South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Drawing and Refining a Landscape

In this task, students will demonstrate their ability to create a piece of art using specific visual arts vocabulary and to revise their artwork based on teacher feedback. Students should be familiar with creating drawings using pencils and revising their art based on feedback. The teacher will assess each student’s individual proficiency by evaluating both their revised artwork and their response to suggested feedback. The task may take place during two or more class periods.

This page contains an 'at a glance' overview of this task, downloadable teacher guide and student booklet documents, and the task rubric with student work samples and rating justifications for each proficiency level in the Elements of Art dimension and the Use of Principles in Overall Appearance dimension. Student work samples for the Revision/Response to Feedback dimension will be added at a later date.

Proficiency Level(s)

  • Intermediate

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Upper Elementary
  • Middle School


  • No prompts

Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloting in Progress


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
Visual Arts Creating 1. I can use the elements and principles of art to create artwork.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
VA.CR.IL.1 - I can apply some elements and principles of art to revise my artwork. VA.CR.IL.1.2 - I can select and use strategies that apply the elements and principles of design to improve my artwork.
VA.CR.IM.1 - I can analyze and apply the elements and principles of art to solve a given artistic challenge. VA.CR.IM.1.2 - I can work through the artistic process to improve my artwork through experimentation.
VA.CR.IH.1 - I can analyze art through a critique and refine my artwork based on a given criteria VA.CR.IH.1.2 - I can make revisions based on suggestions given.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Thoroughly addresses all areas:

  • Includes many details and elements that create variety and visual interest. 
  • Value and form are used to create depth.
  • A variety of textures are used to enhance the drawing.
  • A variety of overlapping shapes and lines are used in the creation of the space.
Elements of Art - Exemplary Sample

The drawing contains a variety of details, textures, overlapping lines, and shapes that create visual interest. Value and overlapping shapes create depth.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The drawing is exemplary in the elements of art dimension and proficient in the use of principles dimension.

Mostly addresses all areas:

  • Includes many details and elements that create variety and visual interest. 
  • Value and form are used to create depth.
  • A variety of textures are used to enhance the drawing.
  • A variety of overlapping shapes and lines are used in the creation of the space.
Elements of Art - Proficient Sample

The drawing includes value, details, textural variety, overlapping shapes, and some variety in lines.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The drawing is proficient in the elements of art dimension and exemplary in the use of principles dimension.
Approaching Proficient
  • Includes some details and elements that may create variety and visual interest. 
  • Value and form are used but may not create depth.
  • Textures are used but may not enhance the drawing.
  • Overlapping shapes and lines are used but may not enhance the space.
Elements of Art - Approaching Proficient Sample

The drawing includes few details and textures. There are many overlapping elements that do not enhance the space. The building is dwarfed by the mountains.

This sample represents a student who demonstrated an approaching proficient proficiency level in the elements of art and use of principles dimensions.
  • Details and elements do not create variety or visual interest. 
  • Value and form may or may not be used and do not create depth.
  • Textures may or may not be used but do not enhance the drawing.
  • Shapes and lines are used but may not enhance the space.
Elements of Art - Emerging Sample

There are details and variety in the drawing, but they do not provide visual interest. There is no real sense of depth because the trees in the middle ground seem smaller than those in the background. Overlapping shapes and lines are not utilized.
Needs Major Support

The drawing is off topic, incomplete, or does not address the task/the teacher’s feedback. 

Elements of Art - Needs Major Support Sample

The drawing is a cityscape, rather than a landscape, and does not address the task.
Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Thoroughly addresses all areas:

  • Includes the assigned topic and fills the space in a unified composition.
  • Includes a balanced environment with a clear distinction between the foreground, middle ground, and background. 
  • Uses perspective to show changes in proportion.
  • Drawing is neat and displays intentional craftsmanship and mark-making.
Use of Principles - Exemplary Sample

The drawing is balanced, and it has a unified composition with distinction between foreground, middle ground, and background. The craftsmanship is intentional.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The drawing is proficient in the elements of art dimension and exemplary in the use of principles dimension.

Mostly addresses all areas:

  • Includes the assigned topic and fills the space in a unified composition.
  • Includes a balanced environment with a clear distinction between the foreground, middle ground, and background. 
  • Uses perspective to show changes in proportion.
  • Drawing is neat and displays intentional craftsmanship and mark-making.
Use of Principles - Proficient Sample

The drawing is a unified, balanced composition that is neat and demonstrates craftsmanship. Changes in proportion are not demonstrated.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The drawing is exemplary in the elements of art dimension and proficient in the use of principles dimension.
Approaching Proficient
  • Includes the assigned topic and fills some of the space but lacks a unified composition.
  • Includes an environment with minimal distinction between the foreground, middle ground, and background.
  • Attempts use of perspective but does not show changes in proportion.
  • Drawing is somewhat neat and displays craftsmanship and mark-making.
Use of Principles - Approaching Proficient Sample 1

Use of Principles - Approaching Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
The drawing fills the space and is somewhat unified because of the abundance of mountains. There is little foreground and some use of proportion to create depth. It is neat, but it shows a minimal level of craftsmanship.

This sample represents a student who demonstrated an approaching proficient proficiency level in the elements of art and use of principles dimensions.

Sample 2
The drawing is neat, displaying some sense of craftsmanship in the details, but there is minimal distinction between foreground, middle ground, and background and no use of proportion.
  • Includes the assigned topic, fills little to no space, and lacks a unified composition.
  • Includes an environment without distinction between the foreground, middle ground, and background.
  • Does not use perspective to show changes in proportion.
  • Drawing is not neat and displays minimal craftsmanship and mark-making.
Use of Principles - Emerging Sample

Although the drawing shows some attempt at foreground and background, those principles are not distinct. There is no use of proportion or perspective. The drawing is neat but displays minimal craftsmanship.
Needs Major Support

The drawing is off topic, incomplete, or does not address the task/the teacher’s feedback. 

Use of Principles - Needs Major Support Sample

The drawing is a cityscape, rather than a landscape, and does not address the task.
Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Thoroughly addresses all areas:

  • Made revisions in addition to those suggested by the teacher.
  • Applied a variety of elements and principles of design to improve their artwork.
  • Revisions significantly and intentionally enhanced the drawing’s overall appearance.
Student work samples coming soon!

Addresses all areas:

  • Made revisions as suggested by the teacher.
  • Applied a variety of elements and principles of design to improve their artwork.
  • Revisions enhanced the drawing’s overall appearance.
Student work samples coming soon!
Approaching Proficient
  • Made some of the revisions suggested by the teacher.
  • Applied some elements and principles of design to improve their artwork.
  • Revisions somewhat enhance the drawing’s overall appearance.
Student work samples coming soon!
  • Made few or no revisions as suggested by the teacher.
  • Applied few or no elements and principles of design to improve their artwork.
  • Revisions did not enhance the drawing’s overall appearance.
Student work samples coming soon!
Needs Major Support

The drawing is off topic, incomplete, or does not address the task/the teacher’s feedback. 

Student work samples coming soon!
South Carolina Assessment Program