South Carolina Assessment Program

VISUAL ARTS Core Assessments

SCAAP core assessments include fundamental aspects of arts education that educators incorporate at all levels, such as singing and drawing. By slightly altering the assessment materials, educators can assess students multiple times on one fundamental aspect. Educators can then use that data to track students’ arts development and their progression from one proficiency level to the next. Click on an arts area below to explore the available core assessments.


Novice Intermediate Advanced
Drawing Novice
Students draw a real or imaginary landscape with one building as the main focus. Teachers rate proficiency based on elements of art (inclusion of details, textures, and patterns) and use of principles in overall appearance (unified composition, foreground and background, and depth).
Drawing Intermediate
Students draw a realistic landscape with one building as the main focus. The students then refine their drawing based on structured feedback from the teacher. Teachers rate proficiency based on elements of art (details, texture, value, and space), use of principles in overall appearance (unified composition, balance, proportion, and intention), and response to feedback (made suggested revisions, improved the artwork, and intentionally enhanced the appearance).
Task currently under development.
Applying Vocabulary

Novice Intermediate Advanced
Applying vocabulary Novice
Using three art vocabulary words, students write short paragraphs that describe a painting. Teachers rate proficiency based on correct use of terms, references to the artwork, and correct explanations.
Applying vocabulary Intermediate
Using eight art vocabulary words, students write paragraphs to describe two paintings and to compare the paintings. Teachers rate proficiency based on correct use of terms, references to the artwork, and correct explanations.
Task currently under development.
South Carolina Assessment Program