updated 8/15/2007
Course Descriptions (POLI)
Students should select courses appropriate to their degree program in consultation with graduate directors.
- 502 -- Methods of Political Analysis. (3) Quantitative techniques in political science; levels of measurement; problems of description, causation, and inference.
- 503 -- American Political Thought. (3) Themes and thinkers in American political history.
- 504 -- Politics and Ethics. (3) The nature of, and relationship between, politics and ethics.
- 505 -- Utopian Political Thought. (3) A critical examination of utopian and dystopian political ideas.
- 554 -- Law and Society. (3) The American judicial system, including the decision to resolve disputes by legal means, political influence on the legal system, the social impact of legal rulings, the relationship of the courts to other branches of government, and the applicability of higher law concepts in judicial decision making.
- 567 -- American Local Government. (3) An introduction to the institutions, functions, policy-making processes, and politics of American local government.
- 569 -- State and Local Government. (3) (Prereq: special permission of department) This course will examine the purpose, structure, and functions of state governments and their local subdivisions. Restricted to social studies teachers. Not available to political science majors (graduate and undergraduate).
- 570 -- South Carolina Government and Politics. (3) South Carolina state and local government in the context of South Carolina history and U.S. state and local government.
- 700 -- The Teaching of Political Science/International Studies. (1) A review of teaching techniques and problems in the fields of political science and international studies. (Pass-Fail Grading)
- 701 -- Theories of Political Inquiry. (3) A brief overview of the growth of the social sciences and of the history of the American discipline of political science in the 20th century, including an examination of the rise of behavioralism. Study of the principles of neo-positivist political inquiry, including problems of empirical research and research design.
- 702 -- Institutional and Behavioral Theories of Politics. (3) (Prereq: POLI 701) Introduction to the institutional and behavioral theories used to explain political phenomena.
- 703 -- Democratic Theory. (3) Critical study of theories of democracy.
- 704 -- Political Theory and Feminism. {=WOST 704} (3) How contemporary feminist theory has responded to and reformulated traditional theories about the role and nature of women.
- 705 -- Theory of Marxism. (3) Critical study of the development of Marxist theory.
- 706 -- Advanced Methods of Political Analysis. (3) (Prereq: POLI 502 or 515; or consent of instructor) Advanced techniques and approaches to multivariate analysis of empirical data in the context of political problems and events.
- 707 -- Classics of Political Theory. (3) Introduction to the nature and tradition of political theory; readings from selected political theorists.
- 708 -- Women in American Studies. {=WOST 708} (3) Impact of gender in American politics; elections, representation, rights, social movements, legal institutions.
- 709 -- Qualitative Methods of Political Analysis. (3) Techniques and approaches to qualitative analysis of political problems and events. Topics include field research, interviewing, case studies, content analysis, archival research, and presentation of data.
- 710 -- Introduction to International Relations. (3) (Prereq: POLI graduate students) An introduction to the field of international relations, including causes of war, world order, international distribution of wealth, durability of state system, and the individual in the world system.
- 711 -- Directed Research in Political Science. (3) Political science Ph.D. students will work with a faculty mentor in their primary field to produce an original paper suitable for presentation at a national or regional professional conference.
- 715 -- International Relations Theory. (3) Systematic survey, analysis, and comparison of major contemporary theoretical works in international relations.
- 717 -- Comparative Foreign Policy. (3) A seminar treating the development, interests, formulation, and conduct of the modern foreign policies of selected states, with special reference to their interactions with other states' policies.
- 718 -- Revolution and Politics. (3) An analytical investigation of political violence in the international arena, its sources, internal and external bases, and consequences for political behavior within and among states in the contemporary international system.
- 719 -- Political and Social Change. (3) Systematic survey, analysis, and comparison of major contemporary theoretical works on political and social change.
- 720 -- Political Communication. (3) The role of communication in creating collective political reality, with particular attention to how governmental, economic, professional, and cultural factors influence media organizations.
- 724 -- Religion and Politics. {=RELG 724} (3) Religion as a factor in the comparative politics and international relations of states and societies.
