South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Singing a One-Part Song

In this task, students will individually demonstrate their singing proficiency by performing a short song or excerpt from a song. The song should be familiar to the student as this task is not intended to measure music literacy proficiency.

This page contains an 'at a glance' overview of this task, a downloadable teacher guide document, downloadable piano accompaniments and notation, and the task rubric with student work samples and rating justifications for each proficiency level.

Proficiency Level(s)

  • Novice

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Lower Elementary
  • Upper Elementary


Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloted


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
General Music Performing 3. I can sing alone and with others.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
GM.P.NM.3 - I can use my singing voice. GM.P.NM.3.1 - I can match pitch when I sing.
GM.P.NH.3 - I can sing, chant, and move to demonstrate a steady beat. GM.P.NH.3.2 - I can sing with my head voice and chest voice.
- GM.P.NH.3.1 - I can sing or move using a steady beat.
- GM.P.NH.3.2 - I can use good posture and breath support when I sing.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Always does the following:

  • Establishes and maintains tonal center
  • Sings with accurate intonation
  • Sings pitches with accuracy
Tonal - Exemplary Sample

The student maintains the tonal center throughout the song. All pitches are performed accurately and in tune.

This sample represents a student who demonstrated an exemplary proficiency level across all dimensions.

Mostly does the following:

  • Establishes and maintains tonal center
  • Sings with accurate intonation
  • Sings pitches with accuracy
Tonal - Proficient Sample 1

Tonal - Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
The student maintains the tonal center but demonstrates minor intonation and pitch inaccuracies throughout the song.

This sample represents a student who demonstrated a proficient proficiency level across all dimensions.

Sample 2
The student demonstrates minor inconsistencies in intonation and pitch throughout the song.
Approaching Proficient
  • Establishes but does not maintain tonal center
  • Sings with inconsistent intonation
  • Sings pitches with minor inconsistencies
Tonal - Approaching Proficient Sample 1

Tonal - Approaching Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
The student establishes the tonal center, but the pitches become increasingly inaccurate throughout the performance. The student does not end on the resting tone.

Sample 2
The student begins the performance with mostly accurate intonation but does not maintain the tonal center through the end of the performance. The student's intonation and pitches are noticeably inaccurate by the end of the song.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The student's performance is approaching proficient in the tonal dimension and proficient in the rhythm dimension.
  • Establishes but does not maintain tonal center
  • Sings with inconsistent intonation
  • Melodic contour is correct, but pitches are inaccurate
Tonal - Emerging Sample

The student performs accurate melodic contour, but the pitches are largely inaccurate throughout the performance.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The student's performance is emerging in the tonal dimension, emerging in the rhythm dimension, and approaching proficient in the vocal dimension.
Needs Major Support

The performance is off topic, incomplete, or does not adequately address the task.


No student sample work available
Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Always does the following:

  • Tempo is established and consistently maintained
  • Meter is established and consistently maintained
  • Performs rhythm patterns with accuracy
Rhythm - Exemplary Sample 1

Rhythm - Exemplary Sample 2

Sample 1
The student performs all rhythms of "Happy Birthday" accurately and consistently maintains the song's meter and tempo.

This sample represents a student who demonstrated an exemplary proficiency level across all dimensions.

Sample 2
The student establishes and maintains the song's meter and tempo. The rhythm patterns are accurate, with a very minor inaccuracy during the pause before "Happy Birthday's" final phrase.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The student's performance is exemplary in the rhythm dimension and proficient in the vocal dimension.

Mostly does the following:

  • Tempo is established and consistently maintained
  • Meter is established and consistently maintained
  • Performs rhythm patterns with accuracy
Rhythm - Proficient Sample 1

Rhythm - Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
The student maintains an established meter throughout "Twinkle Twinkle." The student does not consistently maintain the established tempo, and some rhythms are performed inaccurately.

This sample represents a student who demonstrated a proficient proficiency level across all dimensions.

Sample 2
The student performed inaccuracies in tempo and rhythm throughout the performance.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The student's performance is approaching proficient in the tonal dimension and proficient in the rhythm dimension.
Approaching Proficient
  • Tempo is established with minor inconsistencies
  • Meter is established and maintained with minor inconsistencies
  • Performs rhythm patterns with minor inconsistencies
Rhythm - Approaching Proficient Sample

The student performs "Happy Birthday" with inconsistent tempo and many inaccurate rhythm patterns.
  • Tempo is established with major inconsistencies
  • Meter is not established
  • Performs rhythm patterns with major inconsistencies
Rhythm - Emerging Sample 1

Rhythm - Emerging Sample 2

Sample 1
The student establishes but does not maintain the tempo, leading to major inaccuracies with both tempo and rhythm.

Sample 2
The student's tempo varies throughout the song. Rhythm patterns are performed with major inconsistencies.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The student's performance is emerging in the tonal dimension, emerging in the rhythm dimension, and approaching proficient in the vocal dimension.
Needs Major Support

The performance is off topic, incomplete, or does not adequately address the task.


No student sample work available
Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Always does the following:

  • Consistently sings in a head voice
  • Consistently sings with supported breath
  • Consistently performs tall vowels
  • Consistently performs clear consonants
Vocal - Exemplary Sample

The student uses a head voice and sings with supported breath. The text of "Happy Birthday" is easily understandable because of the student's diction.

This sample represents a student who demonstrated an exemplary proficiency level across all dimensions.

Mostly does the following:

  • Consistently sings in a head voice
  • Consistently sings with supported breath
  • Consistently performs tall vowels
  • Consistently performs clear consonants
Vocal - Proficient Sample 1

Vocal - Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
Although the student consistently uses a head voice, the tone is unsupported. The vowels are mostly tall, but the consonants are sometimes unclear.

This sample represents a student who demonstrated a proficient proficiency level across all dimensions.

Sample 2
With minor inconsistencies throughout, the student sings using a head voice with some breath support. Some of the student's diction is unclear.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The student's performance is exemplary in the rhythm dimension and proficient in the vocal dimension.
Approaching Proficient
  • Inconsistently sings in a head voice
  • Sings with unsupported breath
  • Performs with unclear diction
Vocal - Approaching Proficient Sample

Although the student sometimes uses a head voice while singing "You Are My Sunshine," the tone is very unsupported. Some of the student's diction is unclear.

This sample illustrates that students may demonstrate different proficiencies across rubric dimensions. The student's performance is emerging in the tonal dimension, emerging in the rhythm dimension, and approaching proficient in the vocal dimension.
  • Does not use a head voice or singing voice
  • Performs with unclear diction
Vocal - Emerging Sample

The student did not use a head voice while performing "Happy Birthday." The student's diction is unclear.
Needs Major Support

The performance is off topic, incomplete, or does not adequately address the task.

No student sample work available
South Carolina Assessment Program