updated 8/15/2007
School of Library and Information Science
Charles Bierbauer, Dean
Samantha Hastings, Director
Samantha Hastings, Ph.D., Florida State University, 1994
Robert V. Williams, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1978, Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Associate Professors
Stephen T. Bajjaly, Ph.D., University of New York at Albany, 1993
Patricia E. Feehan, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1991
John N. Olsgaard, Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1984
Donna M. Shannon, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1993
Nancy P. Zimmerman, Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University, 1992
Assistant Professors
Jennifer Arns, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 2003
Jinmook Kim, Ph.D., University of Maryland, 2006
Judith Marley, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2000
Jennifer Marshall, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2006
Jamie Naidoo, Ph.D., University of Alabama, 2006
Anne Marie Perrault, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2005
Feili Tu, Ph.D., Texas Woman's University, 1996
The mission of the School of Library and Information Science is to provide and promote education and leadership in library and information science, services, and studies through the highest levels of teaching, research and service. The school is committed to supporting the development and improvement of library and information services as an essential part of cultural enrichment, the dissemination of knowledge, and the enhancement of overall quality of life.
The School of Library and Information Science offers the Ph.D. in Library and Information Science, the Master of Library and Information Science degree, and two programs of advanced study beyond the master's degree: the Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science and the Specialist in Library and Information Science degree. Joint master's degrees are offered in conjunction with the English department and with the Public History Program.
The Ph.D. in Library and Information Science is a research-intensive degree designed to prepare graduates for faculty and administrative careers in universities, research centers, and the public sector. The Ph.D. program is broadly interdisciplinary, with a curriculum balanced between the intellectual realms of library science and information science. While providing foundational courses covering theoretical and methodological approaches to information-seeking behavior and interactions with information in its many formats, the program also allows for study in a cognate discipline that sharpens and enriches a student's major research emphasis.
The Master of Library and Information Science degree is a program of basic professional education designed to prepare students for entry into positions in libraries and information centers in colleges, schools, communities, industries, and businesses. The M.L.I.S. program provides students not only a strong core of general knowledge of the profession but also the opportunity to explore individual areas of interest related to career preparation. Instruction is available to students in all areas of South Carolina through an extensive program of distance education. Advances in educational technology made it possible for the University of South Carolina to work cooperatively with appropriate agencies in Georgia, West Virginia, Maine, and Virginia to offer the complete M.L.I.S. program to students in those states who would not otherwise have access to an ALA-accredited program of library and information science.
The Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science is tailored to complement the Master of Library and Information Science program by providing post-master's degree instruction designed to enhance the student's career opportunities in a chosen area of specialization. Completion of the Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science will acknowledge to prospective employers the student's additional preparation for specific job responsibilities.
The Specialist in Library and Information Science is a sixth-year degree program for librarians, information managers, media specialists, and other related professionals who wish to refresh and update their knowledge and skills, gain greater specialization in their professional training, or redirect their careers from one area to another. The school meets the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education standards for teacher education programs.
Ph.D. in Library and Information Science
Admission to the Ph.D. program is competitive and is based on the strength of the applicant's educational background (with the expectation of an M.L.I.S. or master's-level degree in a related field), standardized test scores, work experience, a statement of research interests, and a personal interview.
Application requirements for the Ph.D. program include:
1. a completed admissions form for The Graduate School (with a written statement describing the applicant's anticipated research focus or interest) and a nonrefundable $40 application fee;
2. official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended;
3. satisfactory official score reports from the GRE general test (post-October 2002), with the minimum expectation of a combined verbal and quantitative score of 1000;
4. an official report showing a minimum score of 570 (230 computer-based) on the TOEFL or a minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS Academic Course Type 2 exam for international students whose native language is not English;
5. three letters of recommendation from persons able to comment on the applicant's academic ability and scholarly potential;
6. a resume or curriculum vitae outlining the applicant's educational and professional achievements (sent directly to the School of Library and Information Science);
7. and, following the receipt of all documents listed above, an interview with a member of the graduate faculty, preferably in person but, if necessary, by phone.
