South Carolina Assessment Program

Music Core Assessments

SCAAP core assessments include fundamental aspects of arts education that educators incorporate at all levels, such as singing and drawing. By slightly altering the assessment materials, educators can assess students multiple times on one fundamental aspect. Educators can then use that data to track students’ arts development and their progression from one proficiency level to the next. Click on an arts area below to explore the available core assessments.


Novice Intermediate Advanced
Singing Novice

Students sing a simple, developmentally appropriate song. Teachers rate proficiency based on tonal accuracy (tonal center, intonation, and pitches), rhythm accuracy (tempo, meter, and rhythms), and vocal production (head voice, breath support, and diction).

Singing Novice
Students sing one part of a developmentally appropriate canon or partner song. Teachers rate proficiency based on tonal accuracy (maintaining the part, tone, intonation, and pitches), rhythm accuracy (maintaining the part, meter, tempo, and rhythm), and expression (phrasing, dynamics, diction, and style).
Task currently under development.
Rhythm Improvisation

Novice Intermediate Advanced
Singing Novice
Students vocally improvise one 8-beat rhythm phrase in response to a teacher-delivered rhythm prompt. Teachers rate proficiency based on rhythm aspects (tempo, meter, and precision) and improvisation aspects (rhythmic complexity and being different).
Singing Novice
Students vocally improvise two 8-beat rhythm phrases in response to two teacher-delivered rhythm prompts. Teachers rate proficiency based on rhythm aspects (tempo, meter, precision, and consistency) and improvisation aspects (complexity, performing two different phrases, and including a final ending).
Task currently under development.
South Carolina Assessment Program