This archived solicitation is no longer active. It is displayed here for reference only. No questions or offers will be considered for evaluation, and no new awards will be made in connection with this solicitation.
Solicitation Number: FP00000345
Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference Call October 1, 2020 @ 10:00 AM (803) 753-1965/Access Code 7777162
Site visit: October 1, 2020 at 11:00AM at 471 University Parkway, Aiken SC 29801. Contact Tilden Hilderbrand via e-mail no later than 9/30/20. Use of attendee provided face masks and plastic gloves is mandatory and 6 ft social distancing rules fully apply
Bid must be received by Oct. 15, 2020 at 2:00 PM Teleconference only (803) 753-1965/Access code 7777162
Buyer: Aimee Rish
Number of pages: 91
- Drawings - Drawings for RE-BID U of SC Aiken Parking Lot Seal/Restriping [pdf]
- Addendum - Addendum 1 [pdf]
- Addendum - Addendum 2 [pdf]
- Award - Notice of Intent to Award and Bid Tab [pdf]