Master of Library and Information Science Program
Admission to the School of Library and Information Science is selective and based on the faculty's assessment of the applicant's aptitude for graduate study and potential contribution to the profession. The School of Library and Information Science takes a holistic approach to the admissions process. Consequently, an applicant's entire file and interview are taken into consideration before an admission decision is made.
Application requirements for the M.L.I.S. program include:
1. a completed USC Graduate School admissions form and a nonrefundable $40 application fee;
2. official transcripts showing possession of a baccalaureate degree from an institution that is regionally accredited (such as by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) or international credentials deemed by The Graduate School and the School of Library and Information Science to be acceptable; the undergraduate record should show promise for graduate study with a GPA of at least 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) in the last two years or 60 semester hours of the applicant's undergraduate degree;
3. official transcripts from all other colleges or universities attended;
4. two letters of reference from persons who can comment directly on the applicant's professional and academic capabilities and potential (For example, college instructors could comment on an applicant's previous academic performance in relation to potential for graduate study; an immediate supervisor could address job performance and potential for advancement. Letters which speak only of the applicant's personal attributes will not be accepted.);
5. official score reports for tests taken October 2002 or later showing at least 950 on the combined verbal and quantitative portions of the GRE with a minimum score of at least 500 on the verbal portion; official score reports for tests taken prior to October 2002 showing at least 950 on the combined verbal and quantitative or verbal and analytical (whichever is higher) portions of the GRE; official score reports for tests taken October 2004 or later showing at least 410 on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT); official score reports for tests taken prior to October 2004 showing 50 or better on the MAT (International students whose native language is not English must also submit an official report showing a minimum score of 570 [230 computer-based total] on the TOEFL exam); GRE scores or an MAT score may not be more than five years old at the time of application;
6. the School of Library and Information Science supplemental information form, which includes a statement of purpose.
Application forms for admission may be obtained electronically from the School of Library and Information Science (www.libsci.sc.edu) or from The Graduate School (www.gradschool.sc.edu). Admission policies and procedures apply to part-time students and to full-time students.
Graduate students who are degree candidates in other divisions of the University may enroll in some elective courses in the School of Library and Information Science. An individual who holds a master's degree in library and information science from an ALA-accredited program may enroll in any course in which space is available after admission as a nondegree student to The Graduate School. Recertification (nondegree) admission is available for certified school teachers whose purpose in enrolling is for renewal of the teaching certificate only (applicants not intending to seek a master's degree).
Nondegree applicants (persons with no degree objective) submit the University's graduate school non-degree application, the $40 application fee, and an official transcript bearing proof of completion of a bachelor's degree or higher. Admission as a nondegree-seeking student does not assure or imply admission to degree candidacy in the future.
Applications for admission are processed as they are received. Applicants who file after the deadline for a given semester may not be admitted for that term. Deadlines are available from the school’s admissions office and on the school's Web page.
A number of assistantships and scholarships are available to students entering the school. To inquire about or apply for these, contact the School of Library and Information Science Student Services Office. Students interested in financial assistance are also encouraged to apply to the financial aid office of the University as early as possible.
Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science Program
The Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science complements the Master of Library and Information Science program by providing post-master's degree instruction, enhancing the student's career opportunities, and providing extended preparation for specific areas of library and information service.
Requirements for admission to the Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science are the same as those listed above for the M.L.I.S program. Students enrolled in the M.L.I.S program should seek admission to the certificate program prior to the completion of 24 credit hours of course work; current M.L.I.S. students must submit an official application from The Graduate School for the certification program prior to the completion of 24 hours of M.L.I.S. course work.
Specialist in Library and Information Science Program
Admission to the Specialist in Library and Information Science degree program is selective and is based on the faculty's assessment of the applicant's aptitude for a particular level of graduate study and potential contribution to the profession. The school takes a holistic approach to the admissions process. Consequently, an applicant's entire file is taken into consideration before an admission decision is made.
