Multiple-choice tests are the most widely used type of exams in large classes. Many textbooks come with test banks, but what do you do when you want to make your own test questions? How do you make sure your questions are testing what you want the students to know? This seminar reviews the principles of writing valid and reliable test items; explore how to use test-item analysis; and learn how to create tests that measure higher-order objectives. Applying these principles can make your exams more effective at measuring student learning.
About the Facilitator
Ed Neal began his teaching career in 1968 as a professor of Russian history, but his interest in the dynamic process of teaching and learning led him to the field of faculty development. He created the first faculty development program at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 1976 and was director of that program for 32 years. In his work at UNC he led faculty development seminars, taught graduate courses in four departments, wrote articles and monographs on pedagogical issues, developed teaching assessment systems, designed program evaluations, and served on university committees dealing with teaching, learning, assessment, and the curriculum. He now works as a faculty development consultant in higher education and is the editor of The Journal of Faculty Development and serves on the editorial boards of The National Teaching and Learning Forum and Innovative Higher Education.