Understanding Cost Sharing Parameters

In this topic, you will learn how to better understand cost sharing parameters.


  1. You can use PeopleSoft Grants to track direct cost-shared amounts, Facilities and Administration (F&A) cost-shared amounts, and waived F&A amounts.


    In addition, you can calculate F&A rates at the expenditure level and differentiate between sponsor expenditures and institution cost sharing.

    Step 1
  2. To implement cost sharing, you must define direct cost sharing by the ChartField combinations that you establish on the Facilities Admin Options page. You can select one or more ChartFields to designate the ChartFields that constitute cost sharing.

    Step 2
  3. After selecting a ChartField, specify the From and To values.


    For example, if Fund were chosen as the cost-sharing ChartField, a value or range of values would need to be specified (such as F250, or F250 to F260). Each transaction coded with these funds would be considered cost-shared.

    Step 3
  4. If more than one cost-sharing ChartField is entered (such as fund F250 and department ID 90210), the system only recognizes the transaction as being cost-shared if the transaction references both (or all) ChartFields.


    On the other hand, if more than one ChartField value is specified (such as department IDs 90210 and 90000), the transaction is considered cost-sharing if it meets the single ChartField criterion defined, such as fund 250.

    Step 4
  5. When you run the award generation process, the system computes the cost-sharing amount to be brought forward into the award by using the percentages that you set up within the pre-award environment. When you establish the post-award budget, you should verify that the cost-sharing totals that are brought forward are for the amount that you want, and make any adjustments that may be necessary due to rounding.

    Step 5

Congratulations, you have successfully gained an understanding of cost sharing parameters. To summarize, while managing your award, you may need to calculate cost sharing percentages that you distribute among departments and other units in your institution or between internal business units and external agencies.


PeopleSoft Grants provides a complete solution for awards processing and enables you to budget for many complex cost-sharing relationships.

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