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Waking Up from PowerPoint Induced Sleep: Effective Use of PowerPoint for Teaching


Have you heard of "death by PowerPoint," "PowerPoint fatigue," or "PowerPoint-induced sleep?" PowerPoint, if used poorly, can impede teaching and learning. Seminar participants will examine the pedagogical values of PowerPoint and explore teaching situations which can benefit from the use of this presentation software. The seminar includes a discussion of current practices, experiences and success (or horror) stories about using this software as a teaching tool. PowerPoint tips, teaching techniques and an instrument for evaluating its use in the classroom are shared.                     

About the Presenter

Vera Polyakova-Norwood has over eighteen years of experience in designing, teaching and managing various types of distance education courses and programs. As director of online learning at the University of South Carolina’s College of Nursing, she assists faculty with design, development, implementation and evaluation of online courses, modules and activities. She has led numerous workshops on technology-based teaching and learning for USC faculty and graduate students.

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