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undergraduate bulletin index

updated 8/15/2007

Other Undergraduate Credit Courses and Programs

Certain courses in colleges or departments which do not offer undergraduate degrees are available to undergraduate students. In order for students to have broad educational opportunities, the following courses may be taken for undergraduate credit.

College of Social Work (SOWK)

Although the College of Social Work does not offer an undergraduate degree, it does provide undergraduate courses which may lead to a minor.

  • 302 -- Foundations of Social Welfare. (3) Social welfare agencies; the education and ethical code of social workers; principles, theories, and research underlying social work practice and methods.
  • 303 -- Social Welfare Services for Children and Youth. (3) Social welfare services available to children and youth and the referral processes involved.
  • 304 -- Social Welfare Services for Families and the Aged. (3) Social welfare services available to families, ranging from counseling services to specialized services for aged citizens.
  • 305 -- Social Welfare Services for Women and Minorities. {=WOST 306} (3) Social welfare services available to women and minorities and the forces that shape these services.
  • 306 -- Social Work in Other Nations. (3) Social welfare systems in selected nations of the world; variations in services.
  • 307 -- International Social Work and Social Justice. (3) This course provides a framework for understanding social work and social justice issues with an emphasis on vulnerable populations in the areas of survival, protection, and promotion of human rights in China, India, the Middle East, Africa, and Central and South America.
  • 308 -- History and Philosophy of Social Welfare. (3) This course introduces students to the field of social welfare and its relationship to the profession of social work, with attention paid to the development and evolution of the history and philosophies of social welfare as a social institution.
  • 399 -- Independent Study. (3)
  • 402 -- Non-Professional Participation in Social Welfare Agencies. (3) Roles and skills necessary for citizen involvement with social welfare agencies.
  • 403 -- Social Welfare in Literature. (3) Social welfare issues, problems, and interventions portrayed in literature.
  • 404 -- Current Issues in Social Welfare. (3) A project-type study of selected issues, social concerns, and applications of behavioral implications for practice. May be repeated for credit when the topics covered or subject matter is different.
  • 421 -- Social Work Practice Methods. (3) Major concepts, principles, and methods in professional social work practice.

Undergraduate Enrollment in M.S.W. Courses

1. University of South Carolina students may seek permission to enroll in selected Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) courses during their senior year of study. To do so, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher. Admission to individual courses and to specific course sections is on a space-available basis.

2. Students who qualify may enroll for up to 9 hours of the following courses: SOWK 712, 716, 791, and 792. Because the college's courses are taught in a one-day per week, three-hour format, students may find that evening TV offerings and Saturday sections best suit their schedules.

3. Accreditation requirements of the Council on Social Work Education do not allow entry into the M.S.W. program without a bachelor’s degree from an accredited undergraduate program. However, if subsequently admitted to the M.S.W. program, a student will be allowed to waive any graduate social work courses successfully completed while an undergraduate with a grade of B or better. The number of graduate hours required for the M.S.W. degree will be reduced accordingly.

4. Successful completion of graduate courses while an undergraduate is not a guarantee of admission into the M.S.W. program. Admission to the program is on a competitive basis.

5. Students will be advised by the coordinator of the social work minor.

University (UNIV)

  • 101 -- The Student in the University. (3) The purposes of higher education and potential roles of the student within the university. Open to freshmen. Also open to other undergraduate students in their first semester of enrollment.
  • 201 -- Fundamentals of Inquiry. (3) Introduction to the historical foundations, ethics, essential components, and methodologies of inquiry within specified academic disciplines.
  • 290 -- Special Topics in the Residential College. (1) A series of interdisciplinary discussions for residential college students. May be repeated twice for credit under a different suffix and topic.
  • 401 -- Senior Capstone Experience. (1-3) (Prereq: junior or senior standing) Integration of major program of study and general education; issues of transition into graduate school and/or employment; group project, intensive writing/speaking. 

International Programs (INTL)

  • 501 -- Study Abroad--USC Exchange. (1-16) This course keeps a USC student active while on a pre-approved USC exchange program.
  • 502 -- Study Abroad--Non-USC Program. (1-16) This course keeps a USC student active while on a pre-approved non-USC study abroad program.
  • 503 -- Study Abroad--Through Another U.S. Institution. (1-16) This course keeps a USC student active while on a pre-approved non-USC study abroad program through another U.S. institution of higher education.

University Libraries (LIBR)

  • 100 -- Information Literacy. (1) Introduction to methods and ethics of information research, with emphasis on analyzing and defining information needs and resources, creating and refining search strategies, evaluating resources, and synthesizing and citing information. Admission restricted to undergraduates.