- 725 -- International Conflict. (3) Survey, analysis, and comparison of theory and research findings on the nature, conditions, and causes of international conflict and violence.
- 731 -- Government and Politics of Latin America. (3) This course examines the nature of democracy and democratic transitions, the relationship between economic and political development, and the causes and effects of different economic development strategies in Latin America.
- 732 -- International Law. (3) Study of the role of law in international relations, emphasizing both substantive and theoretical problems relating to development of systems of law in such areas as war, protection of human rights, outer space and oceans, and international commerce.
- 733 -- International Organization. (3) Examination of theoretical and substantive problems relating to the development and functioning of international intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations.
- 734 -- Economics of International Politics. (3) Study of the international political significance of economic issues relating to monetary reform, trade, aid, and economic development.
- 735 -- International Cooperation. (3) Approaches to the study of international cooperation, including international integration, community formation, regime formation, interdependence, international institutionalization, and global governance.
- 736 -- Public Opinion and Political Attitudes. (3) Examines the determinants, content, and consequences of citizens' political beliefs and attitudes with attention to political culture, ideology, issue dynamics, and popular support for democratic principles.
- 737 -- Nationalism and Politics. (3) Proseminar on the politics of nationalism from both the political sociology and international relations perspectives.
- 740 -- Formulation and Conduct of United States Foreign Policy. (3) Study of the constitutional bases, institutions, instruments, and decision-making processes of U.S. foreign policy.
- 741 -- Contemporary United States Foreign Policy. (3) Analysis and interpretation of the substantive problems of contemporary U.S. foreign policy.
- 742 -- Problems in National Security. (3) Continuing problems and competing strategies involved in formulating a national security strategy for the U.S. Issues include the defense structure and budget; the National Security Council and the decision-making process; the volunteer Army and the role of the military in society; nuclear weapons and arms control.
- 745 -- Russian Foreign Policy. (3) Study of the foreign policy of Russia and the other states of the former Soviet Union, including consideration of historical developments, institutions, capabilities, and strategic objectives.
- 746 -- Chinese Foreign Policy. (3) A seminar on the Chinese tradition in foreign policy and the foreign policies of the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China, emphasizing the impact of domestic Chinese affairs on their foreign relations in the post-World War II period.
- 747 -- Japanese Foreign Policy. (3) A seminar on the foreign policy of Japan with emphasis on the post-World War II period and on the analysis of Japanese objectives and capabilities in international relations.
- 749 -- International Relations of the Middle East. (3) Foreign policies and international relations of the Middle East, focusing on relations within the region and with the West and Soviet bloc.
- 753 -- Capstone Seminar in Public Administration. (3) (Prereq: 30 credit hours, M.P.A. program, and permission of the department) Critical issues in public administration; term project integrating the material from other courses in the analysis of a contemporary problem. Field work and applied project required.
- 754 -- Public Accountability and Ethics. (3) An examination of the legal, political, professional, and organizational accountability demands made on administrators; the interplay of these demands with the needs for ethical decision making and integrity.
- 755 -- Grants Administration. {=EDRM 800} (3) Analysis of grant and contract functions in government agencies; proposal writing; legal and fiscal requirements of grants administration.
- 756 -- Introduction to Planning and Politics in the United States. (3) Overview of contemporary planning in the United States at local, state, and national levels, with emphasis on the politics of planning at the local level of government. Includes theory of planning, history, problems in the planning process, and implementation of planning.
- 757 -- Health Politics. {=NURS 779 and HSPM 711} (3) (Prereq: HSPM 700 and HSPM 782, or consent of instructor) Analysis of issues and forces affecting health delivery through the public sector; major models of political decision making; and current health legislation.
- 758 -- The State and Economic Life. {=ECON 745} (3) A study of the relation of government to the economy in the modern world, including theories of the economic functions of the state.
- 759 -- Information Systems and Public Administration. (3) The development and uses of information systems in local, state, and federal administrative agencies with emphasis on the management of information systems in the public agency environment; the problems of interagency and intergovernmental relations; the politics of technological innovation; privacy, confidentiality, and security and information policy; and the role of information technology in democratic government.
