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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Lecture Video Recording

Creating a Home Video Studio

The transition to remote teaching has forced many of us to host classes and meetings, and to record classes at home. Here are some simple tips that can improve the quality of your presentation so that your students and colleagues will be more focused on what you say than on where you are:

  1. Computer: Your computer should be positioned so that the camera is as close to eye level as possible.
  2. Microphone: The built-in microphone on most computers and laptops is okay, but you will be heard better if you have a headset with microphone.
  3. Lighting: This is the most important consideration in creating quality video. The light source (lamp or window) should come from behind the camera so that your face is illuminated for the camera. Natural lighting from a window behind the camera is good, but natural lighting from a window that the camera can see will make everything else look dark.
  4. Background: Everything that the viewer sees behind you communicates something to those who are viewing the video. Bookshelves, artwork, and simple walls are most common because they are not distracting. Avoid showing clutter or having the camera pointed where there will be people or things moving behind you--these will be distracting.

As with all areas of teaching, you can learn something from every video you watch or meeting you attend. A little attention to these areas will help increase the effectiveness of your communication!

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