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Office of Multicultural Student Affairs

  • Two buttons that read "She ask my Pronouns" and "Ask me my pronouns".


We work to create an inclusive campus culture, and offer support and services that help LGBTQ+ students with their specific needs.

Transgender and Non-binary Student
Support and Services


All students can participate in intramural sports with the gender with which they identify. A participant may consult with the intramural sports office at with any questions about roster eligibility based on one’s gender identity


Activities during Homecoming are gender inclusive. All students can participate in gender-specific competitions as the gender they identify as. 

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Decisions about gender inclusivity are up to each fraternity and sorority. If you are interested in being involved, research different the organizations for their view on gender identity.

Changing Your Health Record 

We want to make sure you are identified correctly when you come in for a visit.

Changing Your Name or Pronoun on Your Medical Records

You can change your name and pronouns in the profile section of MyHealthSpace or by calling 803-777-8283.

Non-Medical University Records

As a default, we use the information provided by the University Registrar for your name and gender. Changing your name and pronoun with us will only affect your medical records. We keep separate records from the rest of the university system, so the change won't affect your other university records."


Student Insurance Coverage

Your student insurance will cover some services for transgender students:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Therapy Sessions
  • Medical Appointments
  • Medications

To get full coverage for these services, see a provider who will provide records stating you are diagnosed with gender identity disorder and that your treatment is medically necessary. The student health insurance policy does not cover gender affirmation surgery of any kind. 

Gynecological Services

The Student Health Center will work with you to make sure your visit for gynecological care is as comfortable as possible. If you need to ask a question or discuss accommodations, you can email the nursing staff via the MyHealthSpace portal or call the head nurse at 803-777-3840.

University Housing is excited to announce Gender Inclusive Housing as an option to all students.

This allows for residents of differing gender identities and sexual orientations to live in a supportive and understanding environment regardless of sex assigned at birth. Gender Inclusive Housing options are available in apartment-style, suite-style, and select traditional-style residence halls.

Additionally, University Housing offers roommate matching assistance that individuals can cater to their needs.  As part of our commitment to an inclusive environment where everyone is valued and respected, you may contact Drew Branham directly via email at to discuss your specific needs.  Otherwise, we can help you navigate the university housing system and serve as an advocate for your needs. We strive to make USC a welcoming home for all to live and learn.

USC experiences interpersonal violence including sexual assault, harassment, stalking and intimate partner violence. Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention & Prevention (SAVIP) is trained to support victims/survivors of all sexes, genders, and sexual orientations. Find out how to connect with SAVIP at Interpersonal Violence Support

Individual Counseling

Counseling & Psychiatry has trans-aware mental health providers.

Students are allowed ten free sessions a year and additional sessions at cost.



T-Time is a support group designed for students who identify as trans, gender fluid or gender nonconforming to discuss the unique experience that may not be readily understood or supported by others. This group aims to create a space where students can feel comfortable being their true selves and talk about the issues they face on a daily basis in school, sex, relationships, family, health settings and other facets of life and transition. The group will have a supportive intent and participants may learn additional coping skills related to living in a biased society.

Students may attend as many group counseling sessions as they like throughout the year at no cost.

Queer in Quarantine

When campus closed unexpectedly in March 2020, USC students were told to go home, but what happens when home is not safe? For many of our queer students, going home has meant effectively going back into the closet. Whether you’ve returned to a homophobic family/community, lost access to gender-affirming medical treatment, or are struggling to stay connected to your queer community, this group is a space where you can process these experiences with humans who understand. 

Check out the Counseling and Psychiatry Website for More Information

Update Account Settings

Beginning in Summer 2021 updated personal data may be shown in various systems, including email/Office 365, Blackboard, Self-Service Carolina, and employee self-service.

Responses to each item is optional (not required), and you may choose whether to respond to any or all of the items below. If you choose to not provide preferred information, your official data will generally be used throughout our systems and services.

Personal Data
  1. Click "Update Account Settings" and log in
  2. Click "Personal Data"
  3. Review detailed parameters of optional changes.
  4. Update "Preferred First Name" AND/OR "Preferred Last Name" AND/OR "Gender Identity" AND/OR "Personal Pronouns"
Email Alias
  1. Click "Update Account Settings" and log in
  2. Click "Email Alias"
  3. Review detailed parameters of alias creation.
  4. Create alias and click submit
  5. Click "Email Preferences"
  6. Set alias as "Preferred University Email Address"

For questions about this update process contact DoIT’s Service Desk (803-777-1800,


Name change in Blackboard has been temporarily taken offline as we work on connecting Blackboard with user account settings.

Garnet Gate
  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click the green circle with the letter in it at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Click "Account"
  4. Change the first name and/or last name under profile
  5. Click "Update"

You can change your name and pronouns reflected in your medical records in the profile section of MyHealthSpace or by calling 803-777-8283.

Changing Legal Documents and School Records

You will need to complete a legal name change in accordance with the state of South Carolina name change process. If you have had a legal name change, you can access the name change form at the University Registrar.

If you need guidance on how to pursue a legal name change, contact OMSA or check out Gender Bender's resource as a guide.

Gender is a protected identity on campus, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion takes any bias or hate incidents very seriously. 

Contact us if you feel you have been discriminated against or have experienced bias. We will help you report it and rectify the situation in whatever way is appropriate.

Reporting an Incident »

Discrimination Policy [pdf] 

You have options when it comes to letting your professors know your name and pronoun:

  • Talk to them one-on-one
  • Send an email
  • Have us notify them

You should do what's best for you at this time in your life. We're available to help you talk through what to say or review your email if you'd like. 

We can notify your professors for you.

Fill out the notification request form. You'll need the names and email addresses for the faculty members you'd like to notify. Currently, this request is only available for students at the USC Columbia campus.

We will send an email to the addresses you give us. It will contain no identifying information and will list best practices the professor can follow in order to make your experience in class more positive.
Sample Notification Letter [pdf]

Single-stall and all-gender restrooms are available across campus including at the Russell House Student Union, Patterson Hall, Thompson Health Center and the Wellness and Fitness Center.

We are actively advocating for additional restroom access to meet the needs of all students. 

View on the USC Campus Map


For the time being, the Closet will be open by appointment only. Please contact Bri ( to make at an appointment.

The Self-Expression Closet is not taking any more donations at this time.

The Self-Expression Closet caters to trans, non-binary, and other community members at USC seeking free, non-professional daywear. USC community members are welcome to come down and shop the closet during the posted hours.

The Closet is located in the CommUnity Shop in the Carolina Coliseum.  

The Trans Advocacy Workshop is designed to further examine issues of sexual identity and gender expression. This workshop narrowly focuses on transgender identities, issues, and experiences. All interested participants in the Trans Advocacy Workshop are required to complete the LGBT Safe Zone Workshop before registering for the session. Trans Advocacy workshops are open to all students, faculty, and staff.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.