The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of each term.

Sample 2
The student describes details from the artwork for each of the 3 terms, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the terms.

Most writing demonstrates clear, strong understanding of the art vocabulary words used correctly:

  • Uses most vocabulary words correctly
  • Explains most vocabulary words
  • References specific aspects of the artwork for most vocabulary words
Vocabulary - Proficient Sample 1

Vocabulary - Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
The student correctly uses and provides references to all three terms, but only explains two of the three terms. The details from the painting are not explained.

Sample 2
The student uses each term correctly, and the student's descriptions sufficiently indicate an understanding of each term. The terms "color" and "pattern" are not clearly defined.
Approaching Proficient

Some writing demonstrates clear understanding of the art vocabulary words used correctly:

  • Uses some vocabulary words correctly
  • Explains some vocabulary words
  • References specific aspects of the artwork for some vocabulary words
Vocabulary - Approaching Proficient Sample 1

Vocabulary - Approaching Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
The student uses all three terms somewhat correctly and references the painting for two terms. Only one term (texture) is explained enough to demonstrate a thorough understanding.

Sample 2
The student correctly uses three terms and identifies where the terms occurred in the artwork. The student only provides an explanation for one term (background).

Writing demonstrates limited understanding of the art terms used correctly:

  • Uses few vocabulary words correctly
  • Explains few vocabulary words
  • References specific aspects of the artwork for few vocabulary words
Vocabulary - Emerging Sample 1

Vocabulary - Emerging Sample 2

Sample 1
None of the three terms are both explained and referenced in the painting. The term background is explained but not referenced in the painting. The term details is referenced in the painting but not explained. The term color is neither explained effectively nor referenced in the painting.

Sample 2
The student provides minimal information. No explanations are provided, and the student references the painting for only one term.
Needs Major Support

Much of the student’s writing is off-topic, does not specifically refer to aspects of the artworks, and/or does not demonstrate an understanding of the art terms used.

Vocabulary - Needs Major Support Sample

The student does not answer the questions or follow the rubric.
South Carolina Assessment Program