Application requirements for the specialist program include:
1. a completed USC Graduate School admissions form and a nonrefundable $40 application fee;
2. an official transcript showing possession of a master's degree in library and information science from an ALA-accredited or NCATE-approved program (Applicants with a master's degree from an NCATE-approved program must also have current certification as a librarian or school library media specialist.); applicants with a master's degree in library and information science that is not from an ALA-accredited or NCATE-approved program may also be admitted to the program upon satisfactory exemption of SLIS 701 and 707; any of these courses not exempted must be taken as part of the specialist degree program in addition to the required 30 hours; applicants filed may be accepted into the program upon satisfactory exemption of SLIS 701; any of these courses not exempted must be taken as part of the specialist degree program in addition to the required 30 hours;
3. a minimum of three years of full-time experience in a library, media center, or information agency (Requirements for work experience may be waived.);
4. official score reports for tests taken October 2002 or later showing at least 950 on the combined verbal and quantitative portions of the GRE with a minimum score of at least 500 on the verbal portion; official score reports for tests taken prior to October 2002 showing at least 950 on the combined verbal and quantitative or verbal and analytical (whichever is higher) portions of the GRE; official score reports for tests taken October 2004 or later showing at least 410 on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT); official score reports for tests taken prior to October 2004 showing 50 or better on the MAT (International students whose native language is not English must also submit an official report showing a minimum score of 570 [230 computer-based total] on the TOEFL exam); GRE scores or an MAT score may not be more than five years old at the time of application;
5. two letters of recommendation from persons able to comment on the applicant's professional performance and potential;
6. a statement of professional purpose indicating the specialization the applicant seeks to develop (A resume outlining the applicant's educational and professional record should be forwarded directly to the School of Library and Information Science.);
7. a personal interview with the specialist committee. (The committee may, at its discretion, waive or change the personal interview requirement and use other information in its place.)
Degree Requirements
Ph.D. in Library and Information Science
Students must complete an approved program of 54 credit hours of 700- and 800-level courses beyond the master's level, including a minimum of 12 hours of dissertation preparation with a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or above.
1. Core Courses (15 hours)
SLIS 801, 802, 803, 804, 805
2. Research Methods (6 hours)
Qualitative methods (3 hours), chosen from advisor-approved options such as EDRM 740 Qualitative Research in Education and ANTH 719 Field Problems in Ethnology
Quantitative methods (3 hours), chosen from advisor-approved options such as STAT 700 Applied Statistics or STAT 701 Applied Statistics II
3. SLIS Electives (12 hours)
chosen from advisor-approved 800-level seminars or 700-level courses appropriate to research interests and the production of work designed for scholarly publication or presentation
4. Cognate Courses (9 hours)
chosen from advisor-approved courses from another discipline related to the student's research interests (i.e., mass communication, sociology, education, anthropology, computer science, English, geography, history, marketing, philosophy, political science, psychology, public administration)
5. Comprehensive Written and Oral Examinations
6. SLIS 899 Dissertation Preparation (12 hours)
Master of Library and Information Science
For the M.L.I.S. degree, an approved program of at least 36 semester hours of graduate course work must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (B) overall and on all 700-800 level courses. No student who receives a grade below B on more than six hours of work may continue in the program. Any grade of U or F dismisses the student from the program.
Additionally, Graduate School policy states that graduate students whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) drops below 3.00 (B) will be placed on academic probation and allowed one calendar year in which to raise the GPA to at least 3.00. Students who do not reach a cumulative 3.00 GPA during this grace period will not be permitted to enroll for further graduate work.
Twelve hours of required courses are designed to provide the student with an understanding of the information professions. Students and their advisors will choose a minimum of 24 hours of elective courses. Elective courses in the School of Library and Information Science and/or graduate departments in other institutions may be used to develop a specialization in one or more areas or to provide a broad, general preparation for the information professions.
A minimum of 24 graduate hours must be completed within the school. Students may transfer up to six semester hours of graduate course work from colleges or universities other than the University of South Carolina. Courses that will be more than six years old at the time the M.L.I.S. degree is awarded may not be included in the program.
SLIS 701 is required of all students. Students who have prior course work or experience in library or information science may apply to exempt from SLIS 705 and/or SLIS 707. If successful, the student will replace required courses with an equal number of elective courses. Exemption from required courses does not reduce the length of the program.
Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science
The certificate program consists of 18 credit hours of required and elective course work in a specific area of library and information science. A student may pursue the certificate simultaneously with the M.L.I.S. or following completion of the M.L.I.S. School of Library and Information Science students who are admitted to the certificate program prior to completion of the M.L.I.S. are allowed to use 6 hours of M.L.I.S. credit toward the certificate provided the 6 hours are related to the proposed area of specialization for the certificate. If there is a lapse of time between completion of the M.L.I.S. and enrollment in the certificate program or if the student is a graduate of another ALA-accredited master's program, 18 hours of course work will be required to earn the certificate. Courses that will be more than four years old at the time the certificate will be awarded may not be included in the program of study.
Students must complete a minimum of 3 credit hours of internship (SLIS 794) and an additional nine or 15 credit hours, depending upon whether admission was prior to or following completion of the M.L.I.S. degree. Students may choose their elective courses in library and information science or a related discipline after consultation with an academic advisor. Each student's program of study will be tailored according to prior course work and the student's professional objectives.
The student will apply for and be awarded the M.L.I.S. degree upon completion of the 36 hours required for that degree. Subsequently the student will be awarded the Certificate of Graduate Study in Library and Information Science upon completion of the additional 12-18 hours as specified above.
Specialist in Library and Information Science
The S.L.I.S. degree consists of a minimum of 30 semester hours of post-master's degree course work with a grade point average of at least 3.00 (B) on all work. If SLIS 705 (or its equivalent) has not been completed prior to admission with a grade of B or higher, this requirement must be fulfilled in addition to the 30 semester hours necessary to earn the degree.
In consultation with a faculty advisor, each student will develop a program of study specifically tailored to the student's career objectives. In general, these objectives should be oriented towards increased specialization, change of specialization, or an upgrading of professional skills and knowledge. In addition, two structured emphases have been approved for the specialist degree. The first, which was developed in cooperation with the USC College of Education, allows students who currently hold certification as school library media specialists to meet South Carolina requirements for certification as district-level school media coordinators in conjunction with the specialist degree. The second emphasis in educational information technology encourages students to concentrate on course work that encompasses the new developments in technology being implemented daily in schools.
At least 18 hours of the S.L.I.S. program must be taken within the school; the additional hours may be taken in other departments of the University in accordance with the student’s program interests, and up to 9 credit hours may be transferred from another institution. Up to 6 hours of graduate work taken prior to admission to the program may be included in the S.L.I.S. degree provided the courses meet specified conditions. Courses that will be more than six years old at the time the S.L.I.S. degree is awarded may not be included in the student's program.
Students must present a grade point average of 3.00 (B) on all courses taken in the program. Students who earn a grade below B on more than 6 hours of work or a grade below C in any course will not be allowed to continue in the program.
Additionally, Graduate School policy states that graduate students whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) drops below 3.00 will be placed on academic probation and allowed one calendar year to raise the GPA to at least 3.00. Students who do not reach a cumulative 3.00 GPA during this grace period will not be permitted to enroll for further graduate work.
Each student in the program will be assigned a faculty advisor. It is expected that each student's program will be highly individualized and thus responsive to the specialized objectives of the student. A final research project resulting from some phase of the program and demonstrating the ability to conduct, synthesize, and utilize basic research in the area of specialization is optional. For students who choose the research product/option, a program committee will be appointed consisting of the advisor and at least one additional SLIS reader. The program committee will coordinate both the student's program and final research project (SLIS 798). The maximum number of hours that can be used in SLIS 796 and SLIS 798 is 9 credit hours, with no more than 6 hours directly related to the research project.
For students who choose to complete the optional research project (SLIS 798), the school follows The Graduate School's regulations for deposit of the final research project. Detailed editorial instructions for the research project are available either through the school's specialist committee or The Graduate School.
School Library Media Specialist Concentration
School library media specialist certification may differ from one state department of education to another. The School of Library and Information Science program leading to certification is accredited by NCATE. Graduates who have completed this approved program are eligible for certification in South Carolina and any other state that recognizes NCATE standards. Students who are pursuing school library media certification should have their programs of study approved by the school library media program coordinator during their first term of enrollment.
The general requirements for NCATE at the School of Library and Information Science are 18 semester hours of foundations in library and information science, 12 semester hours of educational foundations or current certification in some other discipline in education, and 12-18 semester hours of courses related specifically to school library media programs.
