Task Details
Singing a Two-Part Song
In this task, students will demonstrate their singing proficiency by performing a short 2-part song
or canon. The song should be familiar to the student as this task is not intended to measure
music literacy or sight-reading skills. The teacher will assess each student’s individual proficiency to all
students during one class period or to selected students over several class periods.
This page contains an 'at a glance' overview of this task, downloadable documents, downloadable piano accompaniment and notation, and the task rubric with student work samples and rating justifications for each proficiency level.
Proficiency Level(s)
- Intermediate
Targeted Grade Level(s)
- Upper Elementary
- Middle School
- Peace Round Notation (E Minor)
PDF of the melody, lyrics, and chord symbols for Peace Round in E Minor - Peace Round Recording (E Minor)
MP3 of piano accompaniment for Peace Round in E Minor
Classroom Piloting Status
- Piloted
Content Area | Artistic Process | Standard |
General Music | Performing | 3. I can sing alone and with others. |
Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)
Benchmark | Indicator |
GM.P.IL.3 - I can sing a variety of simple part songs. | GM.P.IL.3.1 - I can sing 2-part songs. |
GM.P.IM.3 - I can sing with expression and technical accuracy. | GM.P.IL.3.2 - I can sing with appropriate diction and articulation. |
- | GM.P.IM.3.1 - I can sing with proper intonation alone and in different ensembles. |
- | GM.P.IM.3.2 - I can apply dynamics and expression when I sing. |
Rubric and Sample Student Work
TONAL | |||
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Always demonstrates desired vocal technique.
Tonal - Exemplary Sample 1 Tonal - Exemplary Sample 2 |
Sample 1 This student demonstrated exemplary vocal technique. All pitches were correct and in tune, and the student maintained their part of the round. A clear, supported tone and accurate intonation were present throughout the performance. Sample 2 The student performed the melody and pitches correctly while maintaining their part throughout the solo section and the round. The student sang with accurate intonation and well-supported tone. |
Proficient | Mostly demonstrates desired vocal technique.
Tonal - Proficient Sample 1 Tonal - Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student mostly maintained their melodic part, with the exception of the second phrase of the canon. Pitches were performed correctly with accurate intonation and a supported tone. Sample 2 The pitches and intonation were correct, and the student's tone was mostly supported. The student maintained the round part but missed a few beats in the unison section while clearing their throat. |
Approaching Proficient | Sometimes demonstrates desired vocal technique.
Tonal - Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Tonal - Approaching Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student’s intonation was inconsistent, and the pitches of the melody were sometimes inaccurate. The student demonstrated some issues maintaining their part, especially on the second and third phrases of the canon. Sample 2 The student had difficulty maintaining their part of the canon and sang some incorrect pitches. A supported tone was sometimes demonstrated, and intonation was generally accurate. |
Emerging | Rarely demonstrates desired vocal technique.
Tonal - Emerging Sample 1 Tonal - Emerging Sample 2 |
Sample 1 Although the student maintained the rhythm of the round part, they were unable to maintain the pitches. Major inconsistencies were demonstrated in intonation. This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. Sample 2 The student demonstrated major inconsistencies with maintaining the melody of their part in the round. Intonation was often inaccurate, which compromised the sense of tonality. |
Needs Major Support | The student does not use a singing voice, the performance is incomplete, or the student does not perform the song. |
Tonal - Need Major Support Sample 1 Tonal - Need Major Support Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student demonstrated an inconsistent use of the voice, sometimes speaking and sometimes singing in a low register. There was no evidence of breath support or intonation. This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. Sample 2 The student performed with a chanting voice. The student included minimal inflection and did not perform the melody. The student did not finish the performance. |
RHYTHM | |||
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Always demonstrates accurate rhythmic technique.
Rhythm - Exemplary Sample 1 Rhythm - Exemplary Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student consistently maintained their rhythmic part and performed all rhythms correctly. The tempo and steady beat were maintained throughout the performance. Sample 2 The student’s tempo, beat, and rhythms were consistent and correct throughout the performance. This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The performance was rated Emerging in the Tonal dimension, Exemplary in the Rhythm dimension, and Approaching Proficient in the Expression dimension. |
Proficient | Mostly demonstrates accurate rhythmic technique.
Rhythm - Proficient Sample 1 Rhythm - Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student maintained their own rhythmic part and performed the rhythms accurately. The tempo was mostly maintained, but the student sometimes sang behind the beat. Sample 2 The student demonstrated some inconsistent rhythms and truncated some longer notes. The tempo became inconsistent toward the end of the canon. |
Approaching Proficient | Sometimes demonstrates accurate rhythmic technique.
Rhythm - Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Rhythm - Approaching Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student’s rhythmic performance was inconsistent, with minor errors throughout the piece. The tempo and steady beat were generally consistent. Sample 2 The student demonstrated minor inconsistencies maintaining their rhythmic part of the round, including singing the rhythm of part one in one of the phrases. Tempo, beat, and rhythms were performed with some inconsistencies. |
Emerging | Rarely demonstrates accurate rhythmic technique.
No student work samples are available at this time. | |
Needs Major Support | The performance is incomplete, or the student does not perform the song. |
Rhythm - Needs Major Support Sample 1 |
Sample 1 Although the student’s rhythms were generally accurate, the student did not finish the performance. |
Proficiency Level | Description | Sample Student Work | Justification |
Exemplary | Always demonstrates desired expression.
Expression - Exemplary Sample 1 Expression - Exemplary Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student consistently performed the indicated phrasing and dynamics in the appropriate style of the piece. The dynamics included a strong entrance, a crescendo toward high notes, and a decrescendo on the last phrase. Overall, the diction was clear. Sample 2 The student demonstrated excellent style, articulation, and diction. Phrasing was appropriate, and the use of dynamics was evident. |
Proficient | Mostly demonstrates desired expression.
Expression - Proficient Sample 1 Expression - Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1
The student performed the piece in the correct style, and the diction was mostly clear and accurate. Some use of dynamics and phrasing were evident, such as louder high notes and softer phrase endings.
Sample 2 The student’s diction is mostly clear, and the performance style is appropriate to the piece. The student demonstrated dynamics in the canon section. |
Approaching Proficient | Sometimes demonstrates desired expression.
Expression - Approaching Proficient Sample 1 Expression - Approaching Proficient Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student's phrasing was inconsistent, with some long phrases and some short phrases. The diction was also inconsistent, and consonants were not clearly sung. The legato performance, however, was acceptable for this song's style. Sample 2 The student demonstrated minor inconsistencies in phrasing and performed some dynamic changes. Diction became unclear when the student had issues maintaining their part. |
Emerging | Rarely demonstrates desired expression.
Expression - Emerging Sample 1 Expression - Emerging Sample 2 |
Sample 1 The student's diction was mostly clear, and some dynamic variation was demonstrated. The song's style was not addressed, and phrasing was inconsistent. This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The performance was rated Needs Major Support in the Tonal dimension, Proficient in the Rhythm dimension, and Emerging in the Expression dimension. Sample 2 The student’s diction, style, and phrasing were inconsistent and unclear throughout their performance. |
Needs Major Support | The performance is incomplete, or the student does not perform the song. |
Expression - Needs Major Support Sample 1 |
Sample 1 This performance is incomplete, and the end of the canon is inaudible. The student mumbled and sometimes stopped singing during the round. |