- 760 -- American Government and Politics. (3) Advanced survey of the institutions and processes of the American political system.
- 761 -- American National Government for Professionals. (3) Fundamental institutions, processes, values, and policies of the U.S. political system. Designed for master's and non-degree students in education, public administration, and business administration.
- 762 -- Politics of the Budgetary Process. (3) Analysis of the political, economic, and social influences on the budgetary process.
- 763 -- Legislative Process and Behavior. (3) The structure, organization, powers, functions, and problems of legislative bodies in America; the behavior of members of those bodies, with emphasis on the United States Congress.
- 764 -- Problems of the Presidency. (3) A seminar on the problems of the contemporary presidency. Various approaches to the study of the presidency will be used as a means to uncovering and examining some of the major problems connected with the role of the president in the American system of government. Leading exponents of various approaches will be read and discussed.
- 765 -- Political Parties and Interest Groups. (3) Intensive examination of contemporary development of political organizations in the United States.
- 766 -- Electoral Behavior. (3) Examination of electoral behavior, including historical patterns in electoral history and forces affecting individual voting behavior such as partisan and class loyalties, political socialization, political attitudes, and candidate appeals. The role played by elections in the larger political system.
- 767 -- State Government. (3) State government problems and policy issues. Emphasis on the modernization of government institutions and comparative state politics.
- 768 -- Local Government Administration. (3) Administration of local government from the perspective of the professional administrator. Emphasis on the growth of the manager form of local government and the role of local government administrators with regard to policy making, management, and the delivery of services.
- 770 -- Perspectives on Public Administration. (3) The study and practice of public administration in the United States.
- 771 -- Public Data Analysis. (3) (Prereq: POLI 502 or consent of instructor) Problems of gathering and using public data for public administrators and policy analysts. Includes problems of research design and data gathering, interpretation, and use in the analysis of public problems.
- 772 -- Contemporary Administrative Organization. (3) An examination of the problems, processes and theories of communication, decision making, agency planning, and control in administrative agencies.
- 773 -- Human Resources Administration in Government. (3) Organization, techniques, and theories of personnel management; interpersonal relations in organizations; personnel change and development; changing conditions in the public service
- 774 -- The Public Policy Process. (3) An examination of the public policy process, including the role of public officials in the process and constraints on its outcomes.
- 775 -- Financial Administration. (3) Organization and techniques of governmental financial management; budgetary theories, intergovernmental financial relations.
- 776 -- Policy Formation and Program Planning. (3) Conceptual and analytic issues in formation and planning of public policies and programs, including problem identification, goal setting and criteria formulation, forecasting, prospective evaluation research, and modeling of programmatic cost and outcomes.
- 777 -- Policy Evaluation. (3) Conceptual and analytic issues in policy and program evaluation, including problem definition, goal setting and criteria formulation, design of evaluation research, indicator design, treatments of uncertainty, and special problems raised by constraints of the political context.
- 778 -- Practicum in Public Administration. (3) Selected problems in public administration. May be repeated or taken simultaneously as topics vary. Variations will be announced in the schedule of classes by suffix and title.
- 779 -- Public Administration Internship. (3) (Pass-Fail Grading)
- 780 -- Theories of Comparative Politics. (3) Survey, analysis, and comparison of major contemporary theoretical works in comparative politics.
- 781 -- Government and Politics of Japan. (3) Explores the key institutions, actors, and processes of contemporary Japanese domestic politics.
- 782 -- Problems in Chinese Government and Politics. (3) The Chinese political tradition as it has merged with Communist theory and practice with special attention to problems of regionalism, localism, and central planning.
- 783 -- Dynamics of Middle East Politics. (3) The comparative politics of the Arab countries and inter-Arab relations. Comparative analysis is used to study common political problems (authority, participation, integration) and political structures. Aspects of inter-Arab relations analyzed include: Arab unity, the Israeli conflicts, and East-West competition.