Those who want certification in South Carolina must take the Specialty Area (Library Media) of the PRAXIS but do not have to take either the General Knowledge or Professional Knowledge area. Many other states do require other parts of the PRAXIS, so those considering employment in another state should contact that state’s department of education as early in their program as possible.
A one-time fee of $173 for initial certification or $65 add-on certification is required by the University for all recommendations for certification regardless of the state in which the individual is applying. A person may request that recommendations be sent to any number of states at any time after paying the fee.
Joint Master's Program in English and Library and Information Science
The joint master's program in English and library and information science prepares students for careers as subject specialists in academic or public libraries. Subject specialists typically work in such areas as collection development, reference, and bibliographic instruction.
Admission Criteria
Persons applying to the joint master's program in English and library and information science must meet the admissions requirements of both the Department of English and the School of Library and Information Science.
Degree Requirements
The joint master's program in English and library and information science is a 55-hour program leading to a Master of Arts in English and a Master of Library and Information Science. (Earning both degrees separately normally requires 66 hours of course work.) The program is administered by a joint committee, which recommends a student for admission and approves the student's program. The student takes 28 hours of English courses: 15 hours from five required groups, one course in an allied field (3 hours), two electives (6 hours), ENGL 700 (3 hours), and ENGL 799 (1 hour). Twenty-seven hours are taken in the School of Library and Information Science: 18 hours of required courses (SLIS 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, and 706) and 9 hours of elective courses. There is no comprehensive examination. A thesis is required by the English department, and there is a foreign language requirement.
If the student wishes to change from the joint program to the degree program in English or library and information science, the student must reapply to the particular program of interest. Joint degrees are awarded simultaneously.
Joint Master's Program in Public History and Library and Information Science
One of only a few such programs in the United States, the joint master's program in public history and library and information science has been designed to prepare students for careers in historic agency administration, archives, records management, and library administration in such areas as manuscripts, rare books, government information, and reference.
Persons applying to the joint master's program in public history and library and information science must meet the entrance requirements of both the Department of History and the School of Library and Information Studies. Note: The Department of History admits students only once a year, for the spring semester; consult the Department of History for details.
Degree Requirements
Students earn both the Master of Arts in Public History and the Master of Library and Information Science upon successful completion of 60 hours of course work consisting of 30 hours in each area. (Earning both degrees separately would require 72 hours of graduate credit.) Courses required in the School of Library and Information Science are SLIS 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 750, and 719; 3 hours of elective specialization courses; and 3 hours of internship in libraries, archives, museums, records management settings, or historical agencies. In public history each student will complete 21 hours of the following foundation courses: historical research methods, archival administration and techniques, historical editing, history of historical writing, and two courses and a research seminar in the student's minor field of study. Six hours of elective specialization courses, a thesis, an oral comprehensive examination, and a portfolio also are required in public history. Refer to the public history section of the graduate bulletin for details.
Course Descriptions (SLIS)
Required Courses
- 701 -- Introduction to Library, Media, and Information Professions. (3) Nature, development, and roles of library, media, and information professions; the discipline and practice of library and information science; current professional issues.
- 705 -- Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science. (3) The research process, including problem identification, hypothesis testing, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of results. Emphasis on research methods and on critical evaluation of reported research in library and information science.
- 707 -- Information Organization and Retrieval. (3) (Prereq or coreq: SLIS 701) Issues and techniques of knowledge representation and information orgnaization, information retrieval systems, and users' information'seeking behavior.*
Elective Courses
Development of Libraries, Printing, and Publishing
702 -- Introduction to Technical Services*. (3) Technical services in libraries and other information agencies; theory and practice of bibliographic control, collection management, descriptive and subject cataloging, and technical applications.
- 703 -- Introduction to Information Sources and Services. (3) Information transfer process in libraries, media centers, and other information agencies, including interpersonal communication; bibliographic control; selection, evaluation, and use of information resources; management of information services.
- 704 -- Introduction to the Management of Libraries, Media Centers, and Information Agencies. (3) The nature, development, roles, and fundamental issues in the administration and management of libraries, media centers, and information agencies.
- 706 -- Introduction to Information Technologies. (3) Information technologies in libraries, media centers, and other information agencies; operation and applications of computers and telecommunications; database design; online access methods.
