South Carolina Assessment Program

Task Details

Rhythm Improvisation (2 Phrases)

In this task, students will demonstrate their improvisation proficiency by improvising two rhythm phrases in response to rhythm prompts. Each phrase is 8-beats long and in duple meter. The teacher will assess each student’s individual proficiency and may choose to deliver the task to all students during one class period or to selected students over several class periods.

This page contains an 'at a glance' overview of this task, a downloadable teacher guide document, and the task rubric with student work samples and rating justifications for each proficiency level.

Proficiency Level(s)

  • Intermediate

Targeted Grade Level(s)

  • Upper Elementary
  • Middle School


  • No prompts

Classroom Piloting Status

  • Piloting in Progress


Content Area Artistic Process Standard
General Music Creating 2. I can improvise music.

Benchmark(s) and Indicator(s)

Benchmark Indicator
GM.CR.IL.2 - I can improvise short melodic question and answer patterns. GM.CR.IL.2.2 - I can improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns to create a musical phrase.

Rubric and Sample Student Work

Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Rhythmic elements are always consistent and clear throughout both phrases:

  • Tempo is consistent with the prompt.
  • Meter is clearly defined through divisions or subdivisions.
  • Rhythmic elements are clear and precise.
Rhythm - Exemplary Sample 1

Sample 1
Rhythmic elements are clear and consistent throughout both phrases. The student's tempo is consistent with the teachers. Duple meter is strong and clearly defined. The rhythm elements are precise, particularly when performing subdivisions.

Rhythmic elements are mostly consistent and clear throughout both phrases:

  • Tempo is consistent with the prompt.
  • Meter is clearly defined through divisions or subdivisions.
  • Rhythmic elements are clear and precise.
Rhythm - Proficient Sample 1

Rhythm - Proficient Sample 2

Sample 1
Rhythmic elements are mostly consistent in both phrases. The student rushes their tempo toward the end of the first phrase, but the second phrase is consistent with the teacher's prompt. The meter is clearly defined throughout the performance. Except for the end of the first phrase, the student performed macrobeats, microbeats, and subdivisions clearly and precisely.

Sample 2
Rhythmic elements were mostly consistent, clear, and precise throughout both phrases. The meter was clearly defined through the microbeats and subdivisions. The tempo is mostly consistent with the prompt, but the student rushed in the second measure of both phrases.
Approaching Proficient

Rhythmic elements are sometimes consistent and clear in at least one phrase:

  • Tempo is consistent but may not match the prompt.
  • Meter is sometimes defined through divisions or subdivisions.
  • Rhythmic elements are clear and precise.
Rhythm - Approaching Proficient Sample 1

Sample 1
The rhythmic elements are consistent and sometimes clear in both phrases. The tempo is generally consistent with the prompt, and the meter is defined. The student's rhythmic elements are sometimes unclear and imprecise.

Rhythmic elements are inconsistent and unclear in at least one phrase:

  • Tempo is inconsistent and does not match the prompt.
  • Meter is rarely defined through divisions or subdivisions.
  • Rhythmic elements are mostly unclear and imprecise.
No student work samples are available at this time.
Needs Major Support

No recognizable tempo, meter, or rhythmic elements in both phrases.

No student work samples are available at this time.
Proficiency Level Description Sample Student Work Justification

Includes all elements in both phrases:

  • Performs complex rhythms that include purposeful syncopations.*
  • The two phrases are different.
  • Each phrase has a final ending, such as a macrobeat or rest.

*A student must perform purposeful syncopations to earn an Exemplary rating in the improvisation dimension.

No student work samples are available at this time.

Includes most elements in both phrases:

  • Performs complex rhythms that include subdivisions or elongations.
  • The two phrases are different.
  • Each phrase has a final ending, such as a macrobeat or rest.
Improvisation - Proficient Sample 1

Sample 1
The student included subdivisions but no syncopations in both phrases, and the phrases are different. Both phrases have strong final endings. The first phrase ends with a macrobeat, and the last phrase's three microbeats followed by a rest definitively end the improvisation.
Approaching Proficient

Includes some elements in at least one phrase:

  • Only macrobeats and microbeats are performed.
  • The two phrases are identical.
  • Phrase lacks final ending.
Improvisation - Approaching Proficient Sample 1

Sample 1
Improvisation intent is not clear in either phrase of this performance. Although it is difficult to hear at times, the first phrase seems to contain only macrobeats and microbeats. The end of the second phrase does not sound final and lacks intention. While the phrases are not identical, there is repetition of the teacher's rhythms within the student's improvisation.

Includes one or more elements in at least one phrase:

  • Only one rhythm value is performed (e.g., only macrobeats or only microbeats).
  • Performs too many or too few beats.
  • One phrase lacks improvisational intent or repeats the prompt.
No student work samples are available at this time.
Needs Major Support

No recognizable improvisational intent in both phrases:

  • Repeats the prompt in both phrases or
  • Incomplete performance in both phrases (i.e. less than 6 or more than 10 beats)
No student work samples are available at this time.
South Carolina Assessment Program