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Parking and Transportation Services

Faculty/Staff Permit Reference Guide

Academic Year 2024-25. 
Click on a permit to view all areas where that permit is allowed. 

FS lots

All faculty and staff members may buy a Z permit. It will allow you to park in any FS or AD lot, and any seniority faculty/staff surface lot between 3 p.m. and 7:30 a.m.

Seniority lots

Your years of service at the university may qualify you for preferred parking in specific lots that are only available to faculty and staff who meet criteria based on your hire date. Faculty and staff with these permits can also park in Faculty/Staff (FS) and Any Decal (AD) lots.


University faculty and staff members can buy a garage permit for  a designated campus garage.

Reserved Lots

University faculty and staff members can buy a permit in a reserved lot for a guarateed space..

Park and Ride


Parking and Transportation Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