- 710 -- History of Information Organizations and Technologies. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701) A survey, from ancient times to the present, of the evolution and social role of information organizations (libraries, archives, information centers, etc.) and technologies (books, journals, computers, etc.). Emphasis on the U.S. in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- 715 -- Printing. (1) Introduction to printing with movable type. This course is designed to give students some experience in designing and printing books and broadsides. Examination of paper, typefaces, composition work, and simple bookbinding are included.
- 716 -- Introduction to Bibliography and Textual Studies. {=ENGL 776} (3) Introduction to analytical, descriptive, and textual bibliography, and to the principles and practice of editing.
- 719 -- Preservation Planning and Administration. (3) The planning and administration of preservation programs in libraries, archives, records centers, and manuscript depositories.
- 720 -- School Library Media Program Development. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 703, 704, 705, 707*) Roles, functions, and organization of school library media programs. Systematic program planning and evaluation, facilitation of instructional team partnerships, and integration of program into the curriculum.
- 721 -- Seminar in School Media Programs. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 703, 705, 707*, 720, or consent of professor) Problems relating to contemporary school media programs will be identified and analyzed by students, drawing from their own experiences, pertinent literature in the field, and field investigations.
- 722 -- Libraries in Correctional Institutions. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 704) Offered irregularly. Management, services, and programming in prison libraries.
- 723 -- Libraries in Institutions for Ill or Severely Disabled Persons. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 704) Offered irregularly. Management, services, and programming in patient services in general hospitals, mental hospitals, institutions for mentally retarded persons, and similar institutions.
- 724 -- Special Libraries. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 703, 704, 707*) An overview of industrial, business, governmental, and professional libraries and related information organizations. Study of their organizational characteristics, governance, services, distinctive features. Major part of course is simulation of information management problems in these organizations.
- 725 -- Digital Libraries. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 707*) History and current state of digital records, including their storage, organization, and preservation in digital libraries.
- 726 -- Knowledge Management for Library and Information Professionals. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 704) An introduction to the background, principles, practices, and technologies of knowledge management for library and information professionals.
- 727 -- Health Sciences Library Services. (1) (Prereq: SLIS 726 or consent of instructor) A detailed study of traditional and innovative services characteristic of health science libraries. Includes community study design and evaluation of services. For those students committed to careers in health sciences libraries.
- 728 -- Public Library Systems. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 703, 704, 707*) Course focuses upon three topics: 1) organizational patterns for various library operations, local and regional; 2) the political environment of the public library; and 3) major problems confronting public library systems.
- 729 -- Academic Libraries. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 704) An analysis of the historical development and current issues in academic libraries.
Library and Information Organizations
Technical Services
- 730 -- Cataloging Information Materials. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 702, 703, 707*) An in-depth study of AACR2 covering both print and nonprint materials; searching bibliographic materials in a database, editing and updating them; principles of coding, tagging, and entering the results into a database; discussion of administrative problems.
- 731 -- Subject Analysis and Classification. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 707*) Study of major classification and subject authority systems. Emphasizes the understanding and application of these systems in information agencies.
- 732 -- Indexing and Abstracting. (3) Introduction to principles and practices in abstracting and indexing.
- 733 -- Serials. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 703, 707*) An introductory study of methods and problems in acquiring, organizing, and retrieving serial publications with an emphasis on the special features of serials. Includes an introduction to computer applications.
- 734 -- Government Information Sources. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 703, 707*) Creation, acquisition, organization, retrieval, and use of government-produced information. Emphasis is on U.S. government information but includes attention to state, local, and international sources.
- 738 -- Seminar in Technical Services. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 702, 707*) Management, personnel, and materials within technical service departments for all types of libraries. Standardization, centralized and cooperative efforts, automation and evaluation as applied to all functions within technical services departments.
Information Services and Sources
- 740 -- Online Information Services. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 703, 707*) Direct experience searching online databases and examination of related administrative issues.
- 741 -- Educational Services in Library and Information Organizations. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 703, 704, 705, 707*) Applications of human learning theory and presentation techniques to information literacy programs and curriculum collaboration for library and information professionals.
