Student Information
USC Email: *
Please enter your address
I wish to remain anonymous:
Please note if you remain anonymous, your advisor and the University Advising Center will be unable to follow-up with you directly.
What is your academic college? *
Select One
Arnold School of Public Health College of Arts and Sciences College of Education College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sports Management College of Information & Communications College of Nursing College of Pharmacy College of Social Work Darla Moore School of Business Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing School of Music Undergraduate Studies
Major: *
Select One
I am a first semester Transfer student. *
Please select your advisor: *
Select one Adame, Dylan Alwan, Akilah Andrews, Ashlan Ball, Charlie Ballou, Julia Bernardeau, Abigail Beskid, Novella Bess, Jennifer Birmingham, Catherine Blitz, Storm Brennan, Emily Brouse, Jenna Brown, Bill Budden, LaNae' Burnitz, Olivia Clark, Lauren Coggin, Gabrielle Collins, Ashley Cooper, Elizabeth Counts, Althea DeShazo, Kelly Dudley, Lindsay Engle, Kelsie Flansburgh, Michael Foster, Michelle Fuller, Katia Furr, Libby Gilbert, Tamara Gloria, Elizabeth Golston, Nikki Harless, Raquel Harris, Rachel Holland, Tia Holmes, Thomas Hughes, Brandon Jackson, Uniqua Kartik, Janhvi Keilty, Rebecca Kelleher, Molly Kelly, Sarah LaBorde, Julie Langford, Stephanie Le, Helen Leverette, Elizabeth Light, Justin Limbaugh, Leah Lonergan, Katherine Longergan, Katherine Mathwig, Alexandra Matthews, Sarah McCanna-Doty, Kaitlyn McDonald, Nicole (Niky) Meade, Aaron Metcalf, Kevin Olney, Tina Ouzts, McKenzie Patel, Ajay Pohrte, Kaila Poole, Anita Ramage, Charlie Rayala, Neha Reid, Cameron Rhym, Priscila Robinson, Haley Schroeder, Mary Jo Shaomian, Armen Shores, Amanda Skipper, Tracy Skrzyniarz, Therese Smedberg, Amy Smith, Kate Smith, Kori Smoak, Jan Spicer, Johnathan Tanner, Andrea Thomas, Kay Tully, Kim Turner, Haley Weingart, Valerie Wells, Antonio Williams, Paulia Wilson, Patrick Young, Dasya' My advisor is not listed
Other: *
Academic Guidance
My Academic Advisor provided curricular information to prepare me for course registration. *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
My Academic Advisor explained the degree requirements for my major to earn my degree (for example: progression requirements, prerequisite courses, major map, etc.) *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
My Academic Advisor uses DegreeWorks to guide my advised course plan and monitor my degree progress. *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Student: I understand the curricular requirements of my major and how to evaluate my progress towards degree. *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Career Readiness
Have you discussed your career goals and/or career interests with your Academic Advisor? *
YES, I discussed my career goals and/or interests with my Advisor during my most recent advising session.
SOMEWHAT, we discussed my interests but I'm still exploring my career goals.
NO, my Advisor did not/has not ever asked me about my career goals.
N/A - I discussed my career goals and interests in a previous advising session. My career goals have not changed.
In order to pursue my career goals and/or interests, my Advisor provided guidance on: *
Gaining work experience in my intended field (internships, clinicals, field work, student teaching, practicums, etc.)
Researching graduate school
Obtaining specific knowledge related to my intended career (coursework)
Obtaining specific skills related to my intended career (i.e. problem solving, communication skills, ability to work in teams, etc.)
Working with a faculty member to discuss career opportunities, research, etc.
Visiting Exploratory Advising
Visiting the Career Center
Visiting my College's Career Services office
Experiential Learning
As a result of my academic advising experience, I understand the Experiential Learning/Beyond the Classroom opportunities available to me at USC. *
YES, my Advisor explained and discussed experiential learning opportunities
SOMEWHAT, we briefly discussed experiential learning opportunities
NO, my Advisor and I did not discuss experiential learning opportunities
N/A - I shared with my Advisor I am not interested in experiential learning opportunities at this time
Please explain:
Please indicate below what opportunities you discussed with your Advisor [check all that apply] *
Undergraduate Research
Workplace Experiences (internships, fieldwork, student teaching, practicums, etc.)
Service (Service Saturday, volunteer experiences)
Study Abroad
Leadership Opportunities (peer leadership, peer educator roles)
Campus Involvement (student organizations and campus events)
My USC Experience/Co-Curricular Transcript
Graduation with Leadership Distinction
Organizations associated with my major
Advisor Support
My Advisor referred me to academic or campus resources (such as the Student Success Center, Writing Center, Career Center, Pre-Professional Advising, Counseling, Student Disability Resource Center, etc.) *
YES, my Advisor explained and referred me to specific offices and/or campus resources
SOMEWHAT, my Advisor briefly mentioned academic or campus resources
NO, my Advisor did not explain or refer me to campus resources.
N/A - I shared with my Advisor I am not interested in campus resources at this time.
My Advisor cares about me and my well-being. *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
My Advisor answered my questions. *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
NA - I did not have questions for my Advisor
Student Appointment Preparation
Student: How did you prepare for your most recent academic advising experience?
Academic Advising includes guiding students on academic/major requirements, career readiness, and experiential learning opportunities. Considering these intended outcomes, how satisfied are you with your academic advising experience?
Academic/Major requirements *
Extremely Satisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
Career Readiness *
Extremely Satisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
Experiential Learning Opportunities *
Extremely Satisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
Your feedback is important! Please share any comments you have on your academic advising experience.
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