- 784 -- Government and Politics of Europe. (3) Proseminar in European politics. Themes include party systems and voting behavior, parliamentary politics, public policy, democratization and privatization in Central and Eastern Europe, and research on the European Union.
- 785 -- Contemporary Russian Politics. (3) An examination of current domestic issues in Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union, focusing on the institutions, processes, and results of policy decisions.
- 786 -- Comparative Political Institutions. (3) Survey of theoretical and empirical work on democratic political institutions.
- 790A -- Independent Readings in Political Science. (3)
- 790B -- Independent Readings in International Studies. (3)
- 791 -- Selected Topics in American Politics. (3) Topics selected for any semester will be identified by a suffix and course title.
- 792 -- Selected Topics in Comparative Politics. (3) Topics selected for any semester will be identified by a suffix and course title.
- 793 -- Selected Topics in Area Studies. (3) Topics selected for any semester will be identified by a suffix and course title.
- 794 -- Selected Topics in International Relations. (3) Topics selected for any semester will be identified by a suffix and course title.
- 795 -- Selected Topics in International Law and Organization. (3) Topics selected for any semester will be identified by a suffix and course title.
- 796 -- Selected Topics in Foreign Policy. (3) Topics selected for any semester will be identified by a suffix and course title.
- 797 -- Selected Topics in Public Administration. (3) Topics selected for any semester will be identified by a suffix and course title.
- 798 -- Selected Topics in Public Law. (3) Topics selected for any semester will be identified by a suffix and course title.
- 799A -- Thesis Preparation. (1-9) For candidates for the Master of Arts degree in Political Science.
- 799B -- Thesis Preparation. (1-9) For candidates for the Master of Arts degree in International Studies.
- 800 -- Selected Topics in Political Theory. (3) Analysis of particular topic or topics as chosen by instructor. May be repeated as topics vary. Variations will be announced in the schedule of classes by suffix and title.
- 801 -- Selected Thinkers in Political Theory. (3) Analysis of particular theorist or theorists as chosen by the instructor. May be repeated as topics vary. Variations will be announced in the schedule of classes by suffix and title.
- 802 -- Seminar in Comparative Administration. (3)
- 803 -- Research Methods in Political Science. (3) Consideration of advanced methods in statistics and research design and their application and use in the writing of a major research paper.
- 806 -- Seminar in Advanced Methods of Political Analysis. (3) Advanced methodological strategies for empirical analysis. The course will focus primarily on causal models, data theory, dimensional analysis, and scaling techniques.
- 815 -- Seminar in Advanced International Relations Theory. (3) A critical examination of contemporary efforts to analyze international relations through the use of empirical methodologies, including: social-psychological studies, simulation, game theory, decision theory, quantitative analyses.
- 816 -- Seminar in Comparative Study of Foreign Policy. (3) Research seminar stressing systematic research procedures in the investigation of the determinants of foreign policy, including the employment of empirical data for testing theoretical propositions.
- 817 -- Seminar in International Organization and Cooperation. (3) Advanced research seminar in selected topics related to international organization, international law, world order, ethics of international affairs.
- 831 -- Seminar on Europe. (3) Advanced study of the European interstate system and Europe's role in world affairs. Emphasis on post-World War II Western and Central Europe, major powers, the European Union, and intra-European relations after the Cold War.
- 834 -- Seminar on Africa. (3) Advanced study of the politics and international relations of Africa, regional development, foreign policy patterns, security problems, and questions of governance.
- 850 -- Seminar in Public Law. (3)
- 865 -- Seminar in Urban Politics. (3) Advanced study of the politics and governmental problems of urban areas.
- 872 -- Public Sector Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining. (3) Overview of public sector unions, labor-management relations, negotiating strategies, and the unique dynamics of management/employee interactions within public agencies.
- 880 -- Seminar in Comparative Politics. (3) Intensive study of selected problems in comparative politics, with emphasis on individual research.
- 899A -- Dissertation Preparation. (1-12) For candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in political science.
- 899B -- Dissertation Preparation. (1-12) For candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in international studies.
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