- 742 -- Curricular Role of the School Library Media Specialist. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 703, and 706) Role of the school library media specialist in integrating the school library media program into a K-12 standards-based curriculum, including best practices, needs assessment, collaboration, instructional design, and resource provision.
- 744 -- Music Libraries and Information Services. (3) Acquisition of and special cataloging requirements for printed music, recordings, and multimedia; collection management; administration of music libraries; preservation/conservation of special materials.
- 745 -- Social Science Information Services. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 703, 707) Considers how literature and information services in the social sciences are organized for the purpose of interpretation and delivery. Students survey the literature of psychology, sociology, political science, and other disciplines in some detail. Practice in question consultation and database searching will be included.
- 746 -- Humanities and Arts Information Services. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 703) A survey and evaluation of the nature, history, and bibliography of the literature of the humanities and arts. Emphasizes the distinctive features of materials, research, communication, and information-seeking patterns.*
- 747 -- Science and Technology Information Services. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 703, 707*) A survey of literature in the basic sciences and applied technical fields. Examines distinctive features of materials, research, and information communication patterns in the various fields. Practice in question consultation and database searching will be included.
- 748 -- Business Information Sources and Services. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 703, 707*) Coverage of the bibliographic and information systems relevant to contemporary managerial information needs, with emphasis on the literature of business and finance, and including statistical materials, literature guides, and investment services. Specialized problems related to the organization and operation of business information systems. Practice in question consultation and database searching will be included.
- 749 -- Health Sciences Information Resources. (3) Characteristics and use of print and computer-based materials in the health sciences and for general reference librarians.
- 750 -- Information and Records Management. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 704, or consent of instructor) An introduction to the role and functions of the information manager in organizations with emphases on use, retention, and management of information and records.
Services to Special Groups
- 751 -- Libraries, Literacy, and Literature. (3) Ways in which libraries and librarians become more effective providers and partners in the literacy movement.
- 752 -- Diversity in Libraries. (3) Nontraditional library users in all types of libraries. Literacy programs, disabled and/or institutionalized persons, older adults, and members of selected ethnic groups.
- 753 -- Seminar in Information Services. (3) Planning and evaluating information services. Emphasis on policy and decision making regarding current issues.
- 754 -- Library Programming for Children and Young Adults. (3) The nature, philosophy, and development of non-curricular programs for children and young adults in the school and public library. Among the types of programs to be discussed are storytelling, film programs, reading programs, programs for parents, and other activities associated with library service to young people. Students will study the principles and problems involved in designing, implementing, and evaluating programs of this nature.
- 755 -- Popular Materials and Programming for Adults. (3) Materials popular with adult readers and programs utilizing those materials. Extensive reading and experience in planning and presenting programs.
- 756 -- Children's Materials. (3) A study of materials intended for children of elementary school age (6-13) with emphasis on the process of evaluating them to meet the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of children.
- 757 -- Young Adult Materials. (3) A study of materials for young adults (13-19) with emphasis on the process of evaluating them to meet the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of young adults.
- 759 -- Materials for Early Childhood. (3) A study of picture books and audiovisual materials intended for the very young child through age 9 with emphasis on the process of evaluating these materials to meet the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of very young children.
Administration and Planning of Libraries
- 761 -- Information Technologies in the School Library Media Program. (3) Technology management, use of technology and nonprint resources, and their integration into the K-12 curriculum.
- 765 -- Planning Library Facilities. (1) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 703, 704, 707*) An introduction to the process of planning new and renovated spaces and facilities. Content covers roles of participants in planning preparation of building program and examines examples of recent buildings.
- 766 -- Collection Development and Acquisitions. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 702, 703, 704) An examination of information agencies and their purposes, collections, collection policies, and acquisition procedures.
- 767 -- Management of Public Library Youth Services. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 704, 705) Planning, implementation, and evaluation of public library services for children and young adults.
- 768 -- Problems in Library and Information Agency Administration. (1) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 703, 704, 705, 707*) Examines in detail frequently occurring problems that require decision activity by library and information agency managers. May be repeated for credit as topics change.
Information Science
- 770 -- Design and Management of Databases. (3) Databases used in libraries and other information agencies, including operational and functional design. Extensive hands-on evaluation of selected database software packages.
