Updating Milestone Condition Status

In this topic, you will learn how to update milestone condition status.


  1. Begin by navigating to the My Contracts page.


    Click the Main Menu button.

    Step 1
  2. Click the Customer Contracts menu.

    Step 2
  3. Click the My Contracts menu.

    Step 3
  4. Use the My Contracts page to view a list of contracts that you are actively tracking or managing.

    The My Contracts page provides you with a view of a contract's status and customer, and a drill-down link to that contract. When you first access this page, the system displays only those contracts that you previously added into your My Contracts list.

    Step 4

  5. Click the EASY_SOLUTIONS link.

    Step 5
  6. Use the General page to set up and manage contract header information.

    Step 6

  7. Click the Milestones link.

    Step 7
  8. Use the Create Milestones page to associate generic milestones to a contract.

    Step 8

  9. If you already have milestones associated with your contract, upon accessing this page, the milestone tree and Milestones group box appear. If you have not associated milestones with your contract, these items do not appear on the page.

    Step 9

  10. Click the INSTALLATION COMPLT link.

    Step 10
  11. The Estimated Completion Date field displays the estimated completion date, which is a system-calculated value based on the milestone conditions.

    Step 11

  12. Click in the Completion Date field.

    Step 12
  13. Use the Completion Date field to identify when a condition has been met.


    Enter the desired information into the Completion Date field.


    Enter "01/05/2013".

    Step 13
  14. Note that the Condition Status is Ready.

    Step 14

  15. Use the Mark Complete button to identify a condition as complete.


    Click the Mark Complete button.

    Step 15
  16. Notice that the Condition Status is now Completed.

    Step 16

  17. Click the Save button.

    Step 17

Congratulations, you have successfully learned how to update a milestone condition status.

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