- 775 -- Practicum in Organizing and Managing Web Resources. (3) Concepts and practices necessary to organize and manage Web resources in libraries and in other information agencies.
- 776 -- Web Technologies for Information Specialists. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 775 and special permission of instructor) Evaluation and programming of Web technologies and related issues in libraries and in other information agencies.
- 778 -- Seminar in Information Science. (3) A critical examination of the principles, trends, and issues of modern information systems design and use.
- 780 -- Information Networks. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 707*) Identification and evaluation of information networks in libraries and other information agencies. The nature of networks including hardware and software applications.
- 787 -- Seminar in Automated Information Systems. (3) (Prereq: SLIS 704 and 706) Application, management and evaluation of automated information systems for libraries and other information agencies. Major technical and management issues of these systems.
General Courses
- 794 -- Internship in Library and Information Science. (3-6) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 705, 707, and permission of the school*) Supervised field experience in library, media center, or other information agency relevant to student's professional goals. (Pass-Fail grading)
- 796 -- Independent Study in Library and Information Science. (1-6) (Prereq: SLIS 701, 705, 707*) Independent study in an area of library and information science relevant to the student's professional goals.
- 797 -- Selected Topics in Librarianship and Information Services. (1-3) Discussion and investigation of selected topics of current concern to the library and information profession. Specific topics to be identified by suffix letters.
- 798 -- Specialist Project Preparation. (3-6) (Prereq: Specialist degree students only; permission of the college. Approval of the appropriate application for specialist project must be submitted early in the semester preceding enrollment.) (Pass-Fail grading)
- 801 -- Research Issues in Library and Information Science. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Seminar examining a range of issues, theories, and research questions that currently shape tihnking and discourse in library and information science.
- 802 -- Theory and Research Methods in Library and Information Science. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Seminar exploring problems and issues in theory formulation and research methods, including quantitative, qualitative, and multi-method approaches. Not auditable.
- 803 -- Information and Society. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Seminar examining the historical and intellectual foundations of library and information science in relation to the nature and current roles of information organization and information transfer in societies. Not auditable.
- 804 -- Preparation for Academic Careers in Library and Information Science. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Seminar examining the history, trends, and current status of academic careers in library and information science, emphasizing knowledge and skills needed for successful teaching, scholarship, and service. Not auditable.
- 805 -- Information Policy and Ethics. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Seminar in the critical and analytical study of information policy and ethical issues at the individual, institutional, and international levels. Not auditable.
- 806 -- Communication Processes and Information-Seeking Behavior. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Seminar examining the characteristics of communication, human information interaction, and information-seeking behavior, with emphasis on social network models, and the relationship between information-seeking behaviors and the design of communication and information systems and services. Not auditable.
- 899 -- Dissertation Preparation. (1-12) (Prereq: permission of instructor)
Courses for Students Enrolled in Other Departments
- 523 -- Materials for Early Childhood. (3) Media resources and techniques for children from birth to nine years. Reading interests and developmental needs of young children. Authors, illustrators, indexes, bibliographic tools, evaluation sources, and professional literature. Not open to students enrolled in M.L.I.S. program.
- 525 -- Materials for Children. (3) Media resources for children. Reading interests of children and their curricular and independent needs for information. Authors, illustrators, indexes, bibliographic tools, and sources of evaluation of materials for children. Techniques and literature for read-aloud programs and storytelling. Not open to students enrolled in M.L.I.S. program.
- 527 -- Materials for Adolescents. (3) Media resources for adolescents. Reading interests of adolescents and their curricular and independent information needs. Study of relationships of media to information needs and critical comparison between classic and contemporary materials for adolescents. Indexes, bibliographic tools, and sources of evaluation of materials. Not open to students enrolled in M.L.I.S. program.
- 529 -- Topics in Library, Information, and Media Services. (3) Specific topics of current concern to the library, information, and media professions to be identified by suffix letters. Not open to students enrolled in M.L.I.S. program.
- 530 -- Applications of Information Technology and the Infrastructure. (3) Introductory knowledge for school library media specialists, teachers, administrators, parents, and other citizens interested in practical applications of information technology to support learning, decision making, and community building.
*Effective fall 2007. |